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Entropy fragte in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · vor 1 Monat

TV HMDI ports are erratic?

I have a Samsung TV that is maybe 15 years old or so.  It works fine except that the HDMI connections are ... sketchy.  A problem that is getting progressively worse.  Both the port where my Amazon Firestick AND the one my cable box plugs into seem to get weak connections at times.  I will get flickering from it, or sometimes almost like the image gets red-shifted in a static-y way.  It's hard to describe.

The thing is, if I pull the TV out and re-seat the cables, everything magically works fine...for a time.  But sooner than later, the issue returns.  I actually started VERY gently crimping the ports to make them fit more snugly...and that HAS helped...but it's been diminishing returns and I can only do that trick so much before I flat out break something I fear.

So...does anyone have a LifeHack for this?  Or is this just how flatpanel TVs die?

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Monat
    Beste Antwort

    The ports have worn out and the only solution is a repair..  it could be simple or complex.

    A 15 year old TV isn't long for this world.  Good thing they are inexpensive. $1200 will get you a 50" 4k OLED  TV.   

  • vor 1 Monat

    The HDMI connectors in a TV can be replaced by a good repair technician.  

    The solder pads are very small and very close together, 

    making the job a serious challenge for anyone lacking the proper skills. 

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