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jhstha fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Is this place here gone to waste?

Spoiled by kiddies and nerds who neither can ask serious questions nor give correct answers? And .. I do not mind non native speakers of English, but please, do at least write in a somewhat comprehensible form.

What do you think ?

In my opinion Yahoo should keep up this great service, but seperate the kiddies and gamers from those who are seriously looking for knowledge and those who are willing to answer seriously.

If there are more than just me thinking that way, please let yahoo know, only if as much as possible write to yahoo, they will do some changes. Thank you in advance.

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I couldn't agree with you more! I majored in mathematics at Rutgers (New Jersey) and have always been a stickler for English grammar. (I used to correct my English teachers' grammar in elementary and high schools.) I applaud the efforts of non-English speakers who are trying to increase their knowledge not only of mathematics, but of all disciplines.

    I have encountered several errors in answers posted in the mathematics section of "Answers". I know of no way to let the poster of the question know that an answer is incorrect. (Do you?) I have been logging on to this site for only about 2 weeks, after having broken my leg and having more time than that with which I know what to do. (That last sentence might sound awkward, but it is grammatically correct!)

    I hope that people who post questions on this site don't take every answer as gospel!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Now to decide on weather question asked or answers given is not of worth, only the bases of grammar, I should say it is very foolish idea. When some people (if not all) can understand the question or its answers, then it should be said that there is no problem in comprehension of question or answers.

    Now people with good grammar of English are all ways welcome to correct the grammar i.e. if they are serious

    I read one of the answer, where he wants to correct the grammer, I think he can mention it, in answer that he gives.

    Now if we divide this world (Yahoo answers) on bases of good speakers of English & not good speakers of English. I should say stop it. Already we have plenty of problems in this world. Like racial discrimination, communal violence, color etc

    I should say very clearly stop dividing (once more)

    What question & answers one think are worth responding he or she can respond or over look it.

    This world is not spoiled by any body. If one thinks that it has been spoiled by some body all should admit that partly we are responsible for it.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yahoo! Answer's Network Q&A, Contacts and Fans, now in beta, is probably an effort to address your problem. They are aware that for serious users, Y!A has become as crowded as a noisy public beach, where everything is asked and given as answers, erudite and silly. But who are going to be the censors? Y!A, justifiiably, don't want this job, because for one thing, there's far too many questions being asked every day, and many of the answers aren't even being read by anybody. So, they're offering you the tools to be your own censor.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yahoo! Answers has some issues, but I do not think it is going to waste. As a general rule, if one asks serious questions, one will get serious answers. If one asks stupid questions, then one will get stupid answers. Because this is a public forum, one should expect some answers to questions that are misguided, answered just for the points with no relevancy to the topic or just plain wrong. If a person recognizes this, then Yahoo! Answers is nice to have around. But, as with anything on the Internet, a person shouldn't give their critical thinking a vacation.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't know what this has to do with Astronomy but I don't agree, some people may ask stupid questions like can you walk on the sun, which some may think is a stupid question (which most people know you cant) but others may have not gotten good education or just don't know and would like a response. If you asked a question and others thought it was obvious and stupid and you got a mean reply such as are you stupid or something like that, how would you feel.

    That doesn't quite go along with your question but think about something before you post it, there are many people that are not well educated like others.

    Sorry if I was rude but I don't agree.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    only non native speakers of English ask and reply in what u call comprehensible form

    i am agree to Ur opi about yahoo to keep up this great service

    the kidders, gamers, elders, seniors- all are living in the same world

    not to blame anybody, just to overlook to whom we don't like

    Quelle(n): yahoo
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A little hard to grant, your request, since no one can tell how old anyone is on the internet, and most people don't put their correct age in when signing up on anything for privacy reasons.

    It is only spoiled by people like you who ask questions like this that haven't any real relevance, and as the internet is a way for everyone to say what they like, nothing can be controlled, so the most you can do about my answer here is report me if you don't like what I am saying.

    I don't share your view at all, obviously, and don't waste my time on trivial matters when I see most questions and answers actually helping people.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    u r right. i finally see someone here who thinks like me. well i agree with u and there are people who have already started to right to yahoo about this. because this has become more like a play time answers for kids than giving a knowledgeable serious answer.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree with you on some parts but there are some people on this site that are here for some serious knowledge are you are just insulting them.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's just like television or the internet in general.

    A great potential for sharing knowledge and learning wasted.

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