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How to repair a very old brass lock?

I have a very early brass tumbler lock.

It does not have a key and the pins are frozen.

While I'm not worried about the key (it is a very simple one), I need the pins inside the lock to move and the lock to turn again.

What do I use to un-corrode old brass without damaging it?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    have you tried a penetrating oil?

  • g-man
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The best method may be to take the advice of the first answerer, penetrating oil to loosen the pins. Let it soak in for a day then take a uncut key blank and work it in and out of the key way. Use an uncut blank because it will move the pins through their entire length. After you've freed them up a key can be made by most locksmiths, maybe even yourself.

    I caution that the use of penetrating oil is not recommended in locks on a normal basis because most any liquid lubricant can attract and hold dirt, the last thing you want in a lock. In this case its use is warranted only for the purpose of freeing the pins. Graphite is still the gold standard for locks.

    Quelle(n): experience
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    try using Brasso It's great for these kinds of situations.

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