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Entropy fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 3 Monaten

Why can't Yahoo/Answers disable the answer button if a user has blocked me?

By leaving the answer button visible, I don't realize that a particular anonymous user has blocked me.  I go to answer, write a thoughtful and detailed response, then hit submit and it fails.

Seems to me I shouldn't even see questions by users that blocked me, nor that I have blocked.  I definitely shouldn't see the answer button.  

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    That happens to me, too, and it's really aggravating. I don't have any indicator that I'm blocked, nothing grayed out.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Monaten

    Its not Programmed like that Because the Person is under Anonymous the System does not know right away that you are Blocked until you go to click the Submit Button 

    You can Make a Suggestion for Yahoo to change that on there Suggestions Boards

    Not sure if they will do that but its worth a try 

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Because that would require time, money, and effort on the part of the people administering this site. And anybody who has been here for more than five minutes knows that the people who administer this site couldn't care less about making it more user friendly, reliable, or well maintained. Take it or leave it, I'm afraid. 

  • vor 3 Monaten

    Some times the Answer button is GONE, but that usually is not the case. The "Submit" button may be grayed out, but you may not notice that, especially if you are red green or blue green color blind. And, if someone blocks you AFTER they answer your question, the submit button is not grayed out. Yahoo and Verizon hires programmers that Google rejected. 

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