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The God who deserves worship IS love, and is of infinite justice, wisdom and power. Why does he allow disasters to happen? Like a loving mom wouldn´t prevent her daughter to run barefeetedly into the snow, but WOULD stop her from falling from the platform in front of a train, the loving God doesn´t prevent mankind to suffer the consequences of our own error (like the plane crashed over the Atlantic due to faulty equipment, that just had not been replaced yet for reasons of saving money), but on the long run can and will re-surrect everybody worth of. As his patience and mercy are of a divine quality also, this includes quite some people. English. Disclaimer: "Politically incorrect" - Read on at own risc. It requires definitely a much stronger - and much blinder - faith to believe in dumb coincidence than to clearly see the obvious evidence of intelligent design.

  • How is this religion called, and what´s the name of it´s God?

    The ONE religion that makes it´s followers rather go straight into prison-camps

    than pick up a gun and murder people.

    The ONE religion that doesn´t accept abortion even in case of rape,

    but will support the victim instead of bashing her.

    The ONE religion that knows only ONE reason for divorce and re-marriage: Adultery.

    The ONE religion that doesn´t let it´s children have sexual relationships,

    teenage-pregnancys and abortions.

    The ONE religion that worships a personal God with a personal name.

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Griff-Vergrösserung für Wasserhähne?

    Meine Großmutter ist mit ihren 95 Jahren noch klar im Kopf, hat aber nicht mehr die Körperkraft, den Wasserhahn fest zu schließen, darum läuft er immer.

    Ich hatte vor vielen Jahren mal einen Aufsatz gesehen aus Gummi oder Plastik, der den Hebel vergrößert, finde ihn aber nicht mehr.

    Wer kann helfen?

    2 AntwortenSonstiges - Krankheitenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Question Deletion: Girl asked about losing her faith?

    Her family was struck with illness and she blamed God, I answered 1st,but the ques was deleted!. CONTACT ME!

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If America is "God´s Own Country"?

    and God DIDN´T EXIST,

    are Coca Cola, McDonalds, Disneyland and Marlboro Country


    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Taking offense in decent verbal expression?

    A friend noted that she gets criticized for expressing herself variedly ... people seem to think she " wants to be better off "...

    Like calling some emotion "I´m angry", "I´m annoyed", "I´m embarrassed" - instead of plainly saying "I´m so upset".

    How can this be? In a country of such an old cultural traditon as Britain, even the workmen take pride in expressing things clearly...

    even curses can be classy or innovative ;)

    On the other hand, just as manyfold Mr.Universe and manyfold world-champion of bodybuilding Mr. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fits nowadays in a normal suit, for he has reduced his training,

    even the Brain of Britain would gradually lose his intelligence, if he stopped thinking.

    So when people are constantly neglecting their verbal skills, they´ll loose them.

    So, why are people "upset" when someone else makes good use of them?

    Could it be they´re realizing they fall behind their own standards which they use to take pride from, and don´t like anyone remembering them, lest to have a guilty conscience?

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Frage zu AEG Electrolux?

    An alle AEG Electrolux-Mitarbeiter:

    Wäscht die AEG Electrolux Waschmaschine

    yahoo clever auch werbefrei?

    3 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What´s "TLT-TTC"?

    I found that appendix on answerers :-*

    1 AntwortOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What´s the difference between an Atheist and a Pompeiian or Herculaneite?

    What´s the difference between an Atheist mocking and hitting on Christians on yahoo R&S in 2008

    and a Pompeiian or Herculaneite mocking and hitting on the geologist warning him off the eruption of the Vesusius in 79 AD?

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Adaptor needed for light-bulb?

    Hi all, I want to change from Halogen to energy-saving lamps.

    The lamp I need to keep has GU10-sockets for halogen lamps, I want to use energy-saving lamps with E27-socket.

    Any advice what I could use? Or a source for adaptors?

    Advice will be appreciated!:)

    1 AntwortDecorating & Remodelingvor 1 Jahrzehnt