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Lv 43.642 points


Favorisierte Antworten16%

Hi folks, this is Harmon, lots of fun and humor in private life, but quite serious as a scientist, especially in the field of astro-physics. I also know a little about languages, geography, musics, history and other parts of general education. Vocationally I have to take care of Microsoft systems, software and networking. I am a systems engineer. In case you want to contact me, you can do so in English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese or Russian. Yahoo answers is a good thing to do ... a great forum to exchange knowledge. But what I don't like at all are point gamers (people who deliver just crap as answers only to get points) and askers of senseless questions (e.g. what colors can be seen in a parallel universe). It's really sad this forum obviously can't be protected from that kind of abuse.

  • Zirkus Festival Monte Carlo?

    Hallo, wer hat die Sendung auf der Ard am Do, 17.5 gesehen und kannmir sagen, wie der Song heißt, den die Seiltänzerin (Guerros) auf den Schultern ihres Aprtneres stehend beim Abgang vom Seil live gesungen hat ? Oder hat eventuell jemand diesen Song als Midi oder mp3 ?? Danke

    1 AntwortSonstiges - Musikvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this place here gone to waste?

    Spoiled by kiddies and nerds who neither can ask serious questions nor give correct answers? And .. I do not mind non native speakers of English, but please, do at least write in a somewhat comprehensible form.

    What do you think ?

    In my opinion Yahoo should keep up this great service, but seperate the kiddies and gamers from those who are seriously looking for knowledge and those who are willing to answer seriously.

    If there are more than just me thinking that way, please let yahoo know, only if as much as possible write to yahoo, they will do some changes. Thank you in advance.

    10 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hi folks I have a serious request: Could you pls write to me the following words? "Love and peace"?

    Please write these words in your language, and, if possible also in your scipting system. And, of course, pls let me know what language it is. I'd like to collect that in as much languages as possible. Thank you in advance.

    18 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Stromverbrauch ??? Ingenieur oder E-techniker bitte antworten:?

    Ich habe einen PC mit einem 450 Watt Netzteil. Heißt das, daß dieses Netzteil ständig 450 Watt verbraucht? Oder hängt das trotzdem immernoch davon ab, wieviele Verbraucher tatsächlich an jenem Netzteil angeschlossen sind?

    5 AntwortenSonstiges - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt