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Favorisierte Antworten10%
  • Where do I find scholarly books/sources online for free?

    I need them for my research paper.

    3 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help in Accounting :(?

    Hi everyone!

    Im a good student. But when it comes to accounting...

    It cant be that hard, I just haven't found the right way to learn it yet.

    Are there any books or sites that you can recommend?

    I have Exams soon, and i really need to understand it!

    1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can one communicate with food?

    I planning on doing a presentation on this topic. Are there foods or beverages that communicate something?

    ex: giving popcorn, usually means that the individuals are about to do something entertaining, like watching a movie.

    Thank you for all the comments and tips!

    4 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where do I find internships in Maastricht?

    i just cant seem to find any. Do you know any sites?

    2 AntwortenChicagovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • problems with own homepage?

    I bought my self a domain by and im really desperate for an answer at the moment.I want to make my very own personalised homepage but all they offer me is some templates that are already there. I cant seem to find a place were i can use HTML or at least change the templates they are offering me. Any Ideas wat i can do? Is there a possibilty to tranfer the BOUGHT domain to another place?where it is easier to change and customize it? if yes, how? HELP :(

    What would be the smartest thing to do now`?

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Verzweifelt bei eigener Homepage?

    Ich habe mir ein Domain by gekauft und bin im Moment total am Verzweifeln! ich kann irgendwie nur auf Vorlagen zugreifen. Dabei wollte ich meine ganz eigene Homepage erstellen mit HTML und so. Kennt ihr euch aus? was kann ich tun? Gibt es ne möglichkeit ein gekauftes Domain woanders zu übertragen? wenn ja wie? HILFE! :(

    2 AntwortenProgrammierung & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wie schnell sind ruderboote?

    Wie schnell sind



    Achter Ruderboote?

    2 AntwortenBoote & Schifffahrtvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what is the meaning of Knight?

    In a simply and understanding form.

    5 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you like to add in the tourism branch?

    What don't you like? Or what would you want changed? What do you want to add?

    1 AntwortOther - Destinationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • best Legal music download, willing to pay?

    Which sites do you recommend, where i can download music for a worth awhile price. With good quality, a lot of music and so know what i mean?


    5 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Job vor dem Studium?


    ich versuche schon seit einiger Zeit einen Job zu bekommen der keine Ausbildung und kein Studium benötigt. Ich möchte zwar Studieren, hab aber erst ein Jahr Pause dazwischen. In der Zeit möchte ich mich nützlich machen und Einen Job finden. Leider weiß ich nicht recht wo ich suchen soll, und was anständiges finde ich auch nicht. Ein 400euro Job möchte ich nicht. Wer kann mir helfen?

    4 AntwortenSonstiges - Schule & Bildungvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to block runescape secretly?

    My brother is a total runescape freak. cause of him the internet bill has skyrocketed. im disapointed on how careless he has become. sits o the computer for hours mining depressing. how can i block runescape on the computer without him knowing? so that he thinks it just a problem with the server?

    please! my brother needs a life!

    7 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • which majour sickness did you ever have?

    god forbid for you to ever have any. so which did you have a part from

    the flu


    8 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • For the best of a friend?

    I have this rellay good guy friend! he has done so much for all of the other friends. drives us around, is always there for us. we were pretty ungreatful. now hes in a stress fase...hates everythin around him, is irritated by everyone around him. and all this because we take him for granted. i noticed this quite recently. and i want to do somethin for him. no party(he has enough of those). something that he sees how much we care for him, and how much he means to us! because he is really a great guy! im greatful for every idea!

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • holocaust verleugnung?

    Ich persönlich glaube das holocaust existiert hat! aber ich brauche eine nützliche primärquelle wo ich diese infos entgegensetzten kann....habt Ihr was? ich wäre sehr dankbar!eine rede oder so in der art wäre ideal! DANKE

    3 AntwortenSchulevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Investment guidlines?

    Could any of you give me some investemnet guidlines to Dubai, South Afrika, Malaysia and Egypt? in the internet? I would be greatfull. i cant really find anything on gooooooooogle

    1 AntwortPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how much is sutiable for a teen of 17 to go out?

    im 17 and im in my summer holidays right about now. i love meting friends, im good at school, dont drink or smoke. my dad however doesnt like me going out. i was lucky to go out 3 times this week because my friend was here. now shes gone and im not even allowed to go to the karaoke party coming up. he cancelled it in the last minute, 10 min before i was about to get ready. everyone thinks im coming.... why???? i mean its holidays.. and the place i live in isnt a dangerous area. may dad believe is jsut go out to much. i need more insight and some good argument :(

    16 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Your opinion?

    I was on this teenage partially dating site for about a year now.

    Now a guy my age found me over the site and we have been chatting ever since...for about 5 months now.

    i live in Aethiopia and he in germany. in germany he lives just 2 minutes away from my house. and i plan on meeting him in summer. we have chatted, skyped, been on the phone....saw each other over webcam, he has met my friends i have met his...

    we are both 17.

    So now that i want to meet him in germany, my parents insist on meeting him first. i totally understand why, but, shouldnt i meet him first, and see how he is before he meets my parents? i know my dad, he starts askin awkward questions...

    But i doubt that this 17 year old guy is a rapist or something, the village we are in is calm and friendly.

    so what do u think i should or shouldnt do first? step by step?

    but i still want to meet the guy without embarrassing anybody.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt