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Jack fragte in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · vor 12 Monaten

The grocerystore shelves of flour were all wiped out. Was that because of survivalist, or foodie thinking?

Everybody hoarded up white flour, and I've got to wonder whether that was a product of amateur prepper thinking about how flour was a staple food, or did the foodies think "I've finally got some time to try to my hand at some serious baking!"

  The only one that wasn't wiped out was the White Wings tortilla mix, and considering the Hispanic neighborhood, I'm surprised, they wiped out the pinto beans down to the dust at the bottom of the bin!  I wanted white flour to make a roux, but _no_beans_.  So I got tortilla mix which was still in good supply, okay for a roux, and now I'm trying to make some sweet potatoe empanadas.

  So guys, POLL :  Did you buy some white flour to survive, or to pursue some fancy baking, or some kind of combination of the two? 

  (pssst!  It's okay to post anonymously.)

9 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 12 Monaten

    testing emoji  🤱

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 12 Monaten

    No i never eat white flour or any wheat based flour at all. I love pinto beans, but i don't eat them very often, either.

  • Anonym
    vor 12 Monaten

    I think it's the people who want to make bread/muffins and don't normally have time to do it in the mornings. Several of my friends borrowed some of my yeast because they were baking bread and the stores were out. (I mailed them, in portioned ziplock baggies, disinfected.)

  • vor 12 Monaten

    No, but I found a bag that was best by april, 2013 in the pantry.

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  • vor 12 Monaten

    we bought an extra bag because we like to bake and its cheaper to bake cookies or bread or pancakes from scratch than to buy mixes.

  • Anonym
    vor 12 Monaten

    Kinda like the "it's ok to be white" I think people were trolling when they kept pointing about eggs and milk being sold out knowing people would but them up. I couldn't think of a worse thing to buy if you need to survive for a while.

    I've been eating more junk food because it's hard to get motivated, especially when everyone else is in fact trying to play chef and making a mess of the kitchen, their own bodies being included in that mess. I used to work closely with some of the best restaurants in the area so I'd steal 20 ideas and make something when I got home. Now, eh, I'll get a Walart pizza and cough on someone I don't like.

  • vor 12 Monaten

    I am beginning to think most of the hoarding is actually being created by the media--I know not ONE person who is going on a baking binge--but a week or so ago there was an article about how there was no yeast left in the stores-because everyone was baking---and so now the flour is gone.  Right in the beginning one article mentioned that oat milk was flying off the shelves...ummmm really?  do YOU know anyone who is scarfing down oat milk?

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    vor 12 Monaten

    I was making an inventory of things that people are hoarding (which, by the way, is illegal) - there was almost NO bread on the shelves.

    People are buying a lot of flour, it seems, because they are all baking banana bread.  (Why do people have all these overripe bananas lying about?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 12 Monaten

    In china they hoard up on rice.

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