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Lv 7
Ingrid fragte in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · vor 8 Jahren

Should we not now push much harder to prevent military weapons and large ammunition drums?

getting into the hands of terror creating people? That is the least we can do right now for it is much harder to prevent someone from making an explosive device. Let us go for what is possible now and then find a solution for the other. We must stop insanity when we can and we can and must do a it NOW. At least one other child we lost today, for how many more must we cry? Why are we such a violent Nation? Is it because so many Politicians have been behaving so badly? They are no

good example for anyone, are they!


I will never understand some lame excuses for doing nothing.

It is so simple, if I do not have any deadly weapon like a gun I shall never be able to shoot you.

9 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    Explosives are hard to own. You need a special permit from the ATF to operate and possess them. The explosives are likely made from fertilizers (like the one used in the Oklahoma City Bombing). Violence can happen anytime, anywhere. People don't accept it and this is why it hits people hard. People fail to understand the real causes of violence and how violence is used. It is people who use violence, not the weapons. This is why in the concept of weapons disarms, it is the person who is holding the weapon, not the weapon itself, that presents the greatest danger you must dispatch first. Emotional pleas don't do much.

    Quelle(n): Seen and dealt with violence first hand.
  • vor 5 Jahren

    The demonstration of the country's military might is symbolic in the sense that it depicts defence preparedness of our armed forces against foreign aggression. You will agree that although India has never acted like an aggressor on any country but India has been attacked four times by Pakistan and once by China. There is no harm if our General Public can get some kind of confidence through such displays that we are prepared to defend our country ably. Our defence forces are probably the best in the world, so what if they are showcased once a year in front of the General Public?

  • vor 8 Jahren

    At Boston I have not heard a single bit of evidence linking any military-style weapon or high-capacity magazines to the act.

    Bombs can be made from farm fertilizers or kitchen cleaning chemicals. So we need to ban those?

    Since you are whining about the mass shootings in the recent past let me point out something that you have missed in your Liberal hair-pulling - NONE of those shootings would have been prevented by added background checks, semi-auto weapons limits or reduced magazine sizes.

    ALL of the shootings were done by people who had recorded serious mental health issues which are not available for the Federal background check. In the case of Adam Lanza (the school shooter) his MOTHER bought the weapons for him and taught him how to use them despite the fact she knew he was dangerous.

    We have serious issues with how we gutted the mental health system in the 1970s and 1980s and put seriously mentally disturbed people out on the streets instead of in institutions. Thank Liberals for that change.

    The other fact is that ALL of the mass shootings took place in established "Gun Free" zones. The Colorado theater shooter had done extensive research to find the only theater in his area that would not allow CHL (Concealed Handgun License) holders to have their pistols with them.

    FACT - In places that have adopted CHL processes there has ALWAYS been a drop in serious and violent crime after law-abiding citizens have the right to concealed carry. Criminals are less likely to victimize someone if the potential victim might be armed.

    FACT - and I know this one will shock you - CRIMINALS DO NOT OBEY THE LAW! No matter what laws you pass or how much you cry crocodile tears criminals do not care. Making it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves will only make it easier for criminals to victimize them. In places where law-abiding citizens have been disarmed violent crime has skyrocketed.

    Now, grow up!

    Quelle(n): ***** 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Former Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
  • Wraeth
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    I can take a few of the cleaning supplies you likely have under your sink and create a bomb out of it. Should we ban bleach? or drano? How about styrofoam or gasoline? How about the fertilizer you use in your garden? Should we ban that too? All of which anyone with half a brain can make a bomb out of. Knee jerk reactions are the last thing we EVER need in these situations.

    Those that would give up a little liberty for safety deserve neither.

    Quelle(n): US Army Scout
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  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Wrangler's book on home made bombs and weapons is available online for a free download, they can take all the weopons they want and I can still make a bomb or some kind of weapon.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Passing a federal law regulating the sell of automatic weapons and large capacity magazines will not work. There are too many of them already in circulation and you will always be able to purchase one on the Black Market.

    Criminals will always be able to get them.

  • Scott
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    How about pushing harder to stop monsters like Kermit gosnell? Never hear a peep out of you liberals when it is another liberal killing LIVE BORN babies.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    The ranting idiot anti gun section is that way ------------------->

    Reported for no relevant military content.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Go away tard

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