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AG Barr is about to expose the Democrats for their collusion with Russia and their illegal spying on the Trump campaign. Some of the bad?

actors are already beginning to point fingers at each other.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are going to do a public reading of the Mueller report on Thursday. Is this akin to the on-board musicians playing their final songs as the Titanic sank?

11 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    It will be fun watching John Brennan going down in flames.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    I think the reason is that most House democrats are unable to read it for themselves.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    It is exactly the same, since these people now have to " face the music themselves.".

  • vor 2 Jahren

    AG Barr stuck his own Justice Department relatives in key potential COVER UP positions as though he is the criminal Donald Trump's attorney and not the PEOPLE's top law enforcement official!

    Read the Putin-like corruption of the Koch Donor Network that matches in pattern and purpose what the GRU and Russian MAFIA operating here in the U.S. have been doing on Putin's orders to undermine our democracy and keep us a nation divided against itself: "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right." Then read "Russian Roulette" (2018) by veteran investigative reporters Michael Isikoff and David Corn, and the 2018 revealing detailed book by career CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance: "The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West."

    The House of Representatives (meaning they represent we, the people) should go after William Barr's license to practice law---take the case to the American Bar Association. He has lied under oath to Congress, denying that he had seen a letter of protest for Barr's woefully inaccurate and inadequate "summary" that denied wrongdoing, which is not what the Mueller report does. How many of Trump Campaign insiders are in prison now because they lied to Congress, and pled guilty to having done so? Barr should not be an exception.

    RELATIVES from the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT of William Barr, Trump's pick for Attorney General:

    MARY DALY, daughter...worked as point person for the Opioid Crisis operating out of the AG's office up until the swear-in of her father as her new boss. MARY DALY transferred over to the Treasury Department, working under the Congress-defying Trump-toady Steve Mnuchin (busy hiding Trump's tax returns from a Congressional subpoena). Guess which committee AG Barr's DAUGHTER was suspiciously and perhaps with corrupt intent transferred to at Treasury: The FINANCIAL CRIMES ENFORCEMENT NETWORK. What is it that Trump now faces in at least 12 ongoing investigations into Trump Foundation, Trump Organization, Kushner Company, Ivanka and Jared, Don Jr. and brother Eric, and Donald Trump himself? FINANCIAL CRIMES, that include but are not limited to bank fraud, insurance fraud, money-laundering for the Russian MAFIA through Prevezon Holding in NYC (Russian owned by Denis Katsyv)---the company whose corruption was exposed by Sergei Magnitsky and against which there was a $249 MILLION fraud, money-laundering and corruption case ready to go to trial, exposing the Felix Sater/Trump build TRUMP SOHO as one of the money-laundering properties. Trump FIRED the lead investigator U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and then pressured his former AG Jeff Sessions to hurriedly "settle" the case with the Kremlin attorney representing its Russian owner (son of a Putin insider and billionaire Pytor Katsyv in Moscow with whom Trump has had contact)---settling only two days before the court date for a puny $6 million with a Trump-added "no admission of guilt" clause that had that Kremlin attorney, NATALIA VESELNITSKAYA, gloating that "This is a victory for Russia."

    Are you trying to say that there should be NO INVESTIGATION of the Russian MAFIA's corrupt activities inside our own country??? We have 17 agencies devoted to intelligence and investigation whenever there is a hostile foreign power trying to interfere with our nation's sovereignty...and you think this should all just "go away"? RUSSIAN TROLL ALERT!

    By the way: Barr has two son-in-laws at the Justice Department, MICHAEL DALY, Mary's husband---he is with National Security even though his father-in-law now heads the department...and TYLER MCGAUGHEY, the husband of his youngest daughter Meg. Tyler McGaughey should be sounding all sorts of warning bells for patriotic Americans because as soon as his father-in-law Barr was sworn in, McGaughey mysteriously left his U.S. Attorney for VA's Eastern District to transfer over to the WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL's office! Was this transfer on Barr's orders? How can it be anything but setting up a cover-up for Trump's crimes? Inquiring minds should want to know!

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  • Ted K
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    You know, this fantasy--concocted by either Russian hackers or nutbag conspiracy theorists on the internet--about some insidious Democratic/deep state/FBI cabal--worked as a snipe from the sidelines to distract from the Mueller investigation, and to sow discord and confusion--because all you needed for that was "questions, accusations, innuendo...", but in pushing for an actual investigation into these bogus accusations you are now overplaying your hand. To do this propaganda thing right, you're s'posed to know when to quit. We've seen this bullsh*t before with the endless Benghazi nonsense--and just like Gowdy's fiascos, in the end you'll have nothing, because there's nothing to be had.

    Standard GOP-- really good at playing dirty politics to gain power, then once in power do little or nothing beyond rewarding your big-money campaign contributors--all while continuing to make up stupid sh*t about the oppositon, so nobody notices you neatly lifting their wallets.

  • y
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    While it is true that finger pointing is now starting to happen, that emails already show some of the finger pointing to be lies. There is no way to know what the eventual outcome will be. Working it up as heads will role and prison is the future for some, is akin. To those who claimed the same thing about the Mueller investigation. The lefts elected officials still trying to spin the Mueller report like something will change, is pathetic. But after to years of saying they know the outcome will be impeachment, there is little else they can do and still save face to their flock. Just imagine what would have happened if the elected left, agreed with Barr, said this has been a waste of time, time to move on now and work with Trump in running the country. The flock would be rioting in the streets, would vote for loons even further then they are now.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    I don't think Barr will find collusion.

    Democrats being "useful idiots," yes, but not actively colluding.

  • -j.
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Republicans: "We believe in innocent until proven guilty!"

    Also Republicans: "The investigation hasn't even started yet, but all Democrats are going to jail!"

    Lol @ you.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    LOL!!! There are crawling over each other to rat each other out. The dems and their deep state buddies will spew blood ALL OVER THE PLACE. Get your popcorn, sit back and ENJOY!!!!!!!

  • Stuart
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Jahren

    Barr: I write to notify you pursuant to 28 C.F.R. 600.9(a)(3) that Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has concluded his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and related matters. In addition to this notification, the Special Counsel regulations require that I provide you with “a description and explanation of instances (if any) in which the Attorney General” or acting Attorney General “concluded that a proposed action by a Special Counsel was so inappropriate or unwarranted under established Departmental practices that it should not be pursued.” 28 C.F.R. 600.9(a)(3). There were no such instances during the Special Counsel’s investigation

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