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Lv 7
Hally fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

If elected, will the Mittster be fulfilling prophecy?

Two separate Mormon sources claim the founder of the Mormon church, Joseph Smith, made the following statements:

"The time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter-Day Saints will step forth and save it.” (James Burgess Journal, 1818–1904, Church Archives, vol. 1—found among loose sermons.)


“The time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church.” (Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, 6:150.)

Is Mitt Romney the foretold Mormon savior of the Constitution? Does it need saving in the first place?

11 Antworten

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Whether or not there are any Mormons who are patriotic enough that they would want to have the Constitution of the United States to be the supreme law of the land in the United States may be a matter of opinion.

    But there is no question that the U.S. Constitution now hangs by a thread.

    The NDAA ensures that.

    When you can detain an American Citizen and disappear them... then the Constitution is on life support, and the oxygen is running very very low.

    There are many states that are passing laws that say if a Federal Government official puts a sack over an American Citizens head, in their State, and then they try to take that American Citizen Away without any of the required Constitutional protections,

    then the State Police should not allow this to happen.

    And instead of arresting an innocent American Citizen, the State Police should turn around and arrest the Federal Agents instead.

    Obama, he puts on paper, and signs in to law what Hitler did...

    but Hitler was never stupid enough to put many of the things that he did on paper. Obama is so bold he doesn't care.

    Illegal detainment of American Citizens and the murder of American Citizens...

    they deserve it, that is what Obama obviously believes. They don't bow and scrape to the Banker Gangsters enough...

    like Obama does.

    On another note vote Ron Paul. He is not Mormon, but he is a good and great man nonetheless. Chat.

    God bless.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Does the constitution need saving? You young people have sold your souls if you think there is some other more perfect government than can be established without our constitution. Human behavior has not changed in all of our existence. That you think that if you get rid of religion and politics that you could live peacefully speaks of your immaturity. People must learn to be good if the OWS gang is an example of the world you intend for us without a constitution, I say "God help us!!!"

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    No probably not. Mormons take their prophesies seriously but they are not Harold Camping style stupid about them (usually). Like most Christians they have a lot of these vague and eccentric predictions that they're watching and waiting for as they think this is end times, but it's clear to anyone sane that the US government is not on the verge of collapse.

    That's not to say some rabid republican church members might not see this as an opportunity to attempt to convince fellow Mormons to vote for Romney using this argument. Given that the church has developed a reputation for being right leaning, I wouldn't put it past them. Officially the church has no political opinion and isn't supposed to involve itself in such things. Unofficially, they're not above privately suggesting to members how they should think politically. Prop 8 was a pretty shameful case in point. The church gave no official endorsement of the campaign, but at the same time was quite happy to let many of it's church wards openly raise money to support the anti-gay agenda. Utterly stupid thing for them to do and it's no wonder they got burned for it.

    I remember an incident in the early 90s when some senior church members in Salt Lake suggested to the British members of the church that they ought to vote for the conservatives (the right wing British political party) in the upcoming general election. They obviously didn't realise that for reasons I'm not sure of, British Mormons are predominantly Labour party supporting (the left-leaning progressive political party). Senior members of the UK branch of the LDS told them quite bluntly they could mind their own business and members will vote for whoever they like! Pity they don't seem to have learned their lessons.

    Hackett out.

    Quelle(n): ex-LDS atheist
  • S
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    Joseph Smith and his followers viewed his revelations as being above teachings or opinions. Smith was a firm, unrelenting believer in polygamy. However, he detested the idea of whites marrying non-whites. According to Smith, beginning in the early 1820s he had visions. In early 1844, he announced his candidacy for President of the United States. So perhaps he thinks of himself as the foretold Mormon savior of the Constitution? Long live Joseph Smith & his beliefs!

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I have a hard time envisioning Mitch fulfilling much of anything that rises above the behavior of toast drowned in milk.

    But, I will form an entirely different opinion of him if he were to speak in favor of the BYU students who are now making videos for the "it will Get Better Program".

    Mitt will be asked his opinion of this issue and he will there with be presented with the opportunity to "move his "church" forward.

    If he condemns the students, he condemns your former religion and himself to the same dead end path of following blatantly hypocritical practices.

    I know it is probably too much to hope for enlightenment and decency from him, but I hold out hope just the same.

    Now, which network's reporter will ask Mitt his thoughts and backing for what gave rise to the production of the videos.

    God bless the brave BYU students who are willing to serve as role models for the nation's youth. Particularly those youth who will be inspired by their bravery and thereby be dissuaded from thinking suicide is a course to follow because they are born Gay.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Your quotations illustrate that Mormons are just as religiously demented as members of any other faith.

    Nonsensical prophesy has long been the stock in trade of religious leaders.

    Accepting bizarre predictions as valid has been one of the great weaknesses of the faithful for just as long.

    Some feeble minded religious nut in California announces for the third or fourth time his prediction as to when the world will end, and millions of fools start to wet themselves.

    The sort of prophesy that you attribute to Smith has to be one of the very least convincing ploys found in the playbooks of the church. Whatever happened to thoughtfulness and common sense?

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Well seeing as the book of Mormon was only ever actually seen by one person who apparently had a conversation with an extraterrestrial celestial being, it can all be written off as b.s.

    There is no divine prophecy, so who cares?

  • vor 9 Jahren

    No hes just a plastic Ahole republican who hid his millions offshore instead of in America to avoid paying his fair share of taxes, and is out of touch with the average american. I dont care if he practices voodoo, hes an elitist and cannot relate to americans..

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren


    Joseph Smith was a racist and a fraud. If you comb through his dope-fogged ramblings long enough, you'll find something you can construe as prophecy that (after 200 fukking years) finally came true.

    I could do the same thing:

    "A woman will some day be elected president."

    Now we wait.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren


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