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What sound can I record that might sound like a kick drum?

I'm doing this project where I have to make a music track, but I can't use musical instruments, instead I have to record other sounds and use them. I'm pretty far along the project already but I need a solid percussive sound that can make a good kick drum. Any ideas?

1 Antwort

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    As simple as this might sound, take the palm of your hand nearest your wrist and hit down onto a desk. different desks will make different sounds but you should be able to get a good "thump" out of it. then for a snare I personally use on my middle finger, the first "bend" thingy? i don't know what its called, the knuckle and i hit it down for a higher pitched "tap" sound. kick and snare right there.

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