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Lv 5
Jagg fragte in Education & ReferenceWords & Wordplay · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Nit-picking at grammar? Why?

What does it add to the language, other than complexity, by insisting that speech use this word over that word, even if the meaning is clear? To demonstrate...

"For whom the bell tolls." or "For who the bell tolls." and other similar sentences. Is there a difference in meaning when it is said either way, or just considered incorrect regardless of the fact the meaning is clear?

Another approach might be the language use of children. Where one might say "I break my toys." and then later say "You breaked my toys." What purpose does it serve to insist it be said "You broke my toys", if the meaning and logic are clear?

When a word changes the intended meaning of a sentence is obvious, but if it doesn't, what's the harm?

Keep in mind that I'm asking about the harm inflicted to the language and not the simple effect of having people correct you all the time.

7 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    What is implied is "when" it happened. I shoot you. (still a chance to duck) ....I shot you (you lost that chance). It's a clarity matter. Otherwise you sound like a foreigner. So be happy you know that much. And that applies to all languages.(past,present,future)

    I pay you and I paid you are not the same, are they?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    American English is a standardized language with a set of rules. I believe it was standardized in the 18th century, around the time of Webster's first dictionary.

    The meaning is still clear, yes. But if people, especially those sponge-like children, keep using incorrect grammar, it will stick in their heads forever.

    Workplaces, businesses, government, universities, high schools, etc. etc. etc., all used the standardized English. A person cannot communicate effectively in society (i.e. get a good job, get a college degree) without speaking and writing correctly.

    Quelle(n): Applied Linguistics major
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In regards to grammar, I think there needs to be some standard to which the language must be held. It's more than the communication aspect of it, It's also a matter of preserving the language as it was intended to be. If improper grammer were allowed, it could cause communication to break-down on a larger scale because it would deteriorate on a more local level. Just a thought!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You make a good point. I think people nit-pick in order to maintain the integrity of the language. Of course we can understand each other even if the grammar isn't correct, but we only understand each other because there is a standard. If we all started to just go with the flow, then within a few decades there might be too many variants of a language and within a few centuries, they would be different languages altogether. So... we correct people in order to uphold the language's intregrity so that we will be able to better communicate with each other minus all the variants.... (just my opinion)

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, for one thing it makes the language inconsistent. If everyone just said whatever form of any word they wanted, it would lead to a structural breakdown - in my opinion. Children do put their own logic into their speech (like your example 'breaked') which shows they understand the basic pattern of past tenses. But it's better that we all stick to the same rules. A good point though.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sophistication and proper educate. Words seem more fluent and sound better to the ear. Breaked is also much longer to say then broke, or who and whom, the words have different meanings. They have similar meanings the words who and whom but do actually mean something else. Remember these things when upset with grammar and such.

    PS please award best answer

  • vor 4 Jahren

    i've got considered people make comments approximately spelling or grammar while the guy asking the question particularly have been given it best. in case you examine in the process the solutions right here you will locate somebody is asserting that it irritates them yet they themselves have made a grammatical blunders. What does not get taken under consideration and that i've got considered picked up on previous to now's the place somebody is in yet another u . s . with a diverse spelling of a observe and that i discover choosing up on those is merely lack of understanding on the area of the guy analyzing the question. it might each and every so often help if people ought to look on the line on the backside of the question that proclaims as an instance that this question originated in India and make the suitable allowance. confident there are some who're that undesirable that they do could desire to pay interest extra on their coaching yet there are politer the thank you to word it oftentimes. by potential of ways plenty to my disgust and my daughter's text fabric talk is assessed as a valid form of expression the place we are residing and is now taught as area of English classes (shudder in horror).

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