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Glenn M fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why would anybody be opposed to people having to show ID at the polls when they vote?

Directed at those who really feel that it is (racist, discriminatory, _______, etc.) I want to know your reasons against this procedure.

13 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hate to tell you but, in Chicago you always have to show identification. I don't have a problem with it, never did. Why would you not show I.D when arriving to vote? How do the staffers know who you are? I mean come on people, I think those who cry racism or discrimination really are grasping at a non existent issue.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't think it is racist I just think it isn't fair to ask for ID. It will only hurt honest people who don't have ID for legit reasons, like their wallet or purse were stolen, they just moved etc. The people who want to cheat will find a way just like they find a way to get fake ID for any other thing.

    I just think rather than turn people away at the polls they should make it harder to register. That is the time to screen people not at the polls when everything is so busy and you have no time to correct what is wrong. If your name is on the list you should be allowed to vote.

    I know is CA, they just register people on the Street they don't have to show any proof that they are who say they are. In Texas they register you at the DMV when you get your Drivers license. I think Texas makes it a little harder to cheat.

    Also I don't think multiple voters is the biggest voting problem we have in America. Our biggest problem is with voting machine Fraud. They do more harm than any multiple voters can do.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There is a difference between identifying yourself proving that you are who you are. Every time I am asked to present and ID and am being asked to prove who I am. The problem with this the people demanding proof of who I am tend to be law enforcement and government officials. On the surface this does not sound bad. But what happens to you when you lose your ID because it has been lost or stolen? How do you proove who you are then?

    The Voter ID plans that most states are enacting say they are meant to prevent Voter fraud. Most problems with voter fraud are accounting problems and not voter impersonation. So if impersonation is rarely a problem then why create the voter ID laws?

    Well, some law makers realize that they have constituents that would vote against them in an election. These are usually people who you would consider poor. To reduce the effect of poor voters they create laws that make it difficult to register to vote and cast a vote if you are poor. The most effective law to date that prevents poor people from voting is the voter ID law. It is an extra step that their job at Wal-mart will not allow them to complete so they can vote. Why would an elected official do this?

    It is called Fixing-The-Seat. They want to keep that soft job in the legislature that pays well but does not require them to work hard. These elected officials also want to keep the P.A.C. money flowing to their wallet. Once they are out of office then they can not receive anymore P.A.C. money. That is the real reason you have voter ID initiatives, making useless politicians more money. I think the part that annoys me most about these stupid plans is the politicians use my tax money to make up stupid ideas like the voter ID initiative.

  • Karma
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I absolutely am NOT opposed to showing ID. I think it will cut down on a lot of election fraud from out-of-state voters crossing the line to throw the primaries, and illegal immigrant votes. They are in this country illegally, they shouldn't even be voting in a new leader of a country they refuse to belong to legally.

    Unfortunately, the Democrats WANT the illegal vote. They want to continue busing in the homeless and out-of-staters to pick up open ballots and vote for them. They want to continue sending in absentee ballots for the dead. That's why they took this issue to the Supreme Court to fight for their rights to cheat.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because it will minimize some of the risk of 12 year olds and aliens from outer space voting for Ron Paul.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't know when it stopped, but it used to be mandatory in the 70's and 80's. It is useful in keeping people from voting in your place without your permission. It also keeps people from voting more than once.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Simple. Because a citizen eligible to vote may not have an ID.

    There is no rule that says a citizen must have proof of identification on their person (although the republicrats are trying to change that). There are people that do not drive, they have no need for a drivers license, they have no ID card because they have no use for one. But they are still entitled to vote.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    People might be sensitive too that sort of thing. I talk to cable customers for a living, and some of them are REALLY paranoid. My only gripe is, if you register, than that's it. Just friggin vote. It would take more time, therefore less people might vote. The whole idea sounds counter-productive.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Do you want to have to go through repeated multiple check points and show your ID revealing everything about yourself each time you want to go across the city or from one city to another? Do want this nation to be exactly like israel? This is being imposed by the republicans because there are more democrats than republicans and they want to limit the democrats chances of winning in the election!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    because it will reduce voter some aspects of voter fraud, i.e. multiple votes and other manipulations... and because they are idiots

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