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Shia: What is the occasion of revealing Surah Alnasr (chapter 110)?

When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, (1) And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes, (2) Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance. (3) (Holy Quran, 110)

Muslim scholars and historians believe that this chapter was revealed upon the conquest of Mecca, when all the Arab tribes converted to Islam by will.

The Q being, would Allah swt call the conversion of the Arab tribes to a supposedly false religion (Sunni Islam, the opposite of Shiasm) a victory?

If you believe that the tribes converted to the Shia twelver religion at that time, please provide evidence.

Thank you.


Thanks Rosy, why aren't the Shia answering?

Update 2:

@True Believers: so the Muawyah (ra) was a Wahabi? can you read your answer again and spot the laugh?

Moreover, you were not even attempting to answer the Q.

Update 3:

@99: Thanks for answering, so you mean that Shiasm is also just a sect and it's not the true Islam, right?

You just demolished your own religion my friend

Update 4:

@fluffy: Thanks for answering, your answer implies that your religion started after the death of the Prophet pbuh, and that is not the case in Sunnism, cause Sunnism simply means following the Quran and SUNNAH, hence, SUNNIS.

And also in our case, nothing has changed, cause during the life of the Prophet pbuh his Sunnah was demostrated, and after he passed away pbuh, his Sunnah was preserved, and this is not the case with your religion.

Your answer simply implies that Allah referred to a NONEXISTENT religion calling it victory, cause what you call Islam, has to be either Sunni or else, cause Sunni is an AQEEDA, not only a "sect", that goes to Shiasm as well

Update 5:


1- is it the prophet's sunnah to fold ur hands during prayer or is it one of the sahaba's

- It is a jurisprudential issue, not related to Aqeeda, irrelevant.

2- is it the peophet's sunnah to give the companions a higher status than the prophet's family? or is it some of the sahaba's sunnah?

- It's the Prophet pbuh's Sunnah, and Quranic teachings

3-is it the prophet's sunnah to accept a tyrant's ruler and consider haram to revolt against him even though he's a tyrant? or is it muawiya's sunnah?

- He is tyrant in your twisted perspective, weak and forged hadiths, i hate to break it to you but this allegiance was given by the grand son of the Prophet pbuh, so yes it's a Prophetic Sunnah + Ahlulbayt's Sunnah

Update 6:

4- is it the prophet's sunnah to give allah literal (not figurative) legs hands and eyes?

it is a disputed Aqeeda issue, and it is NOT literal as your deceving words described, we leave it as it is mentioned in the Quran, believing that if Allah swt has certain attributes, they are definitely not imaginable nor measurable, we revert to the belief of the first 3 centuries of scholars and sahabas after the Prophet pbuh for further knowledge about these issues, the first 3 hundred years include Ahlulbayt's authentic opinions, cause they are pure people with pure Sunni Aqeeda.

5- is it the prophet's sunnah to fabricate hadiths that speak ill of him and the prophets that came before him (sahih bukhari)?

- it is again subject to the lens u shia see the facts through, you are either referring to weak hadiths narrated by Alzuhri and compiled in Bukhari, or your Shia teaching deem it as you mentioned, in any case, the answer is, it is a Sunnah to preserve Islam's authentic teachings

Update 7:

5- is it the prophet's sunnah to fight ali at the battle of jamal?

No, sayyedna Ali (ra) was a Sahaba, and they were Sahabas, we leave their disputes between them and we never interfere between them. Irrelevant and has nothing to do with Aqeeda.

6-is it the prophet's sunnah to fight ali at siffeen?

refer to 5, irrelevant.

7- is it the prophet's sunnah to disregard the prophet's sunnah, take up some of his 'companions' sunnah and call it the prophet's??

The companions (ra) applied the exact teachings of the Prophet pbuh, some of the practices varied cause the Prophet pbuh himself did them differently multiple times, not to mention the jurisprudential matters that the Prophet pbuh intentionally left them to the scholars' ijtihad.

What you mentioned later is extremely irrelevant, you are mentioning some political events that took place in the last two centuries, overlooking 1200 years of Islamic golden age, where Shia accomplished nothing but backstabbing.



Update 8:



2- his family include the wives of the Prophet pbuh, who were with him every moment, how could u logically exclude the ones who saw him practising the deen in his home and narrated so many hadiths accurately describing the Prophet pbuh's teachings!? indeed, he left us his family, but you Shia abused them, and the Mubahalha verse is never a proof pf anything, cause the Prophet pbuh used to let his family step forward first during ward (Hamza (ra) and Ali (ra)) lest the disbelievers think that he was selfish and his message is void, so this verse does not imply imamate assertion, and it is really ironic to resort to such "evidence" to prove something of such importance in your religion

Furthermore, u picked one sahih hadith, and ignored the abundant other sahih hadiths that command us to follow the companions and particularly the caliphs, cherry picking Sunni hadiths will lead u nowhere my friend

Update 9:

war*, not ward

3- No Muaweya may Allah be pleased with him did not impose such legislation, it is mentioned in the hadith that people have to be patient with the Muslim leader if he was unjust and never revolt against him cause that will only serve the enemies of the of ummah, unless this ruler publicly fight Islam


If we are commanded to revolt against "tyrant" rulers, why didn't Ali (ra) revolt against Abubakr, Omar and Othaman may Allah be pleased with them all? and why did Alhassan (ra) give allegiance to Muawyah (ra)???

4- Again, Allah's attributes is not something we discuss over the net, it is much more dignified than that, but i would like to mention that it is really ironic to attack an authentic Sunni hadith (if it was indeed authentic) and ignore the disasters in ur Kafi and Bihar alanwar, i mean gimme a break, Allah swt speaks Arabic when he is angry and PERSIAN when he is happy??!!!

Update 10:

5- refer to point 4, and if this hadith turn out to be authentic, then your logic means nothing to me, if it is weak, then fine, if not, then this is Islam whether u like it or not, the door for Atheism is open, so many twelvers shia became Atheists any way, and became aggressive enemies of Islam and of course that's becuz of YOUR religion, not Sunnism, like Salman Rushdi, Ali Sina, Hashem Aghajari, Hassan Yousfi...etc

6- I never said it was personal brother, i said it does not relate to the Aqeeda that has been perfected upon the Prophet pbuh during his life time, but the Q is, why did u assume that Ali (ra) had the right to fight the rest? becuz your "sheikhs" say so, right? and that will bring us back again to assert that he was infallible and he was always right, and that alone is out of discussion in Islam, we sunnis know he was right from the facts and evidences we refer to, not form the fairytales you suggest

Update 11:


You claim the Ali (ra) and all of his descendant are infallible, Ali (ra) fought Muawyah (ra) and Alhassan (ra) actually gave allegiance to him, either Ali (ra) or Alhassan (ra) were wrong, and hence fallible, if ur answer is Ahassan (ra) had to do that to spare the Muslim blood from "tyrants", then you will come to know that his decision was completely and absolutely wrong, as giving allegiance to Muawyah (ra) in Damascus means the END of any chance for Ahulbayt to claim imamate which is the FIRST pillar in your religion, and that is definitely worth fighting for in your religion, how do u respond?

7- see how you abuse the scriptures, look at the way you relate the hadith, it seems to me that your whole religion is like based on the Da Vinci code or something, that you need to read between the lines, and crack some codes in Bukhari so we can find the hidden truth which is supposed to be a perfect religion.

Update 12:

What the Prophet pbuh was trying to document was nothing but the caliphate ordering, cause NOTHING keeps any part of the religion from being conveyed, not even Omar (ra) nor the whole universe, here, i believe u speak Arabic, read the link:

"it is difficult for shias to progress when they have swords chasing them"

-Obviously that did not keep you from conspiring with Mogols and enemies of Islam throughout 1200 years, and stop twisting history, no one was chasing u with swords, do u think we have nothing more important things to do?

"do u find it that ALL of the shia imams were KILLED and not a single one died naturally? "

- Omar (ra) was killed, Othman (ra) was killed, why didn't we accuse Shia of that? and for the love of God, do u really beleive the imams were all murdered? can u give me evidence that the infallibles were murdered?

Update 13:


Your religion claims that the imams are infallible, know the hidden, know when they die, and die when they want to, isn't that suicide my dear brother? you claim they were all killed, and most likely by poison, how could they know that a food contains a deadly amount of poison yet insist on consuming it?

I read Sunni books and reject hate sites, that's why I'm a Sunni Muslim Alhamdulellah

PS: I dont hate Shia

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    "Narrated Ibn Abbas

    'Umar used to make me sit with the elderly men who had fought in the Battle of Badr. Some of them felt it (did not like that) and said to 'Umar "Why do you bring in this boy to sit with us while we have sons like him?" 'Umar replied, "Because of what you know of his position (i.e. his religious knowledge.)" One day 'Umar called me and made me sit in the gathering of those people; and I think that he called me just to show them (my religious knowledge).'Umar then asked them (in my presence). "What do you say about the interpretation of the Statement of Allah:

    'When comes Help of Allah (to you O, Muhammad against your enemies) and the conquest (of Mecca).' (110.1) Some of them said, "We are ordered to praise Allah and ask for His forgiveness when Allah's Help and the conquest (of Mecca) comes to us." Some others kept

    quiet and did not say anything. On that, 'Umar asked me, "Do you say the same, O Ibn Abbas?" I replied, "No." He said, 'What do you say then?" I replied, "That is the sign of the death of Allah's Apostle which Allah informed him of. Allah said: '(O Muhammad) When comes the Help of Allah (to you against your enemies) and the conquest (of Mecca) (which is the sign of your death). You should celebrate the praises of your Lord and ask for His Forgiveness, and He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.' " (110.3) On that 'Umar said, "I do not know anything about it other than what

    you have said."

    (Bukhari Vol 6 No.494)

    Narrated Ibn Abbas

    'Umar asked the people regarding Allah's Statement:

    "When comes the Help of Allah (to you O Muhammad against your enemies) and the conquest of Mecca." (110.1) They replied, "It indicates the future conquest of towns and palaces (by Muslims)." 'Umar said, "What do you say about it, O Ibn 'Abbas?" I replied,

    "(This Surat) indicates the termination of the life of Muhammad. Through it he was informed of the nearness of his death."

    (Bukhari Vol 6 No 493)

    Quelle(n): Sister Rosy Pearl Not Everyone Here Is An Arabic Speaker,You Should Have Provided A Translation
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Amongst the strange beliefs they hold is that the Quran is not complete. They believe the Quran was distorted by certain compainions and the last imam (the mahdi) will evntually bring back the (they call it) 'fatimi Quran'. This is obvious kufr. This belief is as bad as not performing salah.

    Another claim they hold is that certain companions turned away from Islam and became disblievers. They curse Abu Bakr, Umar. Who were closest to Muhammad pbuh. These companions were the muhajirioun , thise who migrated with the prophet to madina.

    We are told in one ayah;

    "the disbelievers are enraged with them" 48:29.

    This ayah Allah the most high informs us that those who migrated (muhajiroun) are believers and ONLY the disbelievers are enraged on them. Isnt this clear enough proof that those who are enraged with the companions are indeed disbelievers?

    In another ayah :

    " And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirin and the Ansar and also those who followed them exactly (in faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. 9:100

    This makes it so clear that the shia people are misguided. They curse the companions when Allah prasies them.

    Moreover, it is said that the shia sect originated after the death of Muhamad pbuh. It is said that a jew by the name of Abd Allah ibn Saba created this. It is so interesting to know that this evil man had such evil beliefs that it makes one doubt the shia even more.

    Abd Allah ibn Saba was known to spread corruption. He started to make claims that Ali (ra) was Allah !. He spread this so much that Ali himself ordered him to be killed. Research this more 4 yourself inshallah.

    The shia doctrine also leads one to believe that the Mahdi they await is Dajjal himself. !!!!!

    Here is the link brothers and sisters:

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    First of all, It's important that you read how the Shi'a-Sunni split occurred, based solely on Sunni references.

    Calling yourself Sunni, doesn't automatically mean that your a follower of the Sunnah of Muhammad(SAWW). That logic would show Christians as followers of Jesus Christ(AS), which they most certainly are not. Shi'as claim to be the true followers of the Quran and Sunnah. The 12 Imams (AS) did not bring anything new, but simply conveyed Islam which was completed during the Prophet(SAWW)'s lifetime.

    One of the companions of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (عليه السلام) asked him: "Is all that you say to be found in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم), or do you also speak on your own authority?"

    He replied: "It is impossible that we should say anything on our authority. Whatever we say is to be found in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet(صلى الله عليه واله وسلم)"

    Kafi, Volume 1 Page 64

    It's universally accepted by both Shi'as and Sunnis that the Prophet(SAWW) left us a will, to hold on to the 2 weighty things (i.e. The Quran and Ahlel Bayt(AS)), and guaranteed that we will not go astray If we were to hold on to both of them.

    Shaykh Nasir al-Din al-Albani, in his Sahih Sunan al-Tirmidhi 3/542 No. 3786 records this hadith:

    : إني تارك فيكم ما إن تمسكتم به لن تضلوا بعدي أحدهما أعظم من الآخر كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء إلى الأرض وعترتي أهل بيتي ولن يتفرقا حتى يردا علي الحوض فانظروا كيف تخلفوني فيهما

    I am leaving among you that which if you hold firmly onto you will never go astray after me. One of them is greater than the other, and it is the Book of Allah, a rope reaching from the heaven to the earth and the other is my Itrah, my Ahl al-Bayt. The two will never separate until they meet me at the Pond (of Kawthar). Watch how you treat them after me.

    Al-Albani says:


    It is sahih.

    Hence, the authentic Sunnah was transmitted through the Imams of the Ahlel Bayt(AS) and Shi'as are It's true inheritors.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    r u kidding me??!! this is a really funny question..

    when the prophet conquered mecca (peacefully), the arabs converted to ISLAM!!! there were no sects at that time.. sects came up after the prophet's death, sunnis believe that abu bakr is the one that should rule, and shias believe that ali (as) is the righteous leader.. sunnis believe that they must learn islam from the quran and written hadiths about the prophet, shias believe that they should learn islam from the quran and the family of the prophet..

    it all began AFTER the death of the prophet.. i cant believe that u dont know this..


    is it the prophet's sunnah to fold ur hands during prayer or is it one of the sahaba's

    is it the peophet's sunnah to give the companions a higher status than the prophet's family? or is it some of the sahaba's sunnah?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to accept a tyrant's ruler and consider haram to revolt against him even though he's a tyrant? or is it muawiya's sunnah?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to give allah literal (not figurative) legs hands and eyes?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to fabricate hadiths that speak ill of him and the prophets that came before him (sahih bukhari)?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to fight ali at the battle of jamal?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to fight ali at siffeen?

    is it the prophet's sunnah to disregard the prophet's sunnah, take up some of his 'companions' sunnah and call it the prophet's??

    take a look at how sunni countries live under their rulers... they consider it haram to revolt against an unjust ruler, shias in iran revolted against the shah, shias of lebanon fought israel with primitive weapons and won, and now are threatning israel's existence

    sunnis (60+ million) accept husni mubarak and his unjustice

    sunnis of saudi arabia accept the ruling family and their everything but islamic rule

    sunnis of jordan allied with a tyrant (israel) to save their skin

    sunnis of lybia accepted a crazy man's rule

    sunnis of yemen accept a president that rigged the elections for 30 years now

    do u know why all this difference between sunnis and shias?

    the answer is only one word: karbala


    LMAO!! ok lets see..

    1. not a big deal

    2. if that is so then why is the proper way to do salat on the prophet doesnt mention his sahaba but only his family? why did the prophet say that he will leave to us the thaqalayn and said that they are the quran and his family, and that if we follow them we will never go astray.. why did he take ali, fatima, hassan, and hussein to the mubahala and not the companions? i can go on forever, and all what i said are in sunni hadiths.. question was in general and not specifically about muawiya, although i think that he is a tyrant.. but are u denying that muawiya made it haram for people to revolt against a muslim ruler that is ja'ir (unjust)?

    4. ok, do u accept that allah will PUT HIS LEG in hell to ease it in the day of judgement or not? if yes then how do u explain a leg figuratively? if not, know that this is a sunni hadith and shias dont accept it..

    5. what about the hadith that says that prophet moses (as) chased a rock naked in front of the israelites because the stone stole his clothes?? regardless of the absurd logic of this hadith, do u accept this for moses?? do u think that allah wants to make fun of him??

    6. it wasnt a personal dispute.. how in ur healthy mind can look at a battle that cost 40,000+ deads muslims as a personal dispute??? this can only mean that both leaders of the armies were tyrants that never value a muslim's life.. and isnt the khilafa matter every muslim's issue?? in a battle of such a scale, how can a person with an iota of reason turn a blind eye and look at it as unimportant.. is this what ur sheikh told u? that the death of 150,000 muslims in 2 battles is irrelevant to islam, and a "personal dispute"??????

    7. what about when the prophet was about to die, and asked for a pen and paper to write things that "we will never go astray after".. what did umar say? the book of allah is enough.. the prophet asked again, and was denied.. is that what u consider hanging on to the prophet's teachings?? and everything im saying is according to sunni hadiths..

    it is difficult for shias to progress when they have swords chasing them throughout the 1200 years.. do u find it that ALL of the shia imams were KILLED and not a single one died naturally?

    conclusion: u really have to read sunni BOOKS and not surf the net for hate sites..

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the answer is very simple, Islam and Sunnism are 2 different things, the first thing u all need to put in ur mile thick heads are Sunnism is not Islam, its a sect of Islam, so i dont know why you are talking as if Allah SWT is talking about Sunnism AstaghfurAllah

    subhanAllah first it was lying for Umar, now its lying about Allah

    where did I say Shia is a sect? The art of manipulating is done best by Bakris, especially you. Dont put words in my mouth.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    People did enter the religion of Allah at the time. It was the wahabbi ancestors who caused fitna and broke up the ummah. The violence of Mu'awiya and other wahabbi-ancestors killed off so many true Muslims to impose their false religion that history's been re-written.

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