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  • Are racists proud that a black American wrestler beat an Iranian in the gold medal match?

    Before you start crying, I KNOW most conservatives aren't racist. Most are good people who just have very different political beliefs than the majority of America. However, nobody can argue that there aren't a LOT of very racist posters in YA Politics, very few of which are liberals. So, my question is for the overtly racist element here.

    Do you feel a sense of patriotic pride when an American whips an Iranian in the gold medal match for wrestling even though the medalist is black? For that matter, do you feel a sense of patriotic pride when any black American wins gold?

    This isn't a troll question or a race baiting question. I truly don't understand how these people think and am trying to gauge the depth of their hatred.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What's up with all the pro Zimmerman questions?

    Is the NRA paying by the post or do you get a little commemorative Junior Deputy badge if you post 10 or more?

    They seem to be lobbying hard to protect the stand your ground laws by trying to justify Zimmerman's actions and paint Martin as some barbarian. The only two excuses I can think of for posting so many disparaging comments about Martin without knowing all the facts are either fear of losing the stand your ground law or pure blatant racism.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How to remove critter from dryer vent?

    Can hear something scratching in there. Dryer is on first floor and vents up then out through joists of 2nd floor. Not sure what is in there but don't want it running around the house.

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is this "fair and balanced" coverage of the tornadoes today?

    Was just flipping through the news channels to see the latest on today's horrible storms. All had shots of destroyed towns, stories about cleanups and rescues, warnings for those still in harm's way, and other fairly typical storm coverage.

    Then I flipped to Fox. They had an expert on explaining why today's devastation is not related to climate change/global warming. Nothing about horrible loss of life and property. Nothing helping those still in harm's way. Just political damage control.

    I realize this was a coincidence based on the time I turned on the TV but, really, can't that kind of story at least wait till they're done pulling out bodies?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can we blame the GOP preferred abstinence only sex education?

    For the fact that their followers actually believe that the cost of birth control pills is somehow tied to the frequency of sex? I guess if they believe that taxpayers pay for everything covered by insurance premiums they'll believe anything. They are a gullible bunch these days.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is it that every time Rick Santorum makes a ridiculous statement about social issues?

    The conservatives on YA blame the "liberal media" for reporting it and accuse anyone making a negative comment of straying from the important issues (which Santorum seams to avoid anyway)? If the guy didn't make so many idiotic comments about religion, sexuality, family planning, healthcare, and just about every other issue, he wouldn't have to worry about them being reported.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Would the Tea Party cease to exist?

    If they found a cure for paranoia and that cure was covered 100% under Medicare?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why doesn't the Constitution cover healthcare?

    The framers of the Constitution could not possibly have imagined in their wildest dreams what healthcare would look like or cost today. Surgery was limited to amputations with rum as an anesthetic. People died from illnesses that would barely keep a kid out of school today. Leeches were an advanced technique. What few doctors there were would accept eggs as payment or were paid by the town to attract people (gasp, socialized medicine).

    If we had anything remotely close to today's healthcare capabilities when the Constitution was being written, would the framers have included it as an inalienable right?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Does America need janitors?

    I keep seeing posts on here saying everyone getting govt assistance is lazy and lacks accountability. But what about the hundreds of thousands of people that work their butts off as janitors, maids, school bus drivers, bus boys, etc just to make ends meet. They take care of their families and work wherever and whenever they can just to make ends meet. For them, getting rich is not necessarily the only way to be happy. For them, education is a dream far too expensive for reality.

    All of a sudden, jobs dry up, gas and food prices rise, a kid gets sick, and they have to choose between rent, medicine and food.

    Can somebody please tell me exactly why in the hell it is a bad thing for the richest country on earth to make sure those people have a halfway decent meal on their table every night?

    Seriously, food stamps account for maybe 1 or 2 cents out of every dollar you pay in taxes yet reading the posts on here would make you believe rich people are getting poor because of them. Near billionaire Presidential candidates are complaining about how much they have to pay for these programs? Yes, there are some defrauding the system. There are people defrauding EVERY public and private system in America. You can't make me or anyone else believe it is the majority though.

    Are these the good Christian values I keep reading that America was founded on? Where in the bible did it say "blessed are those who screw everyone else over to save a few pennies on their taxes"?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How is granting a waiver of health insurance laws to Catholic funded businesses different than?

    How is granting a waiver of health insurance laws to Catholic funded businesses different than granting a waiver to a wife beater because of sharia law? Or granting a waiver of child abuse laws to a mormon cult?

    It's not. Laws covering insurance have nothing to do with religion. Obama isn't making Catholic hospitals stock and pass out birth control. He's just saying they have to treat employees the same way other employers treat their employees.

    Is it just easier to panic when Fox tells you that Obama is coming for your bibles than it is to actually find out the truth?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Liberals, which is worse?

    I'm torn over which YA poster has become the most annoying. I'm leaning towards 2 or 3 because, by nature, they are most likely more sane than 1 or 4. What say you?

    1. The conservative conspiracy theorist who includes the phrases Alinsky, White, destroy America, birth certificate or NWO in every post? Usually either has some childish version of the President's name or emphasizes the middle name as if it means something. Probably has socialist, marxist, communist or some other "ist" in every post. Is the most likely to include bible verses in his/her justification.

    2. The conservative poster who denies or tries to discredit every single piece of good news on the economy? Usually chalks it up to the evil liberal media. This includes those who completely twist or make up "facts" to try and discredit the President (1% charity donations, concocted Bush unemployment and deficit numbers, etc.).

    3. The conservative poster who assumes that every single person with a net worth of less than $1 million is lazy, on welfare, and not deserving of any of HIS/HER tax money? This person usually assumes that his/her selfishness is somehow patriotic. There is a fine line between this person and number 4.

    4. The blatant racists who claim that everyone who calls them on it is "playing the race card" and that any social organization designed to help people is the real racist. I count all the "welfare state" claims in this even though he could fit in 1 or 3 also. Includes all the anti-gay and anti-muslim posts.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Does letting prisoners out early due to overcrowding again explain all the racist trolls on the board today?

    Seems like a very active day for racists posting their drivel. I'm guessing they just got out of prison and now have to pay for their own medication. Or maybe the prison library just got some new computers.

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If Romney becomes President?

    Will mothers in China tell their kids about starving children in America to try and get them to finish their dinner?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is this an example of GOP small govt, the GOP nanny state, or just plain batmitt crazy?

    An Oklahoma state senator introduced a bill on Tuesday (Jan. 24) that would ban the manufacture or sale of food containing aborted human fetuses.

    Ralph Shortey, the freshman Republican who introduced the legislation, acknowledges he is not aware of any company in Oklahoma or elsewhere that is attempting to sell food that contains fetuses, but he said, "There is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors."

    That was news to representatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Oklahoma's anti-abortion movement.

    Shortey said he did research over the Internet that led him to believe some companies may use embryonic stem cells to help develop artificial flavoring. "I'm not entirely sure if there are any" companies doing this, he said in an interview on KRMG Radio. "But the fact is that there is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors. And if that is happening — because it is a possibility — and if it's happening, then I just don't think it should even be an option for a company."

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Did Santorum win the debate tonight?

    I wouldn't vote for any of the clowns on stage tonight but it sure seemed Santorum was the only one able to stay on track and talk issues. He also was able to b-slap both Romney and Gingrich. From the outside looking in I would call it as Santorum with Romney a close second. Gingrich was flat and a distant 3rd. Ron Paul's wife seemed really nice.

    What say you?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Gingrich's turnaround in the polls proof that we will never see a clean campaign again?

    He made an effort to keep Iowa and NH clean and got no results. Changed to attack ads and surged in the polls. Will people just not respond to an issues based campaign any more?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If unions did not contribute to any candidate or party would Republicans still hate them?

    Are they anti union because they don't believe workers have no right to try and level the playing field with management or are they anti union because unions typically donate to Democratic candidates?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why the sensitivity about Tebow?

    If I rag on Tom Brady for being the biggest prima dona in the NFL (sorry NE fans, he is) I'm just a normal footbal fan who dislikes an opposing QB. If I rag on Tebow for being second string quality at best, I'm an evil, liberal socialist attacking Christianity.

    When did conservatives get to be so sensitive?

    15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How will they identify the soldiers from the whizzing Taliban video?

    Apparently via a lineup kind of like in Porky's according to the headline on the story below.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren