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How is this religion called, and what´s the name of it´s God?

The ONE religion that makes it´s followers rather go straight into prison-camps

than pick up a gun and murder people.

The ONE religion that doesn´t accept abortion even in case of rape,

but will support the victim instead of bashing her.

The ONE religion that knows only ONE reason for divorce and re-marriage: Adultery.

The ONE religion that doesn´t let it´s children have sexual relationships,

teenage-pregnancys and abortions.

The ONE religion that worships a personal God with a personal name.


@Christopher E: Which Muslims were imprisoned for refusing to fight Holy Wars,for religious reasons? Do ALL Muslims rather go to prison than to defend the name of Mohammed?

Update 2:

@Angel: What does your God´s name MEAN?

Update 3:

@Chi girl: Thank you; I´m no native, so I do have to concentrate on the spelling more.

Update 4:

@Kitty: The same Christianity that burned beautiful women for the only sin they had red hair?

Update 5:

@Deedlina Blunk:

What makes you think I´m hitting ON ISLAM?


Update 6:

@boojumuk: You are right, NONE of the false religions fit in there.

There are medical reasons for abortion, when the mom would die or both. I referred only to abortions for convenience.

There are also more biblical reasons for divorce, but only adultery allowsthe innocent partner to re-marry.

The one true God has also just one true religion. For this I´m asking.

Update 7:

@Ladybird: Best answer till now.

But you still don´t answer the question! :)

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Jehovah's Witnesses and we worship the True God, Jehovah. He picked his own name as it means, "He who causes to become." He cannot lie as what leaves his mouth returns to him fulfilled.

    We follow the example of our King and the only begotten son of Jehovah, Jesus.


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would say Islam, except that in Islamic countries I have heard of rape victims being themselves charged with illicit sexual contact and adultery being classed as a capital crime, not a reason for divorce.

    Personally, I doubt if any of the world's false and moronic religions fit into the framework of these rules, which are in some cases very misguided anyway. There are many valid reasons for divorce and often compelling medical reasons for abortion.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Jehovah's Witnesses use God's personal name, do not go to war for any nation, doesn't allow abortion unless the mother would absolutely die if it were not done, doesn't condone teenage sexual relationships, but also any sexual relationship outside of marriage. But divorce and re-marriage is allowed if one of the partners had ANY extra-sexual relationship, not just adultery.

    How could anyone think you are writing about Islam?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    @Deedlina Blunk -- Islam rejects Jesus as the Messiah

    Jesus is perfect; Islam is just another of the worlds many false religions, and does encourage the behavior stated in the question. Your Quran might not, but your religion and leaders do. It is the members of your religion that make it up, so what they do says loads about your beliefs. I will agree with some of your beliefs. Yes, your Quran requires you to be peaceful and love one another and live your lives right. However, a huge number of your people have blatant disregard for the rules set forth in it and terrorize and slaughter innocent people in its name.

    I realize there are wacked out fundamentalists of all kinds. In fact, I can say the same of a few of my SO-CALLED fellow Christians, such as the insane people who have blown up abortion clinics supposedly in the name of God.

    I harbor no ill-will toward Muslims. The faithful of your religion are good people with good and strict morals, and because of that I do hope you find the Truth before it is too late.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Cpt. Rutabaga

  • ...
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    hello my friend,

    by doing this, you are insulting Islam. Most of the information you have given are wrong so please educate yourself before you say anything about religion. No matter what your religion is, I as a muslim is taught to respect other religions, so please respect my religion too. If Islam is violence, terrorism, why is it the fastest growing religion in the world? I respect and love you no matter what your religion is and no matter who you are. This is what my religion taught me. Islam is Perfect, muslims are imperfect. :)

  • Kitty
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'd say muslim but they offer their 14 year old virgins for that leaves christianity?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Who cares?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    im a muslim. and i think ur talking about islam? our gods name is Allah.

    Quelle(n): im a muslim
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That would be Islam.

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