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Eduardo M fragte in PetsFish · vor 6 Jahren

Should my crab spend that much time outside the water?

It's a Red Devil in a 10gal freshwater tank with no heater. The tank has a series of mini-caves stacked on top of each other that allow it to step out of the water.

The crab spends most of it's time out of the water and it worries me because I never see it go down and look for food. I need to know if this is normal and if it isnt, how to fix it. All levels are as they've always been in all my aquariums, there's no heater and room temperature is a constant 75 Fahrenheit and theres no heater so My guess is the water is too cold so it stays outside to bask in the heat of the light bulb. Am I probably right?


Hey Cat,

Thanks for your input, but my ammonia levels are fine. Also, I haven't had a death in my tank in months.


I haven't really thought about the pleco as a possibility, I'll definitely look into it.

3 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren

    I saw your other question

    I'm guessing it's ammonia poisoning or something similar. The water has built up toxins from overstocking and inadequate filteration, so the crab is attempting to escape it. The rest of the fish cannot and are subsequently dying.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Get a heater, temperature stability is important. And yea, crabs spend a lot of time out of the water, temp might be one reason, the pleco might be another reason.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Red devil crabs are more active in warm water....water temp should be around 80*F to 85*F

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