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So what exactly was the BIG?

Revelation that COMEY was announcing?? Was it that Trumps tie was crooked or that he was a HUGE Hillary supporter?? Wait???


LOLLY- He stated that he AND all his 5 Kids supported HILLARY oops!

Update 2:

“He looked shorter to me than he did on television, but otherwise exactly the same ... He had impressively coiffed hair, it looks to be all his. I confess, I stared at it pretty closely and my reaction was, ‘It must take a heck of a lot of time in the morning, but it’s impressively coiffed.’ His tie was too long, as it always is. He looked slightly orange up close with small, white, half moons under his eyes, which I assume are from tanning googles.” SHOCKING

9 Antworten

  • vor 3 Jahren

    The BIG revelation was nothing more that announcing to the world that he is Worse than we suspected and should be put on trial for his crimes.

    He did supply verification that he knew and understood what crimes he was committing and provided verification of the evidence we have already seen.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    There was none from this interview since he has already given testimony about the important aspects of his claims.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    There wasn't any. This was all a marketing event by Comey to sell copies of his book.

    Everything he said was either a repeat of his testimony before congress, or is stuff that only an idiot didn't know about.

    For instance, even though Comey testified before Congress (and under oath) that he didn't intend to influence the presidential election, he d*mn well knew that reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails was going to do just that.

    Comey isn't just a liar, but he now admits to using his position in the FBI to intentionally affect a public election. The only thing he didn't count on was having Trump actually win the election. His plan apparently was to continually use his position in the FBI to attempt to discredit Hillary's presidency. Instead his ploy worked TOO well, and Trump won. However, instead of being REWARDED by the orange wonder, Trump went on a tirade against Comey and the entire FBI.

    So now Comey is trying to cash in as best he can with his "tell all" book and undoubtedly all that money he's going to make from interviews, speeches, etc. He just has to keep Trump attacking him because that's how he remains in the public spotlight.

    Daniels is doing the same thing. The longer she remains a current event, the longer she can command hundreds of thousands or even millions per TV appearance.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    How many times has it happened that the news media suddenly 'discovered' something we've all known all along? And pretended it was new news that changed everything?

    Comey had as much to do with Trump getting elected as any one person. The oldest, dirtiest trick in the ever-growing Republican dirty-trick book is to introduce some new serious accusation against a candidate two days before the election, so he/she has no chance to clear himself/herself. Comey did this with the totally unnecessary and gratuitous announcement that thousands of Hillary's 'lost emails' showed up on the computer of Anthony Wiener, and then two days after the election saying 'Oh, it turns out they weren't. Oh well, never mind.'

    Comey is doing exactly what Stormy Daniels did and even Sarah Palin. He sees an opportunity to make a bundle of money so he comes out with a book. The only thing brilliant about it is the timing of the drop, and that was an accident.

    Still, if it comes down to Comey's word vs Trump's word, you know Comey's going to win. So at least there's something to be happy about.

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  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    I heard Comey Cried with Snuffaplogus....It was emotional, to say the least.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    Nothing-burgers are all the rage with the Libbers these days .

    Seems all the Lefty talking points are all about the hype and little to do with substance .

    Quelle(n): Remember Rachel Madows big tax return extravaganza ? ,,,,,, the one that proved Trump pays like 40 million a year in income taxes ?
  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    A feast of nothingburgers, ever since Trump was elected. I am losing weight.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    It's the first one. Idiot.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    Somebody better tell Trump the interview was no big deal because he obviously didn't get the memo.

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