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Lv 5

How many people deny the Holocaust?

I ask this because I see many questions on Holocaust denial on American Y!A, either by people who deny it themselves or by people who ask why people deny it. Among the answers to other Holocaust related questions there are also often Holocaust denials.

I know that on a website like this bigots are overrepresented because of the anonymity of the Internet so I understand that in real life it's certainly not as bad as here on Y!A, but still I'd like to know how much of it is present in real life in America, because here on Y!A it's extreme.

I'm not American and have never lived there.

I also read in one answer here how someone wrote about how he uses to react to Holocaust deniers in real life in the US and it shocked me to read that it occurs even in real life.

I adressed this mainly to Americans because this is the American Y!A but if you are from some other country I'd be interested in your answer as well.


@ cowboydoc: Is that addressed at me? I know that the Holocaust occured, I asked this question because it worries me that there are people who deny it, not because I think they might be right.

However what you wrote is a good response to Holocaust deniers.

5 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    i've never actually encountered someone in real life who has denied the holocaust seriously, but i'm sure there are people out there who are products of bigoted parents and deny the holocaust, but the numbers are few.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You don't have to be an American to believe in the Holocaust, only intelligent enough to believe in history or, didn't you go to school?

    All you have to do is open a history book. Do you know anyone in your Country that was in WW2, I did, my father was one, he was there, he saw what the man called adolph did, you notice it wasn't capitalized. I also know a man I worked with for years that was an engineer that help tear down one of the more infamous camps in Poland, he said he cried for many nights for the people they found there.

    I'll say this to anyone that doesn't believe in the Holocaust, read your history books my friends, when we start to not believe we let history repeat itself and that's what's happening today around the globe. "Lest we forget" or don't you believe in that either.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I did not live through the Holocaust and personally I have never met anyone who has. But I know it happened and it was the worst atrocity to happen in the 20th century. How anyone could treat their fellow human beings like that I'll never know. I know atrocities happen in wars but we're talking millions of people made to feel like nothing going to their death.

    How could such EVIL people exist... And how could not just Americans but other countries let it happen?

    Quelle(n): I believe it happened and those who deny it I certainly don't know where they are coming from. They are Definitely the minority.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Seriously...after all this time and debate does anyone actually care what people choose to believe?

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Holocaust?... What Holocaust?

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