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anonimitie fragte in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Do you support parens patriae? (Redux)?

I asked this yesterday but worded it poorly. As a result, the conversation got off-topic. If you want to read that discussion, look it up in my questions - they are free ranging and public as nature intended.

All vice crimes should be legal. Prohibition has been proven a failure. Legalizing drugs, prostitution, and gambling would save billions on enforcement and reap huge tax income. It would also allow for regulation of these existing industries, making them safer for everyone involved. Therefore, the only remaining reason to outlaw vice crimes is: they are immoral.

Why should the government be legislating morality when it’s a parent’s job to teach morals to their children?


Marianne, a lot of folks aren't ready for alcohol consumption but, they legally can. What about the other “crimes?” Why do parents need the government to teach their kids that prostitution is wrong?

Tranquil, try as I might, I can’t find a definition for “Molrow,” but, I bet men *and* women both do it.

Disease would be drastically reduced by regulation. Addiction already exists and wouldn't be made worse by legalization. All of your arguments were made and proven false during the prohibition of alcohol.

Teenagers come home drunk yet, alcohol is legal. Why does the government need to step in and teach children morals about other vice crimes?

Update 2:

Bubbie: Parens patriae is Latin for “Parent of the nation;” synonymous with nanny state. It relates to the neglect of children. Neglecting their moral education may be on the periphery of neglect but, is still included.

You’re the only one making the distinction between federal or state government. Regardless of which body is making them, why should they?

Respectfully, reread the question because you’re still confused. There aren’t any questions about the viability of making money off of vice crimes - It’s unquestionably true. Is the brain you cite unaware of alcohol prohibition? Anheuser-Busch InBev alone paid nearly two billion dollars in taxes last year.

I’m asking about government deciding what’s moral for kids when their parents ought to be deciding.

15 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    you know... as a drug user... i really don't think america is ready (ok, i dont think the world in general) to have drugs legalized... and not cause, you know, drugs are bad and all... but more because there are a lot of really stupid people who need protection from themselves... drugs can be fun, but they can also be deadly... i worry that legalizing drugs, any drugs, will prompt the crazies to go overboard...

    you need to understand the composition of drugs. Alcohol is alcohol, drugs are not just drugs. Take heroin or cocain, the two most known, neither are used pure, both are cut, often with lactose or dextrose, often with random household chemicals. My teen having a drink or two will most than likely not die. My teen shooting up a pin drop of home brew meth can die within seconds... there's a big difference there

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    Parens Patriae Means

  • Bubbie
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Respectfully - Redux clears nothing up!

    Parens patriae has absolutely nothing to do with morality laws.

    Your Q is actually asking about supporting the Department of Child Services.

    Parens patriae is not like saying "Nanny State". This phrase is specific to the State's legal role as the guardian to protect the interests of children who cannot take care of themselves. IE: legally incompetent.

    Prohibition is at the Federal level of our US gov.

    Vice Crimes, so called morality laws, do not include Drug Laws. So removing all vice laws would allow public intoxication, not protect children from pornography and do nothing to legalize drugs.

    Vice crimes are made by State law and the drug schedule is managed by the Federal government.

    Saying "the government" again confuses authority. Drugs Federal. Prostitution State. Gambling State. Absolutely NO correlation to Parens patriae.

    Supporting Parens patriae means nothing to do

    Laughable that legalizing means regulation! Regulation means laws to require monitoring.

    Hypocritical to argue legalizing something just to tax it and make money!

    Exhale.....a Q&A can not go 'off topic'. That would need a forum or a thread. This is not Yahoo argue with me! You ask - we answer. You use you your eye holes and shut your pie hole!

    Quelle(n): Brain, legal dictionary, rational thought, social work and word puzzles.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Whether or not it is our job to sophronize our own children is irrelevant. Exposing them to men molrowing on the corner and making drugs more accessible would only have negative effects and I assure you, we would all stand by and watch the world viliorate.

    I'm not sure how old your kids are but once they get to a certain age their biggest influence is no longer their parents (even though most people love to think so). It becomes their peers. No matter how someone is raised, common sense can fail and ultimately lead to the destruction of their lives in that case (STD's, AIDS, addictions). The laws are there for the protection of the general public.

    *lol desmeran. Part of my plot to save the human language.

    Molrowing- acting merry with prostitutes. While both men and women might do it, if you hang around for a bit you are bound to see that I am an unapologetic sexist from time to time.

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    So you asked this question twice and you get on me for asking a question twice. Wow, very good. Like I stated, you don't want to answer then don't comment at all.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Not really ive actually sold 50 pipes in one day...making more than u so limited appeal. NOT. Good try tho

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Haha I agree with anonymous and Daniel!

  • vor 5 Jahren

    you worded something poorly?! you should just stop answering or asking questions all together. EAT A DI CK!

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Build a bridge and get under it, troll.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Ya douche....

    and a hypocrite as well it seems

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