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How can I improve my chances of being accepted as an international transfer student despite low GPA?

I'm Venezuelan, and I'm near the end of my sophomore year in USB, which is one of the top engineering schools in my country. I'm also about to get a Certificate degree in Electronic Music Production from another really good engineering school. Now, as you might know, my country is basically on the verge of a really bad crash, and I want out as soon as possible. The thing is, I can't afford both college tuition and living expenses in the US, so my biggest, and almost only choice is FIU, because Its the only engineering school within commuting distance from my grandparents' house. I have several cards that can help me, but i have a pretty lousy GPA that does not reflect my capacities. If you bear with me, I'll lay it out for you.


- About to get a Certificate degree in Electronic Music Production (It doesn't really have much to do with engineering but its still a university degree)

- Was an active member of my school's FSAE team (Highest ranked FSAE team in Latin America, known for placing 11th last year out of 100+ schools despite incredibly low budget)

- Good at several sports, especially swimming and soccer (both outdoor and indoor)

- Was ranked in the top 100, among 12000 people who applied for my school



- Not the best GPA. I don't know how much exactly on a base of 4, but it's probably somewhere between 2.4 and 2.6. Its not easy getting good grades when you go to 2 schools and have 2 jobs, i guess.

- Never took an SAT or any similar tests, though if I did I would probably do really good.

Things I don't know if I can use to my advantage:

- I speak fluent english, and pretty good german

- On the board of a sports organization in my school for 2 years (first year as head of publicity, second year as treasurer)

- I have one family member who went to FIU before joining the army, and another one currently enrolled

- I will be in Miami in a couple of weeks, maybe I can go there and talk to someone who could help me

Also, I've been told that I might be able to request the opportunity to use an essay or an SAT score to help me get in, even though it's not mandatory for transfer students, how might I do that? I'm really good at writing essays and even though I never took an official SAT, I took several models and I did incredibly good in all of them.

Anyways, I have a lot to bring to the table outside my GPA, and It really doesn't reflect my full capacity, so I need to find a way to convince them that I'm better than that. I know it's a long shot but It's my best shot and I really need to get out of here ASAP

1 Antwort

  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You can never get into an engineering program with a GPA like that.

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