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oldprof fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 7 Jahren

When will Yahoo Answers hire some qualified IT folks?

YA has been playing around with a new version of Y!Answers with continuing critical bugs they can't seem to fix. Where do I begin...there are so many.

1. In Edit mode, the special characters come out as garbage (e.g., &'%@) rather than ', ", etc. Your programmers need to declare all the special characters, not just alphanumerics.

2. Answers Feedback is no where to be found; thus, I'm posting this feedback as a question. No where did I even see the word "feedback" are you really disavowing user comments?

3. Relegating Best Answer authority to Askers only is about a dumb as they get. In the sciences, Askers ask because they don't know the best, correct answer; so how can they possibly judge the best correct answer? The sciences are not opinion like most of the other categories are. I've seen far too many Best Answers on Physics given by Askers that were totally wrong.

4. Leading blanks put in by Answerers during Edit are deleted upon Review and Submit. The whole answering process is not...not...WYSIWYG; good IT programmers can fix this. And similarly, long "words", like some URLs, are truncated. We need WYSIWYG throughout.

5. The cancel Answer X is still within the Answer pane. So we can still accidentally delete everything we've put into an answer by clicking on the top end of the vertical slide bar. THIS MUST BE FIXED...and yes I'm shouting because you're not hearing me.

5 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    2. if you hover your mouse over the wheel icon in the upper right corner you will see Send Feedback

    if you click on About at the bottom of the left column of links, you will see About Answers - click on that and there are links to many things, including the Suggestion Board

    5. I agree with you on this

    I just noticed that after you Submit then go back to edit your answer, there is no longer an X at the top right corner but Save and Cancel below the answer box, safely away from the scroll bar

    so why the heck don't they have Submit and Cancel for when you FIRST type up your answer

    I have not had this happen but given how close that X is to the top of the scroll bar, I can see how this could happen

  • vor 7 Jahren

    "2. Answers Feedback is no where to be found; thus, I'm posting this feedback as a question. No where did I even see the word "feedback" are you really disavowing user comments?"

    At the very top right of this page is a 'gear' icon. Rest your cursor on it and will see a link to what you are looking for.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    All great points. This purple format is a horrible design. I can usually adapt to new websites reasonably well, but this new y/a site is a disaster!

  • Nobody
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    They never ran the old format very effectively, so I don't have high hopes for this version.

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  • vor 7 Jahren

    You are looking at the face of Union Labor, "Enjoy!"

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