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  • Obamacare: husband about to cancel health insurance - will I be penalized?

    My husband wants to leave me, since the kids are grown up. And he now wants to remove me off his company's health insurance plan. I currently have a little income from the fruits and veggies that I grow, but not a huge amount.

    Will I be penalized if I don't buy my own health insurance?

    And where do I buy it?

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 9 Jahren
  • does an apartment have to have a bathroom sink?

    My aunt is looking to rent an apartment in upstate NY (Erie county).

    The one she found has the perfect location and the place is really cute - but it has a tiny bathroom.

    In it is a tub and a toilet - no space to put a sink.

    There is a kitchen sink just outside of it.

    Which would work for her.

    But is that acceptable, if my aunt ever has to apply for section 8?

    Her health is not the best and it might come to her needing to apply for aid.

    Would she have to move then, or is a kitchen sink good enough to be acceptable?

    Is an apartment required to have a bathroom sink?

    2 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tenants breaking house rules.?

    I had some trouble with my tenants and now they decided the house rules (no smoking inside, normal noise levels at night) are not valid anymore. They do random loud noises at night, every 15-30 minutes to make sure I cannot sleep, but not constant, so it's likely quiet if I call the cops.

    And they smoke inside now.

    I live upstairs and the smoke draws up, everything I own stinks like smoke.

    Is there anything I can do?

    7 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • landlord-tenant law in NY state - violent visitor?

    I own a cheap 2-family house, in which I live upstairs.

    My tenants are 3 very nice 18-year olds.

    But one of them has a violent alcoholic boyfriend who is also underage.

    Last night, for the second time, I went downstairs to ask them to be quiet. Turned out the noise was the boyfriend (who is not on the lease but sleeps here most nights) trying to kick in the bathroom door, where the girl had locked herself in after a fight. I asked him to leave but he smashed the door in my face and yelled at me. I did not call the cops, but gave all 3 of them a letter this mornng, in which I requested the boyfriend to stay away from my house.

    The girl later informed me that her boyfriend is unwilling to stay away and she feels it is her right to have visitors.

    I am a single female and I am terrified with the idea of the violent boyfriend continuing to be in my house.

    I had been told that I cannot terminate a lease in upstate NY in the winter.

    If I cannot get them to agree to keep him away, is there any possibility to get them all out of my house?

    I'd VERY much appreciate if somebody could help me other than getting a lawyer - that's the one option I cannot afford.

    3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to repair a very old brass lock?

    I have a very early brass tumbler lock.

    It does not have a key and the pins are frozen.

    While I'm not worried about the key (it is a very simple one), I need the pins inside the lock to move and the lock to turn again.

    What do I use to un-corrode old brass without damaging it?

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • share or add to spouse's social security retirement benefits?

    Spouse's social security retirement benefits?

    My friend's mom is married to a man with very tight pockets.

    She is a sweetheart and raised the kids. Now they are both in their 60's and I believe that she is entitled to part of his social security retirement benefits, even though she did not work much, but stayed at home.

    He does not want her to get her own money.

    Apart form the relationship questions, which I do not want to discuss here:

    1) is she entitled to some of his social security retirement?

    2) and more important:

    would hers be additional or subtracted from his benefits?

    4 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anybody know of a good crash pad in PHL?

    I'll be based in PHL now and I'm looking for a crash pad. I've tried, but most of those guys never even answer. I am female.

    What should I look for?

    How do I find a good and cheap crashpad with public transport?

    2 AntwortenAircraftvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • business insurance: liquor liability?

    I'm writing a business plan and find myself unable to obtain even a rough insurance qoute without having the business established.

    I'm hoping to find somebody who owns a restaurant and can get me a rough idea of how much the insurance might be.

    I've been to millions of websites, don't need more. But do you know roughly what kind of cost I would be looking at just for the liquor liability insurance?

    1 AntwortSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • crash pad: single or bunk beds?

    When you pick a crash pad, do you prefer a single bed or $50-cheaper bunk beds?

    What do you need in a crash pad?

    cable TV? internet? washer/dryer?

    what is important for you?

    7 AntwortenAircraftvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • more about gay people going to heaven?

    Maybe I have not been very clear in my question, so here I'll try again:

    Part of our discussion was: can it be a matter of translation if gays go to heaven?

    I Cor 6:9 Do you not know that the sinful will not inherit the kingdom of God?

    Do not be deceived!

    Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor boy molesters nor thieves nor the greedy…

    Therefore the Bible seems to be targeted to the one’s that hurt other’s, meaning it is mentioned to protect boys from predators, not oppose grown men that are in love with another man

    Any ideas, or even better: does anybody know a good translation?

    23 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • will gay people go to heaven?

    we were debating and it appears that the bible is not quite as clear about it as we seem to think:

    Jesus clearly states that you should love your neighbor, though without specifics...

    God created man in his image - and he was actually pretty upset when Adam had scx with Eve...

    people seem to have gotten in much more trouble for breaking their marriage vows, but if I'm not overlooking something, then being gay is not banned by the bible but just by our church?

    51 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to cut cement backer board?

    how can I cut the cement backer board for tiles?

    knife? saw? (what blade?)

    8 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kennt jemand Thomas Ahrens oder Katharina Stottmeister aus Leipzig?

    habe beide nach dem Studium aus den Augen verloren (naja, die Katharina spaeter und durch meine eigene Schuld) und wuerde gern wissen, was aus ihnen geworden ist

    1 AntwortFreundevor 1 Jahrzehnt