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Favorisierte Antworten18%
  • Do you support parens patriae? (Redux)?

    I asked this yesterday but worded it poorly. As a result, the conversation got off-topic. If you want to read that discussion, look it up in my questions - they are free ranging and public as nature intended.

    All vice crimes should be legal. Prohibition has been proven a failure. Legalizing drugs, prostitution, and gambling would save billions on enforcement and reap huge tax income. It would also allow for regulation of these existing industries, making them safer for everyone involved. Therefore, the only remaining reason to outlaw vice crimes is: they are immoral.

    Why should the government be legislating morality when it’s a parent’s job to teach morals to their children?

    15 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who are your kid’s role models and heroes?

    If you aren’t on the list, why not?

    9 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are children a tax write-off?

    I know the rationale: Families with children need the money to raise their children. But, those families use more government services (I.E. Schools). Why aren’t families expected to pay their fair share for those services? Why should citizens without children, or couples who are responsible with their finances and chose not to have kids, expected to subsidize the children of the rest of society?

    12 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you support parens patriae?

    All vice crimes should be legal. Prohibition has been a proven failure. Legalizing drugs, prostitution, and gambling would save billions on enforcement and reap huge tax income. Furthermore, it would allow for regulation of these existing industries making them safer for everyone involved.

    Parents have may have loftier ambitions for their children than any of those industries. Let them teach their kids to avoid them, the same way they might teach their kids not to smoke. Is a “High Driver,” somehow worse than a drunken one?

    Why should the government be legislating morality when it’s a parent’s job?

    6 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does your kid owe you?

    I don't think my kid owes me a thing in the world. I wanted them, they didn't ask to be here. I have aspirations for them but, they don’t owe it to me to live up to what I planned for them. My retirement plan does not include being a burden upon my children.

    I think any parent-child debt is strictly one sided, parent to child. What does your kid owe you?

    16 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Opportunity in Adversity?

    Japan is experiencing nothing less than a tragedy. Is capitalizing on it and trying to replace their damaged industries inexcusably cold hearted or good business?

    I was just reading how GM is shutting a plant in Louisiana due to a shortage of Japanese parts. This is bad news for the Louisiana economy and the people put out of work. It also represents an excellent opportunity for other machine shops and job creation for someone to replace the Japanese parts and re-open the GM Plant.

    However, it could also be considered kicking, so far as I know, a nice country full of good people while they're down. Really down. Ofcourse, there are really nice people all over the world who need work.

    What do you all think? Should businesses be taking advantage of a competitor's, even an entire country's, misfortune?

    3 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • HDMI Audio and Home Theater?

    I was ticked to find that my new Yamaha Home Audio System does not perform its primary function of amplifying audio when using HDMI. I'm now looking to replace the piece of garbage. What specification should I be looking for to ensure that the next system not only passes the HDMI Video signal to my TV but, HDMI audio to my surround sound speakers?

    Thanks for the help!

    6 AntwortenHome Theatervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • HP e-Vectra Doesn't Power Up?

    My e-Vectra has been unrelaibly powering up for some time now and finally stopped altogether. I disassembled it and found that the six, 1000UF 25V capacitors near the power cord were corroding out the top. I've replaced them with caps with the same specs. When I attach the power cord, the lights on the network jack flash and the fan shifts but, it still won't come on.

    The new capacitors have about 20VDC on them and the switch seems to have continuity when depressed. Is there something else I'm missing?

    Thanks for the help!

    3 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My Onkyo Home Theater System has video in and output ports. Why?

    What's the benefit of running a video signal through an audio receiver? Run my DVD player through the home theater so the home theater changes the video source rather than having to change TV Channels?


    4 AntwortenHome Theatervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Windows XP and CD Burners?

    I've got a PC running Windows XP with multiple CD Burners attached. When I go to one of the drive's properties and enable recording, it disables the other drives. The net effect is I can have only one drive enabled for recording at a time. Am I doing something wrong or is that just the way it is?

    5 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Japanese Translation?

    I may be making this up but, I thought there was a Japanese word that meant, loosely translated, "Beautiful for its flaws."

    Has anyone heard of it?

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Extreme Home Make-Over?

    I used to be a fan of the show but, got tired of the people they helped. It seems to me the show rewards irresponsibility. They always seemed to help families who had more kids than they could afford. Or the orphans whose parents didn't care enough to buy life insurance and arrange for their kids to be cared for in case of a tragedy.

    I know I sound cold and, while I agree those are sad stories, I'm not sure it's a good message to send by awarding them a hosue. I'd have liked to seen a show like: "This is John. He's worked hard and sacrificed his whole life. He paid his taxes and has fully funded his children's college savings accounts. We like to reward that behavior and are going to send him and his family on vacation while we build hima great house."

    Am I the only one who questions whom the producers choose to reward?

    5 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Root Stock on Roses?

    For some reason the root stock on one of my rose bushes has begun to grow. Grow even faster than the rose graft. Is there a way to stop the root stock from putting up branches without damaging the roses?

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm having a probelm getting DOS Sound to Work on Windows 98?

    Hi there!

    I can't get music on DOS games to work when running under Windows 98. If I boot from a DOS Disk, the music plays fine. The config.sys and autoexec.bat files from the boot disk are:











    Rem SoundCard :CR563

    set blaster=a220 i5 d1 t4

    GOTO LoadDvrs


    ECHO Loading drivers...

    LH DEVICE %CD_Driver% /D:MSCD0001>NUL

    LH MSCDEX /D:MSCD0001 /M:16 /L:D>NUL

    MSCDEX /D:MSCD0001 /M:16 /L:D>NUL

    IF (%CD_Driver%)==(CDROM.SYS) SETSPEED 12



    SMARTDRV 8192

    I've copied those into the Windows 98 config.sys and autoexec.bat but am having no luck. I'd like to be able to run the games under Windows 98 so I can use my USB joystick but, ofcourse want the music to work too. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    2 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 2 Jahrzehnten