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Lv 55.458 points


Favorisierte Antworten36%

Mi estas lernanta Esperanto, malrapide. Mi komprenas la regulojn sed havas problemoj kun vorto konjunkcio kaj retenadas la vortoprovizo. Johano

  • Wikipedias? Top 20 languages by articles?

    I'm having a hard time traking down the data for the number of articles by language. Can anybody send me in the right direction or simply list the top 20 languages data for me? Thanks!

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • BRATZ! First impressions?

    Okay, what are your first impressions when you see a Bratz doll?

    For me it's 'What street corner can they be found on?' and otherwise 'How do they make the money they need for all those nice things they have and wear?'

    Even if you watch their shows it shows them as nice girls, if a little empty headed sometimes, but still doesn't answer the second question.

    18 AntwortenToysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Nit-picking at grammar? Why?

    What does it add to the language, other than complexity, by insisting that speech use this word over that word, even if the meaning is clear? To demonstrate...

    "For whom the bell tolls." or "For who the bell tolls." and other similar sentences. Is there a difference in meaning when it is said either way, or just considered incorrect regardless of the fact the meaning is clear?

    Another approach might be the language use of children. Where one might say "I break my toys." and then later say "You breaked my toys." What purpose does it serve to insist it be said "You broke my toys", if the meaning and logic are clear?

    When a word changes the intended meaning of a sentence is obvious, but if it doesn't, what's the harm?

    Keep in mind that I'm asking about the harm inflicted to the language and not the simple effect of having people correct you all the time.

    7 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Nit-picking at grammar? Why?

    What does it add to the language, other than complexity, by insisting that speech use this word over that word, even if the meaning is clear? To demonstrate...

    "For whom the bell tolls." or "For who the bell tolls." and other similar sentences.

    Is there a difference in meaning when it is said either way, or just considered incorrect regardless of the fact the meaning is clear?

    Another approach might be the language use of children. Where one might say "I break my toys." and then later say "You breaked my toys." What purpose does it serve to insist it be said "You broke my toys", if the meaning and logic are clear?

    When a word changes the intended meaning of a sentence is obvious, but if it doesn't, what's the harm?

    Keep in mind that I'm asking about the harm inflicted to the language and not the simple effect of having people correct you all the time.

    7 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Helpo de Esperanto komunumo?

    Mi devas tradukas la nomojn de ĉi tiu klaso por leciono En Esperanto. Povus ĉiuj parolantoj de Esperanto revuas la listo kaj fari sugestojn?

    Mi estas nova Esperantisto.

    Nomo En la Angla, tiame Esperanto, tiame Kromnomo.

    Amber (Knabino), Ambro, Anjo

    Amber-Lynn (Knabino), Ambro-Lin, Anbro-Linjo

    Brennon (Knabo), Brenon, Brecxjo

    Chelsea (Knabino), Cxelsia, Cxenjo

    Dallas (Knabo), Dalaso, Dalanjo

    Graylen (Knabino), Grizlin, Grinjo

    Hannah (Knabino), Hanno, Hanjo

    Jaimie (Knabino), Jakobino, Janjo

    Jamie (Knabo), Jakobo, Jakocxjo

    Janelle (Knabino), Janelo, Janela, Janjo

    Jessica (Knabino), Jesika, Jesicxjo

    John (Knabo), Johano, Johacxjo

    Joshua (Knabo), Josxuo, Josxucxjo

    Lewis (Knabo), Leuxiso, Leuxicxjo

    Liam (Knabo), Liamo, Liacxjo

    Nickolas (Knabo), Nikalo, Nikacxjo

    Olivia (Knabino), Olivio, Olinjo

    Riley (Knabo), Rilaj, Rilecxjo

    Stephen (Knabo), Stefano, Stefanjo

    Victoria (Knabino), Viktorio, Viktoria, Viktinjo

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Toilette seat! Up or down?

    This is just the cats a s s of questions since it evokes such a string of answers, that I can't resist asking it myself.

    The best argument of course is that if it is left up, they fall in. Well hell, I'd pay good money to see that. That falls under the category of "if you're stupid enough not to check, you get what you deserve".

    The best answer is obviously that seat and lid go down after each use. For some reason this isn't exceptable. Something about not wanting to touch it at all, which means we have to each time.

    Humm, seems fair to me! Yeah, right!

    32 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Your views on Esperanto.?

    Okay, so you think that Esperanto has no culture. You think that Esperanto is a dead language or a failed experiment. You think it doesn't have enough speakers to make it worthwhile.

    These are the bulk of the reasons given for not wanting to learn the language, and that's fine. It means you haven't done your homework on the subject, but fine none-the-less.

    Having said this, what other reasons can you think of to not want to learn Esperanto. I honestly want to see if there are any reasonable reasons out there.

    If you need to find out more about Esperanto before you answer, try these sites.

    Others can be found by plugging it into your search engine.

    The Irish site has an excellent expose here.

    Now tell me what you think.

    12 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do children, particularly in the industrialized nations, enjoy the season of Christmas, or simply the gifts?

    In other words, if you were to remove the gift giving as part of the holiday, would the children still get as exceted about it?

    Personally I doubt it, but what do you think?

    2 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long before esperanto is finally allowed into the UN as an official language?

    Twice before, esperanto was suggested as an official language in the UN. The first time the french killed it because at the time they were considered the international language of diplomacy. The second time the Americans killed it because english was starting to assume that role. Since Esperanto holds observer status, it must happen eventually, so how long? Or will it ever?

    6 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt