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Independent. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. All were created equal. Separation of Church and State. Freedom of Religion.
How do Americans feel about Canadian Tar sands spilling on their land for foreign profit?
All Oil is sold on the world market. Canada said no to the pipeline and Republicans love it and hide the extreme toxic spills. Certainly no one thinks Canada is just giving us oil? It is for export.
3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenHow long before the GOP has completely sold off American infrastructure?
They do not want the jobs bill cause they are liquidating our land and hiding the profits. Will paying tolls to foreign corporations make everything better? What gives the crooks the right to sell public built infrastructure?
Tea Party wants fascism by corporate owned America.
1 AntwortCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenWhy did Rupert Murdoch tweet for gun control but not?
interrupt his Fox news employees propaganda for profit?
1 AntwortMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenWhy is corporate welfare not the spending issues the GOP bring to congress?
7 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 JahrenWhy is it not Ok to make sure a person is not on the known terrorist list before buying a gun?
Arming the cartel and known terrorists seems to be OK?
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 8 JahrenWhat was the Bush Administrations best legacy?
Looking for the best result Bush had when he left in 2008?
13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenDoes the Tea Party GOP have a hidden motive using the debt ceiling?
Congress did last years spending and does not want to pay the bill?
Social security and medi care have absolutely nothing to do with the deficit talks.
6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 JahrenWho elected Grover Norquist?
2 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 JahrenIs this not the evidence we need to push the keystone Pipeline through?
canadian Pipeline 1700 miles to a port for export?
3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenShould Romney go to colorado and argue we need to fire all the firefighters?
It is the perfect situation for him to argue his case. He could show how Bain could profit and the fire would burn longer so they can buy up the land.
6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenWill Romney try to add a Health care Provision that requires patients to be tied on the top of the ambulances?
Romney speech? I had to turn it off and what he speaks is already in it...LOL what a tool
10 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenRon paul supporters are you aware his delegates in MA were squeezed out for not signing a Romney Pledge?
The GOP continues to bully and Cheat? Ron Paul delegates outed cause of the pledge?
1 AntwortElectionsvor 9 JahrenWhy did Romney's campaign already have repeal Signs printed?
Planning to avoid speaking about the Paul Ryan Plan as we all know it will be hated by all......
Romney is not proud of his biggest accomplishment?
1 AntwortElectionsvor 9 JahrenIs this going to be the first time John Boehner does what he promised?
Not Spike the Ball?
3 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenWhy do Presidents come and go and yet the evil force stays.......?
5 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenWhat federal penitentiary is making accommodations for their next celebrity inmate - darrell Issa?
this will end up just like Zimmerman case...LOL
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 JahrenWhat is your favorite part of the Paul Ryan Plan?
Did you even read it? Is that the only thing Romney has not flip flopped on? No Paul Ryan Plan for this Independent currently registered republican.
5 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenSince Cons today think Tea Party Congress is doing so much.............?
Why don't we give them better health care 13 cars and a million a year pay raise?
1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 Jahren