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How to explain children what soldiers do?

My daughter goes to K4 and is going to be star of the week soon. One day of the week a parent has to come in and talk about what they do for a living and what it is like. As I don't get off that day, my husband will be talking about his job, he is a soldier in the US Army.

My husband and I talked about it a lot, but it just seems that whatever we come up with is too much detail, the wrong kind of detail, inappropriate (hard to understand for 4/5 year olds) for their age.. As we are so tied into this, we can barely stay neutral (at least thats how I feel).

All we want to come up with is a simple explanation of the job, easy words appropriate for 4/5 year olds. And it seems more difficult than a college paper. We don't want to butter it up aka all soldiers are heros, we just want to give a neutral aspect of the life of a soldier and their families.

Something we came up with is:

Soldiers are trained to protect people from bad guys. Sometimes there is large groups of people that fight against each other in a different country. Soldiers go to these places and help to make peace, put the bad guys to jail and make people get along. They also help when there is a flood and people cant go to the stores to buy food or have no clothes. Soldiers bring food, clothes and necessities to people in poor countries so they are not getting sick.


This sounds kind of stupid to me. I don't know how to make it sound good. Normal. Neutral. And easy to understand.

We are also trying to figure out how to make it visual to the kids. When my husband was deployed to Iraq he took a couple of pictures with the children they gave candy to lol and with dogs. Others than that he only has pictures with guns, I dont know if that is appropriate to show in a K4 class?

Any opinions?

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Focus SOLELY on the humanitarian work...

    Avoid talking about combat or war at at me. Some liberal teacher or parent will even take offense to him being there and will look for every excuse to show how inappropriate it was/is

    Quelle(n): Me, 23 years in the US Army so far with a 1st and 4th grader
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    I served in the Army for 20 years as a husband and father. You don't have an option of declaring yourself ineligible for combat because you have children. After all, you're a soldier, sailor, airman or marine by choice, not conscription. As a military member, combat is alway a possibility. However, how about all the mothers who are serving in combat areas? Don't you think they'd rather be home with their children? Many people serve in the military for reasons other than "it's my job" and they accept the risk inherent in their choice. To a lot of people, it may sound corny, but my respect and admiration for our military is second to none.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    It doesn't matter if it sounds stupid to you; they are little kids, so it doesn't matter.

    Like wine said, focus on the humanitarian effort. He can mention about being deployed, but JUST talk about him giving candy to kids, that type of thing.

    No guns!

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Be honest. They kill the bad guys.

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