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Lv 31.104 points


Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • Why are light switches on the outside of bathrooms?

    In some countries, light switches are on the outside. There are many reasons for this, i.e. isolation wasn't advanced back in the day and people wanted to minimize the exposure of electricity to humidity. This, of course, has changed, but there are still many places in the world where it's more common to have the light switch outside.

    I'm looking forward to people's (hopefully reasonable) insights:)

    4 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Translate this Spanish please:?

    le falta desayuno y una ascensor porque subir los bolsos tres pisos fueron matadores!!!

    5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Survey: Who is having problems with Yahoo Mail right now?

    Specifically: You sign in and a blank page loads. I know I'm not the only one. If you have any solutions, you're also welcome to post them here. Otherwise, I'm just interested in how many people are affected by this and since when.


    3 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Mailvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My Yahoo Inbox does not open when I log in! HELP?

    When I go to with a different account name and enter my login info, a blank page is loaded and the browser just stops there. It's not the browser, since this account works just fine and I've had the problem for a week now and I've tried different cimputers and different browsers.

    I type in my name, the password, click the login button and a blank page with an address like this opens: (I replaced some charactrs with Xs) and that's it.

    If anyone can tell me what's wrong (I've restored/changed the pw and all) or at least tell me how I can get in touch with Yahoo Mail customer service (if such a thing even exists), I would be very, very grateful.

    Many Thanks!

    3 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ist der neue ALDI-Laptop gut?

    Hab nen PC, hätt gern nen Laptop aus vielerlei Gründen. Montag bringt ALDI Nord einen ins Geschäft, der kostet 499,00. Bin kein Experte und bin mit meinem letzten ALDI PC nur glücklich gewesen, weil er so günstig war. Meine Frage ist jetzt im Prinzip ob der Preis so gut ist, dass man zuschlagen sollte, wenn man sich ohnenhin früher oder später so ein Teil zulegt.

    Hier der Link zum Gerät:

    Vielen Dank

    3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's this Spanish mean in English?

    quero beber mais...

    its a facebook comment, so i dont know the context, im just curious. ty

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to insert a JPEG into a PDF?

    Time to make a new CV and I would like to include a pic in the corner, but I can't find an "insert image" tool or anything. I have a regular Acrobat Reader and Open Office. Maybe I need to download another app?


    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Religious Ones: So what exactly is your problem with gay marriage?

    ...I know homosexuality is a sin, according to y'all, but as long as you don't do it, it doesn't affect you, or? I mean, your kids aren't more likely to become gay or anything. If you really oppose homosexuality, you probably have nothing to do with gay people anyway, so why the animosity? Gay people have as little interest in dealing with you, as you have with them.

    So why can't they just do their thing? In what way are you or people near you specifically affected by other people's homosexual behavior(marriage)?

    Studies have shown that people's perception of how many % of Americans are gay is completely out of sync with how many(few) people are actually gay, so homosoxuality is not a "problem" that is spreading or anything.

    27 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • WG-Gründung: Was sollte ich am Anfang festlegen?

    Hi! Ich werde demnächst eine größere Wohnung mieten, für die ich eine(n) Mitbewohner(in) suchen muss. Ich habe schon mal in einer 3er-WG gelebt und das war eine absolute Katastrophe (Abwasch, Türenknallen etc.), sodass ich nach 6 Monaten gleich wieder raus bin.

    Jetzt würde ich gern allen potentiellen Konfliktstoff vor Einzug bzw. Auswahl des Mitbewohners treffen klären oder zumindest thematisieren, aber außer folgenden Punkten fällt mir nicht viel mehr ein:


    -allgemeines Putzen von Bad und Küche

    -nachts sollte (zumindest unter der Woche) Ruhe sein

    -man isst nur sein eigenes Zeug

    -keinen unangemeldeten Besuch hereinlassen


    Bin dankbar für jede Ergänzung dieser Liste.

    7 AntwortenSonstiges - Haus & Gartenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does Firefox sometimes have no sound/doesn't load vids?

    Regularly, I have these two problems with Firefox:

    1. It doesn't play streaming videos at all or stops after exactly 2 seconds


    2. Sometimes I have no sound at all, even though I haven't changed any browser settings and volume is on. I've rebooted my puter twice, but not getting anywhere...Netscape works fine, so it definitely is Mozilla.

    All I've noticed is that it's more likely to happen if I have many windows/tabs open. Thx for any insights.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Religious Ones: Why do you support the death penalty?

    I'm especially interested in what the Anti-Abortionists say, since it's supposed to be "Pro-Life" and all. Atheists, please leave this to religious ones. I'm an Atheist myself and I've always wondered how come in our mainly Christian country, capital punishment is mostly supported by those conservative people who follow Jesus - Forgiveness - Christ. A common misconception is that death penalty is cheaper than keeping someone in prison for life.That's an error and not up for discussion here. I'm interested in the "moral reasoning, " if you want to call it that.

    Thanks for your insights!

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Good rap albums of the past 2 or 3 years?

    1) I cannot stand Kanye, Lil Wayne, Flo Rida, Jeezy or any of those contemporary (so-called) rappers. If you like that kind of stuff, don't bother wasting your time here.

    2) I really like 90s rap, like the first 2 Nas albums, old Outkast cds, BIG, Pac, Pharcyde and all that stuff

    3) I also like really stupid/funny rap, like Mike Jones 1st cd, Too Short, Trick Daddy, Rich Boy...they make me laugh.

    4) I also like Deltron, Ludacris, The Roots and other original rap musicians.

    5) PLEASE write a line or two about whatever you're recommending and don't just mention album titles.

    Thanks. Best cd I discover will of course be the best answer!

    6 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 1 Jahrzehnt