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Favorisierte Antworten15%
  • How do you decide which parts of the Bible God is serious about?

    For example, are you going to hell if you violate this one? 

    "Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together." - Deuteronomy 22:11

    I mean, it's in the bible, right?  It's God's Word.  You can't cherry pick, right?

    13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Monat
  • TV HMDI ports are erratic?

    I have a Samsung TV that is maybe 15 years old or so.  It works fine except that the HDMI connections are ... sketchy.  A problem that is getting progressively worse.  Both the port where my Amazon Firestick AND the one my cable box plugs into seem to get weak connections at times.  I will get flickering from it, or sometimes almost like the image gets red-shifted in a static-y way.  It's hard to describe.

    The thing is, if I pull the TV out and re-seat the cables, everything magically works fine...for a time.  But sooner than later, the issue returns.  I actually started VERY gently crimping the ports to make them fit more snugly...and that HAS helped...but it's been diminishing returns and I can only do that trick so much before I flat out break something I fear.

    So...does anyone have a LifeHack for this?  Or is this just how flatpanel TVs die?

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 1 Monat
  • What do you think of Superman & Lois (CW) so far?

    I've watched two episodes and been underwhelmed.  I'm completely uninterested in ANY of the plot threads, and the amount of continuity breaking with the rest of the Arrowverse is irritating me.  I know, Crisis is the general answer...but not a GOOD answer.  I had such high hopes because Hoechlin was so good as a guest star Superman.

    1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 1 Monat
  • Questions about Superman & Lois (mild spoilers)?

    Just saw the pilot episode.  I didn't think it was very good.  But I was also a bit confused.  For those following the news about the show, can you answer me some questions.

    1) Is this set in the Arrowverse?  Because it doesn't seem like it is.  There's so many contradictions with Arrowverse continuity if there is.  

    2) If it is in the Arrowverse, is it in the future?  Lois was going to Argo to give birth in Supergirl season 4, 2 years ago.  Yet now she had teenage sons?

    3) Why was he wearing the black-S supersuit at the beginning?  I thought that was about Lois' death.

    4) This General Lane knows who Superman is and is friendly?  In Supergirl, General Lane didn't know and was hostile towards aliens.  I thought that was who he was in the comics too.  Which Lane is faithful to the comics?

    5) Does Tyler Hoechlin have a clause in his contract that he must always be sporting stubble?

    Okay, I added the last one just to get to 5 questions.

    1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 1 Monat
  • For cord-cutters, how do you watch your football?

    I'm considering cord-cutting, but football and live news and local programming are the only things I think I'd miss.  How do you get those?  Just local antenna?  Did you have to buy a separate DVR or do you actually have to watch live?

    7 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 2 Monaten
  • Why can't Yahoo/Answers disable the answer button if a user has blocked me?

    By leaving the answer button visible, I don't realize that a particular anonymous user has blocked me.  I go to answer, write a thoughtful and detailed response, then hit submit and it fails.

    Seems to me I shouldn't even see questions by users that blocked me, nor that I have blocked.  I definitely shouldn't see the answer button.  

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Monaten
  • How realistic are the Matt Stafford trade rumors?

    I've been hearing alot of rumors that the Lions may trade Matt Stafford this offseason.  This baffles me as I can't understand why they would do this.  Anyone familiar with how reliable/realistic these rumors are?  Has the team actually said anything?  Has Stafford said he wants out?  Where are these rumors coming from?

    5 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 3 Monaten
  • What should the NFL do about tanking?

    Suck for Luck, Tank for Tua, and of course Doug Pederson's BLATANTLY obvious tank Sunday night show that tanking is a real thing in the NFL now.  It's quickly becoming an annual ritual for the worst teams.

    Should the NFL do something to discourage this?  And if so, what?  An NBA style lottery?  Or something else?

    10 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 3 Monaten
  • What is it called when people believe vague predictions like Nostradamus?

    You know how Nostradamus produced vague predictions in his works and then people started mentally backfilling life events to match them "like, oh this must be predicting Napoleon" and such when the actual prediction didn't say any such thing?

    Long ago, I heard a psychology term for that.  I can't recall it, and my Google-fu has failed me.  anyone know?  

    Not the Barnum effect I don't think.  Partly because that didn't trigger my memory, but also because evidently that relates to personality descriptions by fortune tellers.

    3 AntwortenPsychologyvor 4 Monaten
  • Is it wrong to believe something on insufficient evidence?

    WK Clifford famously said "It is wrong, always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. "

    This is because by believing in things without sufficient evidence, you limit your thinking and create the possibility for damaging, perhaps deadly, errors to occur.

    Do you agree?  And if you do, how does this affect your belief in Our Great Lord, the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 4 Monaten
  • Do prayers that make requests matter?

    Suppose God exists.

    If God respects free will, he would never intervene.  Therefore prayers that make a request of God are pointless.

    If God does not respect free will (ie, is willing to intervene in our lives to achieve the best outcome in whatever way he defines as 'best'), and is omniscient and omnipotent, and perfectly good, then either your prayer is redundant with what he was already going to do, OR your prayer contradicts what he thinks is best for you, and he wouldn't grant your prayer anyway.

    So in ANY circumstance, prayers that make requests are ALWAYS going to go unfulfilled.

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 4 Monaten
  • Would you worship an evil god?

    Let's say that God is evil, and provides absolute indisputable proof of his existence.  But he's evil.  He does things like torture people for no reason, kill huge numbers of people, advocates slavery, advocates bigotry, and so on. 

    Would you worship this God?  Is it ethical to worship this God?

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 5 Monaten
  • In LibreOffice, how to get a chart or summary section to expand with the data?

    I have a spreadsheet with a data sheet, a charts sheet, and a summary sheet.  As I add data, I want the chart to reflect it and the summary formulae to reflect it.

    But the data ranges all have a defined start and end in the chart, and my formulae (e.g. =AVERAGE(A4:A19)).  As a result, everytime I past a new row in, I have to manually update the extent of the data ranges in the chart and the formulae.

    How can I tell the formula (and the charts) to include all cells in the column (starting with A4 for example) until the data stops.   I've seen other spreadsheets do this.  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 Monaten
  • Can a chimney support a fireplace on both sides?

    We're planning a remodel, haven't gotten to the architect or contractor phase yet, but we have a chimney with a fireplace both in the basement and the ground floor in the same chimney.  We're considering turning one or both fireplaces into gas fireplaces. 

    But the expansion we're planning may create another room on the other side of that chimney on the ground floor.  Could the OTHER side of that chimney be altered to ALSO include a gas fireplace on the ground floor?  Is that a thing?

    3 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 7 Monaten
  • What city does Metropolis represent?

    I've heard that Metropolis is supposed to represent Chicago.  But I'm also aware that  Frank Miller once claimed that Gotham in NYC by night, and Metropolis in NYC by day.  Effectively one representing the optimistic and wealthy side, the other being the crime-ridden, corrupt pessimistic view on NYC.

    Is there a definitive canon on this?  Did Siegel & Shuster ever weigh in?  How to the comics tend to treat it?

    Bonus points if anyone can educate me on other fictional DC cities that are meant to be proxies for a real city and what that is.

    1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 8 Monaten
  • Why do Kryptonians and Humans look so similar?

    Have they come up with a canon explanation for this?  Co-evolution?  Or some common ancestor explanation or something?

    5 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 8 Monaten
  • What would be the minimum conditions that would compel Superman or Batman respectively to kill?

    We all know that thanks to the legacy of the CCA, Superman and Batman are both staunchly against killing.  Superman is willing to let Lex Luthor or BRANIAC endanger millions with each of their hair-brained schemes.  Batman is fine with Joker trying to kill half of Gotham in each of his gambits. 

    In these cases, Superman and Batman know from experience that these psychopaths WILL escape to endanger and kill again.  But they don't kill because that's not their role.  I can respect that.

    But what circumstances WOULD they kill in? 

    1) Would they kill a bad guy who was about to act to kill a good person?

    2) Would they kill a bad guy who was NOT about to act, but where killing them 100% guaranteed to save one good person?

    3) Would they kill a good person to save 5 good people?  Effectively the Trolley Problem?

    4) Would they kill one person in cold blood to save the entire planet?  7.5 billion people?

    Assume each scenario that they could be absolutely convinced that the act is the only way to save the people and there is no wiggle room...unlike the scene in Man of Steel when Superman had about 20 other viable choices beyond snapping Zod's neck.  I should say that I am talking about the COMICS Superman and Batman.

    2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 8 Monaten
  • Anyone subscribe to

    Is it any good?  Is it worth subscribing?  How in depth is it's team specific coverage?  Can I get film breakdowns and reviews?  Advanced statistical analysis?  Or is it basically no different than another local paper's coverage?

    And what about the general NFL?  Strong draft coverage?  Fantasy coverage?

    2 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 10 Monaten
  • TV/Streaming suggestions?

    I have Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime.  

    I'm looking for a show that is fun to watch.  Not a sitcom, preferably, though if it's good enough I'd do that.

    Sitcoms I liked: Office (US), 30 Rock, The Good Place, Parks & Recs, Arrested Development, early Simpsons, What We Do in the Shadows, Santa Clarita Diet

    I like the arrowverse, for the most part.

    Buffy, Veronica Mars, Stargate SG-1, Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Future Man, Archer, iZombie.

    I will do some more serious stuff at times as well, though I'm more in the mood for lighter fare.  Breaking Bad, The Wire, West Wing, Dexter and such.

    2 AntwortenComedyvor 10 Monaten