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Physics testing tips?
I have a physics test coming up and I really would like an A! I pulled Bs on my first two exams but I want to pull my grade up to an A if I can. I typically do lots of practice problems to prepare for the exams. But because every problem is different, I guess it's been difficult to make the concepts stick...especially for those nasty multistep problems. I want to be able to look at a problem and the given variables and immediately know how to get started. Rather than sitting there for 5 minutes trying to fish through all the formulas and info swimming around in my brain. Maybe it's just that physics isn't my thing? But I'd really appreciate any physics test taking or studying tips that any of you might have! Thank you in advance!
1 Antwort
- vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
read and get the full knowledge about units and dimension which will surely minimize your mistakes in numerical!
i highly recommend you to read university Physics by young and Freedman, it will change your physics learning style making physics more interesting subject to study!