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Isn't it time for people of good will to condemn Mormaphobia?

I am not a Mormon, and I do not accept many of their theological beliefs.

But lately I have seen vicious and unfounded attacks against Mormonism. For instance, people ignorantly suggest that money contributed to them is wasted. In fact, they take care of their own, and truly needy people in financial crisis do not have to run to the government. That is clearly a good thing.

Mormons have never bombed our cities or killed 3,000 innocent Americans. They do not practice "honor killings" of their children who drift from their faith. They do not behead "infidels." Radical muslims do these things, but in some quarters condemning them for this is labeled "islamophobia" by the same people who freely mock and disparage Mormons.

Maybe it's time to have civic groups and mainline churches conduct seminars to promote appreciation of Mormonism. Maybe schools should add to their curricula courses that teach about Mormonism in a very positive way.

Maybe we should coin a new term describing unacceptable thinking: Mormaphobia!


@ Smarter (?)--I can accept people who hold different beliefs than mine. But when they start killing us and wanting to impose their laws on us and wipe our faithful ally Israel off the map, I think a little condemnation and defensive awareness is in order, don't you?

Update 2:

@ John Galt: So you think knocking on your door and politely offering literature is morally equivalent to to bombing, beheading, making women wear burkas? Your moral compass is very askew.

Update 3:

@ Smarter (?): You make you avatar laughable. You refuted nothing in my edit, you just hurled mindless insults with no logical or substantive basis.

As to my being a Republican, yes, I proudly plead "guilty."

4 Antworten

  • team
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    liberals are mormaphobic all of a sudden

  • Liberals condemn only the excesses of religion, like the Spanish Inquisition. Otherwise, it's a personal matter.

    You, OTOH, have damned Mormonism with faint praise.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    I'm all for it. What do you think about condemning Muslimphobia?

    Edit: In all seriousness, do you realize how dumb your response to my answer sounds? I'm thinking you may have added that stupid and hypocritical statement to make a point but you don't seem that bright. You're a Republican, aren't you? Try and convince some one you and your party are not a bunch of bigots and a racists.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    Muslims don't knock on my door dealing cult literature.

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