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If someone mistakenly says something that was once racist, does that mean that that person is not a racist?

If they are ignorant that a phrase or saying is racist and is not saying it with any kind of hatred what-so-ever, it seems as though that would be the definition of having won the war on racism. If someone is ignorant of a racist remark, how could they possibly be racist, just ignorant. Is it the argument that "we must remember so it doesnt happen again?" OR is it

keeping racism alive so certain people can benefit from percieved racism in this country (Al Sharpton comes to mind).

Referring to that Golf anouncer that got flack a while back for saying that younger golfers probally want to go "lynch Tiger Woods."


The commentator was a young white female actually. In fact, Woods later remarked that they were friends and nothing was meant by it.

I do find it interesting that Black people can make fun of any race without the accusation of racism being thrown in the mix, but you think white people are neccesarily racist if they do the same. If that is a sincerely held belief, does it offend you that (white) people laugh at jokes that, if said in another setting would be considered racist?

I certainly don't place Al Sharpton on the same level as the KKK. I do however think that he CAN become overzealous on occassion. My opinion.

5 Antworten

    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Lacking the desire to offend doesn't necessarily mean that a person isn't racist. Perhaps he/she wishes to remain "quietly racist". However, it's asinine to assume that all the members of a particular so-called "race" who use certain vocabulary are doing so with racist hearts or with the intention of offending others. And, in my opinion, it's equally absurd to generalize everyone of another so-called "race" as NEVER using certain vocabulary for racist or offensive purposes.

    To make these assumptions IS DEFINITELY to perpetuate racism. And the problem is twofold: (1) Obviously, making "race"-based assumptions breeds and supports prejudice towards the "races" about which the assumptions are being made. Stereotyping an entire "race" as being predetermined to speak "these" words in "these" contexts for "these" purposes IS prejudiced and DOES prolong the hold that prejudice has on society. (2) What's more, such "race"-based assumptions also cause people to continue stereotyping solely on the basis of physical appearance.

    To illustrate: Based upon your physical appearance, someone may conclude that you're "white". However, for all he/she knows, your biological parents may have all of the characteristics typically associated with "black" people. So who's to say that you're any less "black" than any other "black" person? Hmm... But make regular use of the word "nappy", for example, and I'm sure that you'll eventually offend someone.

    In the above example, someone presumes to know what your "race" is due to his/her preconceived notions of what every member of your "race" looks like. And, then, adding insult to injury, this person expects your speech to be based upon the speech that he/she expects the "race" that he/she THINKS you are to use. Damn! Tongue twister, isn't it? Yup, and ridiculously unreasonable. Inconsistent with the "racial" egalitarian ideals that many people claim to hold so dear.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You are just trying to excuse it off so that it is not racist when it is! It would be sheer stupidity to assume someone just said lynching to be funny. It has a meaning to it.

    1) Tiger doesnt consider himself African American anyway

    2) That was no mistake, it was clearly a racist remark

    3) I doubt the guy who said that was racist, he is just guilty of being stupid...he is not ignorant either he has to know what lynching is...! C'mon now

    The more we excuse the behavior the more society thinks its okay THAT IS WHY there is a BIG deal made out of statements because the statements are actually racist with intent to offend--the people are not always racist themselves, just stupid and making poor laspes of judgement.

    When blacks do it, its honestly just for humor very rarely is it with a racist intent of spitefulness...when whites do it its not just humor haha its an excuse to just be dumb because in the past ppl got away with it.

    As for Al Sharpton being brought up dont use that as a defense because its a weak one. Al Sharpton doesnt insult whites he just makes it clear he intends to helps blacks. He doesnt equate to the KKK, Jim crow laws, lynching etc and so on. Sorry bud dont cry reverse racism on that...

    Everyone says oh well slavery was the past lets move forward. Yes lets move forward but how can we?? When we are ignoring our past which is why our present is chaotic now.

    Quelle(n): common sense and college educated
  • mabie
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    Wow i became only speaking approximately that with 2 pals of mine who ensue to be black women people. They the two agreed that their race became greater racist. I even tend to think of that possibly it somewhat is only greater one component being greater vocal whether the different is greater closeted. Afterall this is in intense undesirable flavor for a white guy or woman to assert some thing that interior the least way conveys a racial bias, while if a guy or woman of coloration says some thing derogetory approximately whites, it somewhat is seen "comprehensible" or earned in a fashion. I particapted in a march to honor MLK Jr. i became the only female of mild complexion. It did not look that all people liked my being there. nevertheless i'm very happy i became there. the guy we've been honoring stood up and became counted, had many moving issues to assert while he became alive, and has left a brilliant legacy.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ok People are way to crazy about racism in these days. if its by accident its not racist. If someone hears a racist comment and don't say anything about it their not racist ether. You can say what ever you want, but your not racist unless you truly think one race is superior to all others. I'm tired of everybody saying people are racist cause they said the N word. I"m not affended my being called cracker or Honkey. Words don't hert no one its the reactions to those words.

    JM b i t c h

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if they are expressing their beliefs then yes

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