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Lv 7
Hally fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

Bush Administration states: "Every citizen has the right to health care"?

Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution, drafted by the Bush administration and ratified by the Iraqi people, states:

"First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions."

American tax dollars went toward funding universal health care for Iraqi citizens for their whole lives.

Why do Republicans think Iraqis deserve universal health care -- that it is a RIGHT -- but Americans don't? Why not?


For those saying, "So move to Iraq then." Please answer the question -- why don't Americans deserve that "right"?

Update 2:

Mark -- You have been "forced" to pay for Iraqi health care. Your tax dollars went to funding their universal health care. So you are okay with paying for Iraqis to get treatment, but not your fellow Americans. Why?

Update 3:

Thegubment: The Bush administration drafted the Iraqi constitution. Try again.

Update 4:

NO SPIN: The Bush administration made it happen for Iraqis. Why aren't Americans deserving enough?

15 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Iraq adopted a system of free healthcare in the 1970s and although Saddam bled it of funds he didn't stop it. The Baath party were at least originally socialist in focus so it makes sense.

    I guess the Americans had an obligation to put the Iraqi healthcare system back together after doing their upmost in the war to wreck most of Iraq's national infrastructure. Rebuilding the healthcare system likely came from an established war chest and I seem to recall that the Geneva Conventions outline the requirement for the occupying forces to take proper care of the citizens. Lets face it, few Iraqis would be in a position to have afforded US style medical fees!

    Besides, to not do so wouldn't win many hearts and minds: "we're going to liberate you from tyranny, and grant you the freedom to die of preventable diseases in the streets!"

    I don't get the Republicans and their pathological hatred of social welfare. If it were not for the NHS here in the UK, I would absolutely not be alive here today. My illnesses would have prevented me from having any insurance cover in the US, and when I needed prolonged medical assistance, I would not have received it.

    I worry about anyone who grew up like me except by accident of birth be born in the US, and wonder what will have become of them. Yes the NHS has it's many troubles, and yes you do get some system abusers, but it's not about them. The philosophy is further reaching than deserving and undeserving. Money should never be the bottom line when it comes to saving lives.

    Um, rant over.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Iraq wrote their own constitution, not Bush or Republicans.

    Feel free to start a movement to amend the Constitution to include health care as a given right for US citizens. Until then, it's still a service.

    Edit: I know it's Wiki, but there is a very nice section on who drafted the Iraqi Constitution. Educate yourself.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The problem lies with a twisted notion of individual freedom which is dear to the hearts of so any Americans. They are so damnably jealous of their personal liberty that they care little for the needs of others.

    Compare their attitudes to the rest of the western world, and you'll see that it has resulted in every other industrialized nation having a universal health care plan in which all participate voluntarily. The great majority of people in other nations accept the obligation to be there for all who need pre-paid health care.

    Tens of millions of Americans will proudly tell you how anti-socialist they are. In fact, they demonstrate just how *anti-social* they can be, when it comes to pitching in to provide health security for all.

    As for the lies told to you in your media about universal health care elsewhere, you need only do a little checking, and you'll find that well in excess of 90% of Canadians are delighted with the system that has been in place for many years. They are so happy with it that they have been known to lend their health cards to American friends, who come up to Canada for free operations, etc.

    Opposition to the American health care legislation amounts to so much B.S.

  • Mark
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    You have the right to health care, just as you have the right to free speech.

    However, you do not have the right to force me to pay for your health care, just as you don't have the right to force me to buy you a megaphone.


    NO I am not OK with paying for Iraqi health care. I'm not OK with a lot of crap our government does. That's why we need to remove the progressives and the neocons from our government.

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  • Uhlan
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    1) Cons are a heartless crowd to begin with.

    2) Cons are are told by their political leaders and radio and TV gods to oppose Obamacare so that their political leaders and radio and TV gods can get rewarded by the big insurance companies.

    3) Cons knee-jerk oppose anything supported by Obama whether it is good for America or not.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Well they don't have much respect for him anymore since he became human in his second term. Hes an outcast now because he cares for the people of this country. He found religion.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I thought everyone agreed Bush is an idiot.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Every american HAS the right to health care. Every american HAS access to health care. They just have to pay for it.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    welcome to 2012

    every citizen has the responsibility

    I have my ins.

    I do not depend on the government teat like

    the Obama sheeple

    Be a good citizen, stop holding your hand out

    for freebies

    and grow up

  • vor 9 Jahren

    So move to Iraq then. The so-called "right" to health care is in the Iraqi Constitution...not the US Constitution

    You do have the pay for your own health care.

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