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joe r
Follow me on Twitter: @nyphonejacks Blog: Train Phones photo blog
why are people choosing best answer based on what they want to hear rather than the truth?
It is really starting to bother me that factual and truthful answers are being passed over, as inaccurate or just flat out wrong information is being voted BA or chosen as BA by the OP.
Seems people are here more to validate their own thoughts, rather than accept the truth.
I am not referring to questions involving opinion, I am referring to questions that have a factual answer.
ex: One question asked if he could get in trouble for selling counterfeit goods. The best answer chosen was that he would not, as long as he said they were counterfeit before he sold them.
I am REALLY starting to think that people are way more stupid than I could have ever imagined.
WHY? WHY are people choosing BA for obviously incorrect and inaccurate answers, especially when a question has other valid and factual answers that properly answer the question?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahrencan i accept amazon payments on ebay?
I have been selling on Amazon for a few months. Just under the threshold to make the monthly fee worth it for me, so I still pay the buck for each sold item, plus the percentage.
I want to start selling stuff on ebay, and just came across amazon payments. This sounds great, as there are no additional fees, buyers could use amazon gift cards to make a purchase, I'm not to sure of PayPal, and it would help to consolidate all of my payments to one system.
My Google-fu must be failing me right now, because I can not find anywhere online that explicitly allows or denies acceptance of Amazon Payments on eBay.
If anyone can guide me in the right direction - such as a documentation from eBay regarding specifically Amazon Payments, or a listing or seller on eBay that accepts such payments I would appreciate it.
4 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 8 Jahrencan i get rid of ex wifes abandon property?
Ex wife moved out november 15th 2011
Divorce was finalized October 22nd 2012
I live in NY and she moved to WI. The divorce hearing was completed in WI.
In the Divorce decree it states that all parties have possession of the property that they are claiming.
I have a lot of her personal effects that I put into one of the closets in my home, but it is taking up space that I could be using for my own stuff, or for my live in girlfriends stuff..
I want to get rid of the stuff, either selling, donating or throwing in the trash.
What are my options, and are there any legal consequences if she decided to claim the property sometime in the future
since the property was abandon for a year, and the divorce paperwork states that all property has already been divided and each of us has possession of our property then am I right to assume that whatever is left in my apartment is my property and I have the legal right to use or dispose of it as I deem appropriate? If she wanted any of this stuff I am sure she would not have left it here for over a year.
5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahrenmy burgundy leather couch looks more brown than its original color, why and how do I get the color back?
This couch is in pretty much mint condition except for the one seat that I sit in is worn from my sitting in the same seat all the time..
I would like to try to bring back the original color if possible, and minimize the wear on the one seat that I sit on..
what products or procedures would you recommend to me?
I do not want to dye the couch. if i can not bring back the original burgundy then at least i want to get a product that will clean the leather, and perhaps condition it, or help bring back to life the area that is showing some wear..
2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 9 Jahrenwhats a good ddwrt compatible router?
would prefer one that could install the mega version
1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 10 Jahrenpanasonic TDA50 programming?
I just added a CO line to a TDA50 phone system for a customer. at least 1 phone recognizes the line, can press the CO button and dial out on the line... while at least 1 phone does not have access to that line. I assume that this is a programming issue. How can I obtain the software or programming instructions to allow the CO line to be accessed from all of the extensions?
5 AntwortenLand Phonesvor 10 Jahrenhow can i cost effectively connect 4 HD sources to 3 TVs?
Trying to set up a customer that has 4 HD sources - 2 cable boxes, 1 DVD and 1 bluray
these are to be connected to 3 LED televisions
currently there is only an RG59 coax with BNC connectors on either end.
I plan on pulling 2 CAT5 cables and using HDMI baluns on either end of the cable to get HDMI to the televisions - i need to find an affordable switching solution for the head end
i considered using HD RF modulators instead of running new cable, but they are several thousand per channel (4 channels needed)
i have found 4x2 HDMI matrix switches in the $100 range, but most 4x4 (have not found and 4x3) matrix switches that i see are in the $800+ range...
what is the most cost effective way to connect 4 HD video sources to 3 LED HDTVs?
customer wants it to come in under $1,000 which i am finding very difficult
feel free to PM me or email me at NYPHONEJACKS / at / yahoo / dot / com if you need further info
1 AntwortHome Theatervor 1 Jahrzehntdo you consider these sprint owned companies MVNO's?
sprint owns nextel, boost mobile and virgin mobile... (and virgin mobile owns helio)
I would not consider nextel an MVNO since they mostly do not use sprint's CDMA network, but instead use an iDEN network, that i assume is owned and operated by nextel, but would YOU consider nextel an MVNO?
boost mobile phones operate for the most part on nextel's iDEN network, a small minority operate on sprint's CDMA network... would you consider boost a MVNO? if so, to what carrier nextel or sprint?
virgin mobile was recently purchased by sprint and was previously an MVNO operating on sprint's CDMA network. would you STILL consider them an MVNO since sprint purchased them?
helio was purchased by virgin mobile some time ago (i know, i am surprised to know that they are still around myself) i assume, at least since sprint's take over of virgin mobile, that they operate on sprint's CDMA network... would you consider helio a MVNO?
since they all are owned by sprint i am uncertain if any of these would be considered MVNO's I would say 50/50 that they could be considered, or classified as MVNO's
please provide your reasoning as to why you think each company is or is not an MVNO...
MVNO = mobile virtual network operator.... but if you did not already know that this may not be a question for you to answer...
thank you..
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy did i see a flag at half mast in front of a school in NY today? 1/7/10?
did not see or hear anything in the news...
6 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehntdelayed or never received emails from Y! answers, contact asked question?
i am either not getting emails, or they are coming in late to me when one of my contacts asks a question.
the email states " a Contact in your Yahoo! Answers Network, JUST asked the following question: " (i changed the case of just for emphasis...)
I got an email that a contact had JUST asked a question this morning, meanwhile it was asked 3 days ago, and already had a best answer chosen...
many times i do not even get the emails that a contact has asked a question.. anyone else having this problem? how can it be resolved, who do i need to contact about this problem?
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehntquaker parrot leg band?
how can i obtain further info on the tag on my quaker parrot's leg band... i have had the bird for about 3 years, my in laws had it for several years before that, and they got it from there previous land lord, so i am not sure the age of the bird, or anything of its past...
the tag has the letters TX sideways (i assume this means texas?) then RVA 37
i am searching online, but so far have not found any info on tags containing RVA
1 AntwortBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehntpanasonic advanced hybrid w/KX-T7736 extension numbers?
can not find a manual to tell me what the default extension numbers are for panasonic advanced hybrid system..... using KX-T7736 phones with the screen... any help on what the default extension numbers are, or how to tell what extension each phone is would help.. thank you..
2 AntwortenLand Phonesvor 1 Jahrzehntare there any acronyms or abbreviations that i am missing?
i am making a glossary of the most commonly used or referred to acronyms and abbreviations used in telecommunications (mainly telco stuff)... i know that it is almost impossible to ever have a full complete list since there are so many different ones, and different locations use different ones.. but are there any that you use that are not on my list
3 AntwortenLand Phonesvor 1 JahrzehntIR port on back of sa8300hd?
ok, i just connected a wireless video sender to my sa8300hd DVR so that my cable box now is connected to 3 TVs
(coax with ir extender to bedroom, green/red/blue to living room, yellow/red/white to wireless sender to kitchen)
the IR sender on the wireless sender is large, and partially blocks the signal when trying to use the remote in the room with the DVR... there is a connection on the back of the DVR that says "IR" which is a 1/8" phono plug.. is this an input, an output or is it disabled?
the wireless video sender IR blaster connects to the sender with a mono (2 conductor) 1/8" phono plug could I simply connect a 1/8" phono cord between the wireless sender and my DVR to control the DVR with the remote from the wireless video receiver in the other room?
i could not find any info about this in the manual on scientific altantic's website so if possible please provide references, or links...
(I know HDMI is better than blue/red/green... but my TV only has 1 HDMI input, and my PC was connected to that, I haven't gotten an HDMI switch yet)
2 AntwortenTiVO & DVRsvor 1 Jahrzehntcopy html tables to spreadsheet?
I would like to copy information from a website that is in tables
to a spreadsheet.... I use google docs for my spreadsheets, but i doubt that I can accomplish this using google docs... if this is possible with open office or some other similar free program please let me know how it can be done... thank you..
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehntis it ok for my quaker parrot to drink ice tea?
my quaker always begs for food when we are eating, and always give him some of what we are eating (except chocolate) but my quaker now has an addiction to drinking my arizona ice tea... he had some coca-cola as well, but he loves ice tea... since i haven't read anywhere about this I was curious as to if this could be harmful to him... I would hate to take this away from him since he loves it so much....
5 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehntwhere is this ben franklin quote from?
"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. "
I have seen many people quoting this on the internet, however I would like to know where this came from.
Is it published in a book? was it from a speech? where can I get or view the full text to which this quote was taken from?
1 AntwortQuotationsvor 1 Jahrzehnthas there been a commercial plane crash other then NY since flight 800?
I am asking in regards to the US not worldwide...
but since flight 800 it seems all commercial plane crashes in the US occurred in NY... excluding the two planes on 9/11 that ended up in PA and DC
TWA 800 shot down by a missile after taking off from JFK july 17 1996, do not tell me it wasn't shot down, EVERYONE that saw this, including friends and relatives of mine, know what they saw...
AA 11 first hijacked 9/11 plane taken off from Boston, being piloted into WTC 1
UA 175 second hijacked 9/11 plane taken off from Boston, being piloted into WTC 2 The day after my father (who responded to the attack, NYFD) said that there were secondary explosions, though I have avoided talking about this with him in detail because his near death experiences that day, and the loss of so many of his friends and FD colleges (but I believe more then the planes were at work that day)
(flight 77 and 93 9-11-2001 in DC and PA)
AA 587 taken off from JFK November 12, 2001 encountered air turbulence and pilots over use of rudders to correct snapped off tail fin. one of my brothers friend's father who was home asleep was never found, he was instantly vaporized. Being so close after 9/11 everyone feared another attack. Luckily I was an hour late to visit someone in Far Rockaway that day, or I would have been just blocks from the impact zone.
USAir 1549 took off from LGA and crash landed in the Hudson River, about 5 miles from the WTC site. Only the second time in history a ditch in water resulted in no casualties.
There have been many other small aircraft crashes in NY including one on oct 11th 2006 in where a Yankess's pitcher crashed his small aircraft into a building in NYC... while it was known this was a small plane, and an accident, the similarities of a plane crashing into a tall building in NYC brought back the fears of 2001 to many...
Are there any commercial airline crashes that I am missing since flight 800? Is this a phenomena that only affects NY or is it just because these crashes in NY were so historic or controversial, or just that they are local to me that I am unaware of remembering other crashes within the US...
1 AntwortAircraftvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy are my answers being given thumbs down?
I keep most of my answers in the category of my 10+ year career... the consumer electronics > land line section.
I provide the best possible answer to the question, and on many occasions go beyond what the OP is seeking and provide links when needed.
I get many "best answers" the ones that I prefer are when it is "chosen by asker" yet I am getting lots of thumbs down on answers that I believe are better then most of the answers to the same questions.
I know you are not penalized for thumbs down, but have others noticed the same thing? is this because my "top contributor button" or the fact I am #2 in my category?
It makes me not want to participate and share my knowledge. not only this, but I find people cutting and pasting my answers as well....
3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy is me lowercase, while I is uppercase?
I have asked this question to many people, including the head of the English department when I was in school, and no one seems to know the answer.
Why, if talking about the same person is "me" not to be capitalized but "I" is?
3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt