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Glenn M
I know this is a loaded question.... How do you vote?
Looking at ratings for answers given to political questions, ANY time I tell people my political point of view, I get thumb-down vote after vote. When I stick up for someone however, I get alot of votes. Is it a consequence of being in the minority, or the consequence of being too honest? If I assert my point of view and tell you up front why I think the way i do, whats wrong with that?
7 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntIf someone mistakenly says something that was once racist, does that mean that that person is not a racist?
If they are ignorant that a phrase or saying is racist and is not saying it with any kind of hatred what-so-ever, it seems as though that would be the definition of having won the war on racism. If someone is ignorant of a racist remark, how could they possibly be racist, just ignorant. Is it the argument that "we must remember so it doesnt happen again?" OR is it
keeping racism alive so certain people can benefit from percieved racism in this country (Al Sharpton comes to mind).
Referring to that Golf anouncer that got flack a while back for saying that younger golfers probally want to go "lynch Tiger Woods."
5 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 JahrzehntMAC/PC networking and internet connection?
Qwest DSL . Modem connected to Airport (Lanman 4.3 workstation). My cousin had a professional set up the network for printers, laptops etc.
In her office is the modem and airport connected, or wirelessly connected to her mac laptop, her mac desktop, and wired into a dell laptop (in her office).
In my room is a windows XP laptop.
Right now the connection signal is 100% but my internet speed seems to lack what the DSL should provide.
Everything is shut down in the office most of the time but my connection speed still sucks!
is there anyway (network settings etc.) to speed it up?
Internet browsers take 4-6 seconds to load (Y! main page)
If i try to load more than 2 websites at a time, Forget it, it loads 2 very slowly, then says it cannot connect in the rest of the windows.
2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntAre M16A2s with attached scopes common Designated Marksman weapons? If not, which weapons are most widelyused?
If you have ex-military experience, please let me know.
3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntHow much a back-packing trip cost if I go through England,France,Netherlands, Germany,Italy. midrange inUS$?
Not staying at hotels every night, but im looking at a 3 week long trip at least, How much could i Expect to drop. feel free to give me low end, and high end, I just want an idea of how much you might have spent on your trip.
3 AntwortenOther - Europevor 1 JahrzehntIs the "Rifle Bolt Safety" on the M-16A1 called a Forward Assist as another name, or are these two different?
2 different sources might be referring to the same improvement made upon the M16 in the M16A1
4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntWhy would anybody be opposed to people having to show ID at the polls when they vote?
Directed at those who really feel that it is (racist, discriminatory, _______, etc.) I want to know your reasons against this procedure.
13 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt