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Are gun manufacturers responsible whenever someone goes on a mass shooting spree?

Then why is the Obama administration responsible for how the Trump administration used illegal immigrant holding pens?

13 Antworten

  • vor 6 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Good point.  But to a point BO's group did separate the kids from the parents.  It was the law.  When parents are accused of a crime, whatever kids the parents have with them must be removed from the parents.  So the kids that were removed from their parents were kids whose parents were accused of some felony and not illegal entry into the US.  

    Trump is counting on the American voter to be so lazy and dumb as to not know this.  So he's counting on Americans to not bother to find out how his treatment of the kids is way different from the way BO and his group treated them.

  • vor 2 Wochen

    What's a good reason for anonymous citizens to openly wave around large-magazine pretend military rifles at public events, like fairs, holiday parades, and and similar assemblies? I don't consider trying to attract attention to yourself is good reason.

  • vor 3 Monaten

    If gun manufacturers made the guns, then invited criminals the world over to come to America and get the guns for free, then after getting the guns they created a mass shooting event, they would be responsible.  

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    Only when the auto lock mechanism for the gun fails to detect that a maniac is using it!

    Quelle(n): People kill, not guns
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Monaten

    Supplying the guns has nothing to do with what people do with the guns.

    Using that logic, who should overweight people blame - ranchers and farmers for supplying the food?

    There comes a time when people have to take responsibility for their own actions and not point fingers at someone else.

    The Democrats are good at pointing fingers and not so good at taking responsibility for anything.

    As to your "illegal immigrant holding pens", is the word "illegal" just not connecting with your brain?

    Illegals have to be held and, whenever possible, sent back to where they came from. That's what the whole concept of "illegal" is all about. Trump fully supports immigration - but LEGAL immigration.

    In case the difference doesn't resonate with you, picture it as someone cutting in front of you in a grocery store. You would naturally be offended - maybe enough to start some kind of confrontation.

    This is equatable to "illegal immigration". Immigrants who work hard and wait a long time to become legal citizens are being pushed back in line whenever an illegal feels like he doesn't want to wait.

    In addition, the laws of this country were designed to benefit LEGAL citizens - especially the right to vote. Allowing illegals to vote skews the opportunities and benefits for those who have worked to be here.

    The Democrats don't care - they want power and control and the only way they can hope to get it is to violate immigration and election laws. And while the illegals may think they're benefitting from it, the truth is, if the Democrats will stab their own "legal" citizens in the back, think about how quickly they'd stab someone who is NOT a legal citizen?

  • vor 6 Monaten

    "Liberal", you'll lose your Liberal Card if your little friends see you running around claiming that the Evil Gun Manufacturers are NOT responsible for what the owners of their products do with them. You DO understand that about your kind, right, son?

  • vor 6 Monaten

    No more so than car manufacturers are responsible for car accidents. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Monaten

    That's not the issue.  The Trump administration is being blamed for something that started under Obama/Biden.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    The first gun was invented by people of color in China. 

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Monaten

    I don't know it's is GM responsible if somebody takes a Chevy and runs over a whole bunch of kids waiting at the school bus stop?

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