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Experiencing racism: what would you have done?

Hello everyone!

Please no stupid/silly answers as this is a very sad and serious topic.

And I'm sorry if this is going to be a little long.

I currently live in South Korea with my girlfriend who is Korean. I am from Switzerland myself and we've been dating for around 3 years (planning to get married at one point). We're both 24 years old. I'm currently doing my M.A., she has finished her B.A..

Now, I really enjoy living in Korea. I love the culture and the language, the food, the history etc.. However, there are also things that unfortunately, I really hate here. One of these things is that many people are extremely conservative and racism is still quite common (though oftentimes subtle).

Today evening, I was standing with my girlfriend in a subway stop, waiting for the train. Suddenly, this approx. 50-year old guy approached her and started talking to her. I could immediately tell that she felt very uncomfortable, but because I didn't exactly understand it (I haven't been living here for long, so my Korean is still quite basic), I just let it go on for a while. After some time, I could try that my girlfriend was trying to fetch my arm and walk away, but the guy kept following her and raising his voice (he didn't seem drunk or tipsy). I politely asked in English "Is there a problem?" to which he gave me a very ugly smile and said "No! No problem!" Then he continued talking to my girlfriend. After some more time, the talk got extremely heated. And suddenly, my girlfriend couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out crying and yelled at him. This practically never happens with her towards other Koreans, since saving your face is considered profoundly important in Korea. I realized that this wasn't a friendly talk. I went up to the guy and asked "Okay, what's the problem??" Again, he responded "No problem". Looking at my girlfriend crying and him yelling I got loud too and said "Well obviously we have a problem here!" To which he answered "Shut up you asShole!" I first couldn't believe my ears. Before I couldn't even say anything, he also called my girlfriend a "dirty b?tch". The rest of the story is quickly summarized. I got super, super angry. I'm usually a quiet person, but I have a deep voice, so I can be loud and scary if I want to. I yelled at him saying that I won't accept him talking to us like this. I also told him to get away several times. After he kept swearing, I also dropped a couple of F-bombs and some other four-letter words. I was extremely pissed. The guy was almost a foot shorter than me and I felt like punching him really badly but I'm a very peaceful person and I've never been violent in my life. So I just yelled at him like crazy and of course everyone was looking at us and eventually, he walked away mumbling some more mean words. After I comforted my girlfriend, I asked her what EXACTLY he was saying. It turned out that he was swearing at her for dating a caucasian guy. He called her terrible things in Korean of which I don't want to repeat many. He just for example said that she was "a dirty b?tch" and "worthless" and "garbage" and saying things like "I will take a picture of you and put it on the internet, so everyone can see what kind of white parasites you date." He also said that "I can't believe that a girl who looks so nice is such a whore to date such a white piece of garbage. Why are girls so dirty these days? Why can't you date a decent Korean guy?"

Reflecting on it, the whole thing reminds me of the 1950s and 1960s in the U.S.. Although the hatred was mostly about me, because he considered me to be worthless for the single reason that I'm caucasian, indirectly his hatred was also against my girlfriend because she is together with me. It reminds me of people in America in the old days hating on black guys and any girl who would date or be married to a black guy would immediately be considered all kinds of horrific things just because her boyfriend/husband has a different ethnicity.

So what would you have done in that situation?? I suddenly understand what it feels like when you experience racism yourself. It's terrible. It makes you sick and sad and angry. You start doubting everything about yourself. We didn't do anything "offensive" like kissing in public or hugging, we were just holding hands and talking to each other. And yet, racism is this thing that you just can't get around. If you have the "wrong" ethnicity, that's already reason enough for some people to hate you.

I'm really curious what you guys think. I would also be curious to here the opinions of some African American people on here...

5 Antworten

  • siyaya
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren

    That sort of thing has happened to me lots of times. I'm Swedish but I live in Rome where racism is literally on the order of the day. People tell me 'go home you foreign slut' and the like on an average once a week (normally on the bus).

    When I first came here I had an Italian boyfriend and we both had to deal with verbal aggressions of the kind you described. Once a Swiss man in a wheelchair came up and said that I was wasting my blonde genes on a dark skinned punk and did I want my children to have bushy hair? Another time an old woman came up and said that I was a 'viper woman' who would be the end of the Italian race, and she reminded my boyfriend of their nation's proud traditions etc.

    In some countries racism isn't taken seriously. I know that here in Italy, there's now a black minister who is trying to deal with such issues but on an everyday basis it's still ok to be racist here and people persecute the gypsies without the least sense of shame.

    Most of the time I just laugh it off, because it happens so often that I don't want to waste any energy. But a few times I got angry and a few times I asked the racist about the way they were thinking...

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I can't believe that happened to you!

    What a rude, closed up man! I can't believe there are still people like that in Korea. Wowww..

    I'm Korean and obviously there's racism here in America, but I know no one that would push it as far as that. Maybe it's because of the nice circle of Korean friends I've had in the past, but I know no Korean that would behave like that towards people they don't even know!!

    If my mom or dad was there, they would have called the police or confronted the man. Because we receive small racism here and there in America, we feel strongly against racism...

    I work in a restaurant and because I'm Asian and I work in an Italian restaurant, some of the older generation people judge me and leave saying that this restaurant shouldn't be run by Asians.

    I usually try to act cheery and cute (because old people like that LOL) and try to lead them back into the restaurant and ask them to try my recommendations. They usually try the food, love it and leave happily. There are some people who just straight up swear in my face and leave. These things do bother me but not as much as before because I've come to understand that people experienced different things in the past and may have different views about someone. You can't really change that overnight, but by doing good deeds, I feel like it can help them see other races in a different POV.

    Sorry that happened to you and your girlfriend. I hope people will act like first world citizens instead of just living in it... It's truly sad...

    Oh, and to answer your question, if I was your girlfriend, I would have told the man to his face that my love life if none of his business and that all men - no matter the race - are created equally. I would also tell him that you (you) are thousand times more pure in heart and never have bad intentions like him (the racist man). I would also say something like "Who are you to say what is right or wrong? You're not even my father! You are being very rude to me right now and please act your age. Do you really have to create such a commotion in public like this? Do you not have a wife? Do you not love her? Would you have no loved her if she was white? You should be ashamed of yourself! If you keep harassing me like this, I will call the police."

    If I was you, I would have totally beefed him. You are taller and stronger. Koreans get intimidated if they get spoken to in English so I would have given him a long rant about why his actions are wrong.


    Quelle(n): I'm Korean. I experienced racism and I've seen some, too. :(
  • vor 8 Jahren

    I'm mixed, black white and Guatemalan and I would've told that guy straight to his face how much of a bigot he was being and if he's so blinded by ignorance and the inability to decifer right from wrong regardless of how he was raised then that should be his problem to deal with, not me or my lover.. If he persisted I would've looked to everyone else and said "YOU CONDONE THIS?! How can you be so passive?"

    Quelle(n): Let a bitch try to come up to me and my white boyfriend with some $hit like that.
  • vor 8 Jahren

    I would have told him to fuckkkk off and I would have not even cared! I can't believe your girlfriend cried! That dude is a funking stranger with a one inch penis why the hell does she care what he has to say? You gotta be stronger in life than that! If I was you I would try to find out how to say in Korean shut up u small penis bastards.

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  • bente
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    take here occasion from the united kingdom you have probable seen the girl on the practice who became into asking immigrants what they have been doing in her u . s . etc. ok she wasn't being polite precisely yet that became into approximately it. She have been given put in penal complex over Christmas and separated from her baby. Her crime became into speaking words, and anybody hates her. She'll be regarded in each and every single place and would have a poor time now. There a hundreds of responses on youtube specifically of individuals who fairly despise her and she or he has had dying threats. meanwhile there became right into a white couple waiting for a Taxi in Leicester and four Somalian ladies began calling her "white slag" and "white *****" they beat her up very badly certainly. they repeatedly kicked her in the face and that they pulled out clumps of her hair and left her with bald patches on her head. She became into injured in well being facility, etc. and understandably thoroughly traumatised. if so the females walked loose from penal complex and it became into reported that this became into no longer racially led to and became into no longer a hate crime. (!!!!!!!) this type of situation surely occurs each and every of the time however the racist BBC completely misrepresents the region. they by no skill worry to checklist on examples of black or Indian / Pakistani human beings abusing whites even nevertheless it occurs far greater often than any opposite direction around. yet whilst a white guy or woman says or does something in any respect then that it headline information the certainty is that political correctness loves racism (and sexism) as long as you objective the properly suited human beings. even nevertheless it is going on accusing human beings of being haters in the event that they get of their way or quote statistics, etc. the certainty is that political correctness is an ideology of severe hatred. so there is massive racism against white human beings in spite of the shown fact that it fairly is handed over or perhaps regarded as solid by skill of the politically properly suited scumbags. and that consists of white human beings being racist against themselves. your chum ought to correctly have been the sufferer of racism, yet he's so indoctrinated that he refuses to know it. if he knew the certainty approximately in spite of u . s . he lives in then it fairly is probable an extremely racist place in certainty (assuming he's from a western u . s .) i understand of even worse situations from the U. S. yet i won't be in a position to be stricken to jot down all of it down

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