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Lv 7
Hally fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

Men, I'm tired of funding your vasectomies and Viagra. Where are those sex tapes?

Since receiving prescription coverage for birth control pills equates to "a free handout" for "sluts," I'm tired of paying my insurance premiums, only to have you slutty men get free handouts from your insurance companies in the form of vasectomies and Viagra prescriptions. ENOUGH ALREADY! We're done with the free handouts, freeloaders. It's time for me to see what I'm getting for my money, so post links to your sex tapes in the answer field. And make it steamy. Thank you.


Dufus: The government is mandating that religiously-affiliated businesses comply with U.S. law, and provide comprehensive coverage for their female employees. Not asking for "free birth control.". And I don't see a link to your sex tape -- is reading not YOUR strong point?

Update 2:

Axelrod's Pole Climber: I've never had an abortion. Now give me your sex tape.

Update 3:

Bobology: I've had one sex partner my entire life, my husband. I was a virgin on my wedding day. How does that make me a slut? Please explain in detail.

Update 4:

Brian: what about vasectomies? I notice you conveniently ignored those. The reason I mentioned Viagra was because the Catholic church has stipulations against sex outside of marriage, yet has no problem covering Viagra prescriptions -- and does not interview those men to see if they are only having sex within their God-sanctioned marriage. An obvious double-standard.

Prometheus: I LIKE the way you think! ;)

Update 5:

Sparrow: Hey -- nice to hear from you! :) The "sex tape" request was a parody of Rush Limbaugh's earlier comment. You are hereby waived of any necessity to provide one. :P

NaughtyGnosiophile -- I'll see your offer of a "protein shake" with an LOL, and raise you an OMG. ;)

20 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I think it would be a better idea if we used our free subsidized birth control and erection pills together. Just think Hally, we can lounge about in bed all day feeding each other grapes while we laugh at all those who we maliciously tricked into paying for our wanton sinful trysts!

  • Marvin
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren


    A vasectomy is just about free ($600). I

    Condoms are cheap.

    No man will never need Viagra if his body is in good health (no smoking, drugs, steroids, etc).

    I am 46, and in good health. Several or my friends who are my same age (went to HS with me) did drugs. They are already using Viagra. I do not think the tax-payer should fund them for what they did to their own body.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    The fact your reading out the daily mail tells me alot about your self, females will never be superior to men in science/engineering its what men created over hundreds of years, you barely read about women doing anything in history because its just that all they were doing is cooking, socialising and making babies, while men we're out trying to make more effective means of surviving over hundreds of years its going to account to some differences in the brain which can be seen all the time.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Oh wow. Another insufferable dimwit.

    Let's see, where to begin. It's been a while since I took biology, but if I can remember correctly from my 1832 edition of Horton's Naturalist textbook, nearly all organisms have this little built-in feature called fertility.

    And since fertility is not a medical disorder, it makes no sense to compare it to something like erectile dysfunction, which in fact IS a medical disorder.

    And it has been a while since I went off to Muncie Business School over there in Muncie Indiana, but if I remember correctly, the purpose of insurance is to create a risk pool to insure against unforeseeable and pool-wide statistically improbable events. Since nearly all organisms are fertile, insuring against it makes as much sense as getting insurance against needing a haircut in two weeks.

    Oh yeah, and since it is perfectly elective, that is, taking those fish-and-frog killing chemicals to interrupt your fertility, that likewise defeats the purpose of insuring it. Or do you think that an insurance company should have to insure the arsonists house after he informs them he wants to burn it down?


    It wasn't convenience. What about those? I think the Catholic Church is against those too. I'm not Catholic, I don't know. If they are against it, then they are. If not, then they are not. I don't care either way. I think they should be able to decide what to cover an what to not cover. If they only wanted to cover knee injuries, that should be their right. Insurance is not the only way to get medical care, and through the employer is not the only way to buy insurance.

    As for Viagra, again, it treats a medical problem. Their objection to birth control has nothing to do with marriage. It has to do with the fish-and-frogicide called birth control pills. If condoms were covered under insurance by diktat (and you speak of double standards, you silly you!) then they would certainly object to that as well.

    Quelle(n): Whatever common sense and logic dimwits apparently avoid.
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  • alex
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren

    Rush's tape was nominated for an Oscar in the Best Documentary-Short Subject category.

    If the GOP is going to keep screwing people at the rate they have been, they better make sure everyone has easy access to birth control!

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    It's really confusing to me how a regulation that says insurance companies need to include birth control in their basic coverage is somehow taking taxpayer dollars out of our pockets. By that standard, almost every business regulation (like food regulations, for instance) == a direct tax. Poppycock!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The porcine Mr.Limbaugh never fails to disgust. He does however serve one useful purpose. Those who find his radio program informative and entertaining, confess to being right-wing extremist simpletons. In all respects Ditto-heads are among the lowest of the low in their communities.

    We must appreciate the service that they perform, when the self-identify as overly selfish slugs.

    When you know these enemies to civility, reason, and good taste you can better defend yourself against them.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    True. Butt thats just a small part of the insane things insuarnce pays for. We need an ala carte choice, like a Chinese menu.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Rush is such a joke. He actually does this on purpose. He loves the fact his followers are clueless and believe every word.

    junkie with a mission to rule the stupid of all time.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I do not know that .

    Do you know or have opinion over World Wide International Zeitgeist movement?

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