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Lv 7302.221 points


Favorisierte Antworten25%

Top-Beitragender in

  • Can a man and a woman be just good friends with no sex and go out together if both have normal sex drives?

    I have seen questions in Answers allude to wanting to have a good friend of the opposite sex without having sex. In other words, BF without benefits.

    In your opinions, especially from the dating age responders. Is it possible to be best friends without benefits if both have normal sex drives?

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 Jahren
  • Why is the Yahoo Leaderboard AFU?

    6 nas88car300 1,083,444

    7 Pearl L 1,102,464

    Pear L has roughly 20,000 more points than nas88car300 yet she is ranked seventh and nas88car300 is ranked sixth.

    6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • Is this a new low for Yahoo?

    Got a "User requested removal" violation, but was not clear who the "user" is or what was removed. We are all users, Askers and Responders. So I asked the question, who is the "user" and what was removed? In this case, I was the Asker, so it had to have been a Responder who requested removal of my question.

    So now our questions are censored along with our answers? We can only ask questions that are politically correct? Is that it Yahoo?

    Anyway, here's yet another one you can pull for no reason other than you don't like the question. It cuts too close to your home.

    7 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • Who is the "user" and what has been removed?

    "Trolls have been responsoble [sic] for all the false violation reports. When users file appeals, they are often denied because of the reason "user requested removal.""

    The above was an answer given to a question regarding violations and repeals. I've seen User requested removal for some of my appeals. It would be helpful to know who the "user" is and what was removed. And how does that result in a violation against me the Responder?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • What is Yahoo Answers doing to prevent Russian trolls from fomenting distrust and antagonism among Americans?

    Noticed this question "Trump ran on helping the middle class, his budget cuts 1,7 trillion from social programs, how will that help the middle class?" in Yahoo Answers. The "1,7 trillion" stood out like a sore thumb. Americans, real ones, don't use the comma as a decimal point. We use the point as in 1.7 trillion.

    So who's submitting the question pretending to be an American? And what's Yahoo doing to protect us from Russian trolls?

    7 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • I only have one account with Yahoo, so what does this mean?

    Sorry, this question did not come from this account.

    To appeal this decision please sign out and login with the correct Yaooo! ID.

    Yahoo Answers Home Community Guidelines

    Yahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • What TOS was violated?

    Hi oldprof,

    We're sorry, but upon review we found that the following answer was indeed in violation of the Yahoo Answers Community Guidelines:


    Violation Reason: TOS Violation

    Yahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • How is the following answer a violation of the Answers Terms of Service?

    "You're right. And had the deplorables concentrated on fixing that part of the ACA instead of repealing it, you wouldn't be paying those higher premiums now. Meanwhile more people have signed up for ACA this open period than ever before. So something is working."

    9 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 3 Jahren
  • What ever happened to "You're welcome"?

    Once upon a time, long long ago, when one said "thank you" for something someone does for you the provider would say "you're welcome." Now it's "no problem." That response falls well short of the intention of "you're welcome."

    You're welcome means the provider was happy to provide whatever service was given. No problem means the service was provided only because there was no problem for the provider.

    I much prefer the good 'ol days when service was provided happily and they welcome the chance to serve. Whatever happened to "You're welcome"?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 Jahren
  • Is playing "doctor" between two consenting minors illegal?

    As kids grow up the two sexes are naturally curious about the other sex. So many will hide under beds, in closets, down by the near-by creek, and such to play doctor. Here they strip down and check out each other's parts...playing doctor.

    If both kids are minors, say 10 yo, and they are consenting to play doctor, is playing doctor illegal? If so, who's the victim and who's the criminal? And what's the crime?

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 4 Jahren
  • But what about the constant rotational velocities in galaxies regardless of the distance from galactic center?

    "However, all energy and matter creates gravity, so you’d expect that all that extra stuff would affect how gravity works. Specifically, you’d expect the velocity of orbiting objects to all be about the same, regardless of the size of the orbit (still: not obvious). But, to the best of our ability to measure (which is pretty good), no effect has been seen at all in terms of the movement of stars and planets and whatnot." [

    Seems to me there is an example of stars movement that is about the same over most of the radius of spiraling galaxies. And that has not been explained as far as I know. So is this not an example of vacuum energy affecting gravity?

    3 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 4 Jahren
  • What's the Yahoo Answers future now that Verizon has acquired you?

    Recent news indicates that the Yahoo name will be removed with the acquisition by Verizon. What else of Yahoo will be removed? Will Answers in some form continue? Will Yahoo mail be cancelled so that a new email address will be required to replace it?

    How about sharing with your Yahoo clients what the Verizon takeover means to us?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 4 Jahren
  • How can we have honest answers?

    ... when an asker who disagrees with the answers reports them as "abuse" and YA censors and deletes the answers without first contacting the answerer for clarification.

    8 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 5 Jahren
  • What's the standing wave of a photon, of a string, of all the particles standing in?

    The photon for example has a fundamental frequency as in e = hf, but it's highly truncated by its own harmonics into a standing wave packet. What's that wave standing in?

    In a musical instrument, the standing wave nodes are fixed at the extremes of the instrument. So those standing waves are standing in the instrument itself.

    What's the instrument for a photon?

    Or in string theory we read that the tips of the string snippets are somehow attached to space itself. But the loop strings are free to come and go into and out of our universe (Lisa Randall). At least these are standing in themselves as loops. But those snippets? What are they standing in.

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 5 Jahren
  • Why do I get "oldprof answered 1 day ago" when...?

    ...I just answered a minute ago?

    This is yet another of the many bugs your IT people have introduced into this new version of Answers.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • Really? Now we have to scroll up many answers to review the question?

    In addition to qualified IT programmers, you should also hire an experienced human factors engineer to work out the MMI between users and your web sites.

    That new feature you announced, putting my Answer at the bottom of all the others, is totally uncalled for. Now when I go back to get numbers to work a physics problem given by the Asker, I am forced to scroll up several pages at times to get to the question and those numbers. Some physics questions are complex; so frequent references back to them are necessary.

    I'm in favor of keeping the other answers on the screen for references while I enter my answer, I often refer to another Answer while writing mine. But don't put them above my entry field. Put them below; so I can refer quickly to the question as I'm writing in my answer.

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • When will Yahoo Answers hire some qualified IT folks?

    YA has been playing around with a new version of Y!Answers with continuing critical bugs they can't seem to fix. Where do I begin...there are so many.

    1. In Edit mode, the special characters come out as garbage (e.g., &'%@) rather than ', ", etc. Your programmers need to declare all the special characters, not just alphanumerics.

    2. Answers Feedback is no where to be found; thus, I'm posting this feedback as a question. No where did I even see the word "feedback" are you really disavowing user comments?

    3. Relegating Best Answer authority to Askers only is about a dumb as they get. In the sciences, Askers ask because they don't know the best, correct answer; so how can they possibly judge the best correct answer? The sciences are not opinion like most of the other categories are. I've seen far too many Best Answers on Physics given by Askers that were totally wrong.

    4. Leading blanks put in by Answerers during Edit are deleted upon Review and Submit. The whole answering process is not...not...WYSIWYG; good IT programmers can fix this. And similarly, long "words", like some URLs, are truncated. We need WYSIWYG throughout.

    5. The cancel Answer X is still within the Answer pane. So we can still accidentally delete everything we've put into an answer by clicking on the top end of the vertical slide bar. THIS MUST BE FIXED...and yes I'm shouting because you're not hearing me.

    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren