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anonimitie fragte in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why are children a tax write-off?

I know the rationale: Families with children need the money to raise their children. But, those families use more government services (I.E. Schools). Why aren’t families expected to pay their fair share for those services? Why should citizens without children, or couples who are responsible with their finances and chose not to have kids, expected to subsidize the children of the rest of society?


Everyone seems fixated on schools. It was just one example to which the federal government makes substantial contributions. According to this government website:

There are more than 180 programs supporting children.

The sales tax argument has some merit, though!

12 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I take the standard deduction, and I get it for my children too.

    Let me assure you, between iPhone apps, playground balls and hot pink capri pants, I pay lots and lots of taxes on my children.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Your a tax write off

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    just as a few starters:

    -- it doesn't help the other taxpayers if the people with children are so overwhelmed by tax burden and childcare that they either are neglecting their children or fall below the poverty line and reliant on taxpayer-funded welfare programs to get by. the credit is phased out for higher-income people.

    -- not every family with children uses more government services than every family without. compare, e.g., the family with kids in private schools to the single 30-something on food stamps.

    -- today's children are the ones who are going to pay your social security (for argument's sake, assuming it still exists by then), solve the problems that face the world today, invent the technologies of tomorrow, and keep our economy running. it is in everyone's interest, childless or with children, that we have a strong, healthy, well-educated younger population. hence the tax write-off to encourage families to make sure we have that even when it might otherwise be a financial stretch.

  • Everybody pays taxes into program they do not use. Thats just how it is. Yes I get a tax break for my daughter, but I also pay loads of taxes on things I need for her and our family. In the future she will also be paying taxes.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Huh? Property taxes are the main tax funding education in your town and last I knew all residents of a town or city pay property tax (unless you rent your landlord pays it).

    And I pay a ton in property taxes FYI

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Parents spend more on certain things, thus paying more taxes. That, and the earned income tax credit.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    If any of my future children turned out anything like YOU, black hearted and bitter, I would tell everyone that they were dead.

  • LOLeah
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because people with children are creating future tax payers, childless people are not. People subsidized them when they were dependent, and future generations will do so again once they retire.

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You get a tax deduction for every human being in your family.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You are right! Children are bums who don't work, don't pay taxes, and use up too many resources. They should all be deported!!!

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