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Lv 5
Jagg fragte in Society & CultureEtiquette · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Toilette seat! Up or down?

This is just the cats a s s of questions since it evokes such a string of answers, that I can't resist asking it myself.

The best argument of course is that if it is left up, they fall in. Well hell, I'd pay good money to see that. That falls under the category of "if you're stupid enough not to check, you get what you deserve".

The best answer is obviously that seat and lid go down after each use. For some reason this isn't exceptable. Something about not wanting to touch it at all, which means we have to each time.

Humm, seems fair to me! Yeah, right!

32 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    "pay good money to see that"

    NOT funny!


    (Actually, I've heard of pregnant women getting seriously stuck, as they can't lift themselves out, what with the low center of gravity, and all. But I'm probably making a mistake in encouraging you.)

    You are right. Everything goes down after use -- nothing can fall in and it looks better, and everyone has to lift and lower each time, so it's fair.

    If someone is so paranoid that they don't want to touch something that touches something that touches something that is in brief contact with poo and pee, they have a problem, but they can use their shoe.

    There are women who pee on the seat in public facilities -- now THAT's gross! No one wants to sit in your pee because you're too "delicate" to lift the seat when you stand to pee, I mean. Use the men's room!

    But I guess that's more than you wanted to know.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If You adjust the mounting screws correctly the seat/lid will stand up at such an angle that both need to be held upright during use, and then naturally fall towards the pedestal (bowl), thus completing the maneuver by removing the human need to act on the problem.

    So endeth the lesson.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Nope got the ultimate reason for the seat and LID to be down.

    The average toilet flush sends up a fine spray of toilet water (along with the bacteria and yech in the toilet) in a radius of about 6 feet all around thee toilet. UGH. (Still gonna set that ashtray or beer on the back of the toilet?)

    If the seat is down and the lid is closed the flush does not send the spray out and around the toilet, the lid prevents it! Keeps a much cleaner bathroom!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    it would be the polite thing to do that guys when they used the toilet to put the seat back down unless only guys live there then it shouldn't matter...if the bathroom has a window you should open the window after used the toilet or even after a shower.. and you don't have that you got open the door but not if the bathroom is next to the kitchen.. but the windows have to be opened after a shower or the doors for 20 mins or thereabouts outwise in the bathroom all will go mouldy if you never let in fresh air ideally through a window or an air vent...xx the person who used the last bit of toilet paper or sees there just a tiny bit left should be the one to replace it...and he also should check if there is enough left and all of those living together have to check on if toilet paper suppy gets low and if it does the responsibilty to stock up is on all.. and write it down on a shopping list .. so that you don't have to revert to using leave found in the forest or newspaper which you can't flush.. xx

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's a matter of personal preference. Some like it up and some like it down. I'm used to keeping both the seat and the lid down after use. Just the way I am.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    When you flush the bacteria sitting in the toilet swirl around the bowl and go flying all over. If the toilet lid is up the germs can spread a 20 foot radius (how many bathrooms are that big?) when the it is down they only spread a 3 foot radius.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, in my office...

    There used to be 3 females and 1 male, so it stayed down.

    Now there are two males and one female. One male lived with another male, so he started leaving it up. The seat now stays how people leave it.

    At my house, however, it stays DOWN - the seat and the lid. I didn't spend good money on a lid to match my decor for it to stay up.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Keep the lid down on top of the seat. That way both genders have to do a little work to use it. Seems fair to me.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, I dont think ive ever walked into a bathroom and just blindly sat down without looking, Lol I once started this discussion with my fiance, jokinglly telling him he needed to put the darn seat down when he was done. But he said, like the first guy up there, why did he have to put it down for me if I dont havta put it up for him. I said because I need the seat down all the time, and he only needs it up sometimes, lol. But really....I dont care. It takes all of half a second to put it down for cripes sake.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Seat down.......Us girls might want the toilet in a hurry, & not have time to move the seat!!!!!!

    Seriously, both the seat & lid should be down before flushing, as the toilet can spray everywhere when being flushed!!

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