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Is Clause "Deposit will be returned without interest" in Lease Legal?
We live in a rent controlled apartment in Los Angeles. I understand that by law, the landlord has to pay interest on the deposit. However our landlord put a clause in the lease, saying that "deposit will be returned without interest".
Is that legal?
LA Housing department says it's a civil matter and I'd have to hire a lawyer. Has anybody ever dealt with this?
4 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 JahrzehntFormer Employee Liable for Payments?
My hubby is co-founder & shareholder in a corporation. He was employed as CTO for about a year and was recently forced to resign due to majority changes on the BoD.
The office lease and a company car lease are both in the companies name, but he also had to sign with his personal name and SSN, as the Corporation didn't have a credit history.
Two questions:
How do we get the Corporation to immediately take my hubbys name off those leases and replace it with the name of a current employee/decision maker?
Can my husband be held personally liable for any debt if the corporation doesn't make payments? I thought he was personally protected by corporate law?
Thanks for your advice!!!
1 AntwortCorporationsvor 1 JahrzehntInstall Security Camera in Apartment Window?
Somebody broke into our 2nd story apartment and stole a few items. I suspect the thug friends of a teenage neighbor but can't prove it. To prevent this from happening again, can I put a security camera in the window of my apartment with a "Smile, you are on Camera" sign to keep track who walks up the stairs to my apartment?
Do I need permission from the landlord to do this, even though the camera will be inside my apartment?
The landlord won't do ANYTHING to help us, because she is afraid to be called a racist if she confronts the neighbors.
6 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 JahrzehntAuslaendische Gehaltsberechnung fuer Elterngeld?
Mein Mann und ich leben und arbeiten in den USA. Kinder wollen wir hier aber nicht grossziehen und wollen dafuer in ein paar Jahren nach Deutschland zurueckkehren. Wuerde sich das Elterngeld dann nach meinem Einkommen in den USA berechnen?
1 AntwortSonstigesvor 1 JahrzehntCan dentist send me bills half a year later claiming my insurance didn't cover all costs?
I had some dental work done and paid off all balances right at the dentist office. The staement showed a balance of $0.
I just received a bill from the dentist, six month after that work was done, claiming that I owe them money, and that the bill is past due. Even though this is the first letter I received from them!
I moved out of state 2 months ago and also changed insurance since I have a new employer. Can they still come after me?
10 AntwortenDentalvor 1 JahrzehntDye hair again for better result?
I want to go back to my natural medium blond hair color after bleaching my hair for years. I already found the right color and dyed my hair. The top half of my hair looks really nice, but the longer layers didn't take the color as well and the light blond shines through.
If I dye my hair again with the same color, will the result be better, or what else would you guys sugget except for cutting it?
6 AntwortenHairvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I decorate my new office?
I am starting a new job soon and I will have my own office for the first time. The company is pretty fun & upbeat but I want to make sure that I will be respected and that my clients will feel welcome & comfortable.
What are good themes or accent pieces to decorate my office with?
8 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 1 JahrzehntWireless ISP in Los Angeles?
I'm trying to find all ISP in Los Angeles 90035 that offer wireless internet service.
In case there aren't any, are there any companies that offer internet access in that area that don't require me to have a land line phone?
2 AntwortenInternetvor 2 JahrzehntenDo I have to wear stockings or pantyhose to work?
I am moving back to LA and would like to know if I still have to wear stockings or pantyhose to my office job.
If so, do all the people over there wear closed toed shoes?
16 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 2 JahrzehntenRoad Trip along I-10!?
I am going to drive from Florida to Los Angeles via I-10 with my two dogs. How many days will this take me? How many miles can I make per day (stop every 3 hours, going the speed limit or a tiny bit faster :))?
Any suggestions for cheap motels along the way that allow two big dogs?
5 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 2 JahrzehntenMy dogs always eat my cats food. Why doesn't anybody sell cat food flavored dog food?
17 AntwortenDogsvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat should my landlord include in a letter of recommentadtion for my pets?
I have 2 big dogs and a cat and I think that a letter of recommendation will help me find a new apartment or house to rent. What should my landlord write, other than that the pets are well behaved, socialized and that I am a responsible owner?
Thanks for your input!!
2 AntwortenDogsvor 2 JahrzehntenWill it help my credit score to finance a car and to pay it off immediately?
I am trying to build credit so that my husband and I can get a homeloan. I am used to live within my means and to save until I can afford to buy what I need. I have enough money to buy a car in cash. But would it be better to finance it and pay it off immediately? Or would I have to pay off the entire loan (incl. interest) in order to boost my credit rating?
Are there any other better ways for me to use my savings as an advantage in building credit?
Thanks for your input!!!
10 AntwortenCreditvor 2 Jahrzehnten