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I'm a writer. I like strawberry sandwiches, overcast skies, going somewhere I've never been before, french fries, deep snow, felines of any size, reading, arguing, the constellation Orion, being snarky, Buddha, absolute silence, lilies of the valley, water, being alone, baby animals including humans, Bourbon Street, fingernail polish, chemistry, alchemy, anything sparkly, speaking Latin, warm socks, and hedgehogs.

  • People of R&S: How do you define polytheism?

    Would you define polytheism as the WORSHIP of multiple gods, or just the BELIEF that multiple gods exist?

    Thanks! I look forward to your comments.

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you think the NDAA would have been passed no matter who was president?

    Just curious about your thoughts.

    Personally, I think there's an over-arching agenda out there that has nothing to do with party politics, and the NDAA would have been passed if John McCain had won the presidency instead of Obama.

    I look forward to reading your comments. Thanks! :)

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If elected, will the Mittster be fulfilling prophecy?

    Two separate Mormon sources claim the founder of the Mormon church, Joseph Smith, made the following statements:

    "The time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter-Day Saints will step forth and save it.” (James Burgess Journal, 1818–1904, Church Archives, vol. 1—found among loose sermons.)


    “The time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church.” (Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, 6:150.)

    Is Mitt Romney the foretold Mormon savior of the Constitution? Does it need saving in the first place?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Bush Administration states: "Every citizen has the right to health care"?

    Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution, drafted by the Bush administration and ratified by the Iraqi people, states:

    "First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions."

    American tax dollars went toward funding universal health care for Iraqi citizens for their whole lives.

    Why do Republicans think Iraqis deserve universal health care -- that it is a RIGHT -- but Americans don't? Why not?

    15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Does this mean Rick Santorum is a member of Opus Dei?

    Just curious. There seem to be a few pieces of circumstantial evidence pointing to Santorum being a member of Opus Dei, such as:

    Rick Santorum gave a speech honoring Josemaria Escriva in which he said, "Blessed Josemaria guides my way.” Escriva is the founder and head of Opus Dei.

    Santorum also sent two of his children to an Opus Dei liberal arts school, in which the head of the school, as a devout member (a numerary), wears a cilice (a spiked metal instrument worn around the thigh that causes a degree of suffering so the person can experience the pain that Christ suffered).

    Santorum attends a church in D.C. officiated by Opus Dei members, and a member of Opus Dei baptized one of his children.

    Do these and other indicators mean he is a de facto member of Opus Dei? If he is, should he come out and state it publicly? Or does it even matter? Santorum has made his religious views such a part of his campaign platform that I think it becomes fair to ask just where those views originate.

    Link for reference:

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If Jesus had siblings, wouldn't their descendants be alive today?

    I was wondering the other day -- if Jesus existed, and if he had siblings or cousins, wouldn't some of them have had children that would be alive today? Maybe even whole villages in Palestine are peopled with the descendants of his extended family.

    Does anyone know if someone has tried to trace these families? I've done a cursory search myself, but it just seems to devolve into an argument about whether Jesus had siblings in the first place. Thanks for your input. :)

    Bonus question: if Jesus was really a person, a rabbi of some merit, then wouldn't members of the early church have held his family members in high regard also? And if they did hold them in regard, then why do we never hear about them?

    The fact that history seems to be silent about the family of one of the most significant figures in all of history makes me think....the story is not what we were eventually led to believe. Just my opinion, of course, but...I can't understand why there wouldn't have been a great deal of interest in Jesus's family members down through the years.

    Sorry for rambling, and thanks for reading. :) I'll be interested in your responses.

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Men, I'm tired of funding your vasectomies and Viagra. Where are those sex tapes?

    Since receiving prescription coverage for birth control pills equates to "a free handout" for "sluts," I'm tired of paying my insurance premiums, only to have you slutty men get free handouts from your insurance companies in the form of vasectomies and Viagra prescriptions. ENOUGH ALREADY! We're done with the free handouts, freeloaders. It's time for me to see what I'm getting for my money, so post links to your sex tapes in the answer field. And make it steamy. Thank you.

    20 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Spiritually speaking, what happened to Fireball?

    I've been busy, and haven't had time to devote here for a while...I was just wondering if Fireball is still around or not. It's not that I miss her robotic Christian cheerleader responses, or anything, it's just....well, she made me roll my eyes and laugh. Just wondering if she left for good or if she's still around?

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahren
  • Why do Conservatives think the French wrote the poem?

    There's a poem inside the Statue of Liberty, written by a Jewish-American woman who was born in New York City in 1883. However, in this thread:;_ylt=Aq7m5...

    Conservatives claimed the French wrote it. In fact, they called anyone who said otherwise a "moron." So, where's your proof that the French wrote it? I'm waiting. I would very much like to see your proof.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • An issue with security images?

    You know those little boxes that say, "Type image below", and then they have a scrambled mixture of letters and numbers, kind of like this: "KU6FRG"?

    Well, whenever I type these into the box provided, the numbers do not register, and the website will return a message saying, "The letters in the image do not match. Try again."

    Why isn't my answer registering as correct, even though I check it like ten times to make sure it is absolutely, character-for-character, no different than the image on the screen? Is there some kind of setting on my computer that is faulty and that I can change?

    This is really annoying, so any help you could provide would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Question for Muslims: does the Qur'an make any prophecies other than about the end of the world?

    I'm just curious if the Qur'an makes any prophetic statements? If so, have any of these prophecies been fulfilled yet?


    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are some or all of the organelles in (eukaryotic) cells made out of protein?

    If they are not made out of protein, then what are they composed of?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Spiritually speaking, have you ever regretted giving a "thumbs-up"?

    By the way, I'm giving everyone on this thread a thumbs-up, no matter what they say. This means you too, Fireball!! Free thumbs-up for everyone! :)

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know where the hijacked Flight 93 was headed?

    I think after a while I just got fatigued with the enormity of the 9/11 attacks, so I haven't done a lot of reading about the downed flight that was headed to D.C., but crashed instead in Shanksville, PA. Has anyone ever figured out what the terrorists were going to fly that airplane into? Was it the White House or the Capitol Building, or was it somewhere else?

    Or maybe all of it is just speculation, and they have no idea? I was just thinking maybe they had overheard the terrorists' plans by reviewing the cockpit voice recordings. Does anyone know?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Since Glenn Beck said McCain would have been worse than Obama...?

    Glenn Beck said that John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama:

    Since in his opinion McCain would have been worse, do you think, if McCain had been elected instead, there would still be tea parties, and calls for him to be impeached, and all of the other outrage that we see from the Right expressed against Obama by Beck and others?

    Or would the outrage have been less?

    Thanks in advance -- I look forward to your thoughts. :)

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dumb girl question: Why don't they combine league and union into one sport called rugby?

    What if you took the best aspects of each game and combined them together, like adding scrums and line-outs and rucks, from union, and ditch the six tackles per possession , from league, and make some kind of super-charged hybrid that is just called "rugby"? Or would that be total heresy?

    9 AntwortenRugbyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a difference between faith-based and non-profit organizations?

    Just wondering if there's a difference between the two, in terms of the government subsidizing them.

    Do both kinds of organizations receive their money from the government in the same way, and are both unaccountable for that money?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Was Van Jones a member of the Communist Party?

    And before you get snarky, YES, I already used "the Google" and "the Wikipedia".

    I just figured there'd be some rabid people here who would be more than happy to list out all of Van Jones's communist links, ties, innuendos, and pecadilloes. Along with some truly stunning Beck-inspired commentary, I'm sure.

    Thanks! Do be sure to bite my head off, while you're at it. :)

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I wonder when Glenn Beck is going to expose HIS OWN Communist ties?

    Ever heard of the "United Order?"

    "The United Order established egalitarian communities designed to achieve income equality, eliminate poverty, increase group self-sufficiency, and to ultimately create an ideal Utopian society Mormons referred to as Zion."

    Glenn Beck's church, the one he presumably attends every week, has taught that communal living is the highest order mankind can achieve. And while they do not practice it currently, the church has believed this tenet since its inception by Joseph Smith, nearly two hundred years ago, and has NEVER disavowed its "truth."

    Ouch, Glenn. Where be your jibes now?

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mythologically speaking, is there a character who remembers while all around forget?

    I'm just wondering if there's a character from mythology, sort of like Cassandra, except that instead of telling prophecies no one believes, this character remembers when all around her forget.

    Is there anyone like that, especially from Greek/Roman mythology?


    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt