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can one communicate with food?

I planning on doing a presentation on this topic. Are there foods or beverages that communicate something?

ex: giving popcorn, usually means that the individuals are about to do something entertaining, like watching a movie.

Thank you for all the comments and tips!

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I communicate love to my husband with food all the time. The acts of preparing him a home-cooked dinner most nights, and packing a lunch for him to take to work are recognized by both of us as a sign of my love for him. I also put a little extra treat in his lunch bag sometimes (a Tootsie Pop or a snack cake) that tells him I'm thinking about him.

    Food often communicates nurturing: a parent feeding a child, a caregiver feeding an ill person.

    Serving food or drink to a visitor conveys hospitality and an extension of friendship.

    Food is often used to celebrate particular occasions (a birthday cake, a wedding feast, Thanksgiving dinner).

    "Breaking bread" is a universal sign of a peace offering.

    Throwing lavish feast can communicate social standing or wealth.

    Pot luck dinners are an expression of community.

    Gifts of food (fruit baskets, boxes of candy) are often given as an indicator of affection or good will.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    at first glance, I sort of thought you were a nut but after reading your question, I became fascinated. Sorry for the "nut" thoughts!

    Here in upper midwest, food is closely associated with gatherings. I am in Minnesota and I think we invented "hotdish" LOL

    Some churches are notorious for food related gatherings. At an Assemblies of God church our family attended in North Dakota, we had a potluck dinner at the drop of a hat. ANY occasion was an excuse to get together and eat. You knew that Mrs. So and SO was going to bring her luscious fruit salad or Miss SO and So, who couldn't cook worth beans was going to offer that nasty macaroni hotdish everyone choked down anyway, smiling all the while. What it did was make the church members feel like an extended family.

    I have never known a particular food to have a particular meaning but will watch you question closely and with great interest to see what answers you get. What a great question!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    One thing is for sure, people cannot eat together if they are not comfortable with each other.

    It shows, in many cultures,that by offering or taking food from someone else,that on some level you accept them or they do you

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, the messages are closely associated with one's culture, but in every culture I know of sharing food is a sign of peace.

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