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Lv 616.862 points

Smarter Then You

Favorisierte Antworten8%

Thank you for viewing the "King Of Yahoo!". Considering the morons here, that's not all that impressive, I know. Not a single person has been able to challenge me. I've destroyed every single helpless idiot that dared dispute me... I am much smarter then you, after all. Too bad they've all run like the cowards they are! I enjoyed slashing them up! If you see me answer a question you can now be assured it's 100% accurate since no one can dispute me. Try and learn something from that.

  • If Barack Hussein Obama has been re-elected,does that mean Jesus will be coming soon?

    A lot of Conservatives (like Chuck Norris) have declared that Obama being elected would mean the end of things.So, here he is (again) back in the White House. Is this it? Is this the end of the world as we know it? Why aren't Tea Baggers and Conservatives happy? Won't they all be going to heaven? Isn't this the way it's supposed to be? Or were they just lying?

    17 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 Jahren
  • If Romney is a great guy for donating nearly $4,000,000 to the Mormon Church...?

    would some one with the same earnings be just a good if they donated the same amount to an Islamic group?

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Turns Out The Guy That Made The Controversial Movie "Innocence of Muslims" Is A Liar...?

    "A federal law enforcement official said Thursday that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was the man behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that sparked protests earlier in the week in Egypt and Libya and now in Yemen." Does that change anything? While that still means he has a right to his freedom of speech, does that change anything as far as you're concerned? Will Rush still defend him? If he was promoting "facts" about the Muslim religion do Conservatives still consider him "courageous"? Is he just a con man scamming the ignorant (that's what con men do) or is he still a hero to the Right? How many of Rush's tea drinkers will question the investigation since Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder is involved?

    8 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Does this make too much sense as a way to improve the economy?

    “A lot of things that were offshored in the past were offshored because of lower-cost labor, but that’s no longer the most important factor,” said Eric Spiegel, president and chief executive of Siemens’s U.S. subsidiary. “The reasons you bring a plant like this to the United States are higher-skilled labor, access to the world’s best research and development, and good, sound infrastructure. All those things together make the U.S. a good place to invest.”

    Isn't that what made America a success in the past? Which candidate seems to understand that best?

    And please, don't bother answering if you didn't at least skim the article.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If Romney wins, what other "mistakes" will he make (read the details)?

    "But today Mitt Romney said Ryan, the man he picked as his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket, and other House GOP leaders made a "big mistake" in agreeing to that deal, which was part of the summer 2011 negotiations over raising the debt ceiling."

    I know Rush wants to discredit Yahoo since he's been slaughtered here, but, why would Mitt pick a guy that he says made a "big mistake"? I'll check other sources but I'm pretty sure they'll confirm the article. So why would Romney choose a guy that made such a major mistake to be his successor? I thought he picked Ryan just to consolidate the Conservative base and now I see that as being confirmed. What do you think? If Ryan made a big mistake, did Romney?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Muslim prayer group at the DNC?

    A lot of people posting here said that President Obama was having a Muslim prayer meeting before the DNC. I saw nothing about that on the Liberal media and I don't watch Fox. Can some some one find me a link to confirm that? I checked Google and Yahoo for links but can't find any since they are clearly biased. Where can I find the real truth?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • With all of Rush Limbaugh's minions asking why Obama used such small venues...?

    just how many people showed up for the Democrat's convention as opposed to the Republican's convention? Anybody got a link showing the numbers? I really want to know. Seriously, who had the most supporters at the conventions?

    3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Anybody here use a Tivo for Netflix?

    I just hooked up my Tivo to watch Netflix but can't figure out how to navigate from one movie to the next. When a movie is over, how do I get to the next one without starting all over?

    1 AntwortTiVO & DVRsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do you (or anybody) think there will be no tax increases in the near future?

    Regardless of who you support or which party you blame, by what logic do you think taxes won't eventually have to increase? The National debt is at $16,000,000,000,000 and will hit $20,000,000,000,000 in the very near future regardless of who becomes President. Of course, reducing spending is important, but realistically, do you think that's going to happen? Even under Clinton the Debt grew, but at a much slower rate. The reality is eventually taxes will have to increase.Is it better to have a small increase now or wait for the hammer to fall with one big increase?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • I have to ask: Today Rush Limbaugh said Obama has killed more people then all the natural disasters combined..?

    What do you think about that? Especially if you're a Conservative. And yes, that is what he said. Check it yourself. How is that not uglier and more despicable then anything said about Romney?

    13 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Since Conservatives can NEVER accept the facts, what good are they?

    Every time one of Rush's minions post a question that I crush with just a little research they run and hide.(Yes, I have samples galore). I know I can't change their little simple minds, but do you think it may have some impact when I show them how they are being manipulated? Do you think they may actually look at the facts and realize they are constantly being lied to? Here are two very recent examples:;_ylt=AviuQ... and;_ylt=AviuQ...

    In addition, I have completely crushed anyone crowing about Romney's fund raising when the indisputable facts are listed on the government's official website ( Nobody even tries to use that as an issue any more. (BTW: Obama has raised over $348,000,000 while Romney has raised $193,000,000). I'm not a big fan of Obama (he missed the boat on a lot of issues) but he is better then the alternative. I know Obama engages in the same tactics as Romney but I just can't accept that Republicans can make things better. And yes, I'm one of the guys that blame Bush for our current problems. It's clear to me that the policies of the previous administration have an effect on the present economy. Why would anyone doubt that? So the question is, can Conservatives ever be persuaded to change their minds when presented with the truth?

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • I need a real explanation.................?

    I just read an article on Yahoo (link below) that if the Bush tax cuts expire residents of each state would be paying different rates. I don't get it. I thought they were federal taxes. How is it that each state would end up paying at a different rate? It simply makes no sense to me. I think I see an enormous lie being perpetrated here but, maybe I'm wrong. Why would residents of one state end up paying more then residents of another state? If they mean based on each states average income then the author is lying. But maybe I missed something? Can some maybe enlighten me?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Now that the CBO and a multitude of other sources have come out and proved Paul Ruin's statement that...?

    Obama cut $716,000,000,000 from Medicare is a lie, will they apologize or is this just another "death panels" attempt at repeating the same lie over and over so people will actually believe it?

    4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Was it worth invading Iraq?

    Now that the war in Iraq is winding down, in retrospect, was it worth the lives of 2088 Americans and the wounding of thousands more?

    There were no WMDs found.

    The country is now destabilized.

    There is complete unrest across the middle east.

    Almost a trillion dollars was spent.

    The price of oil has only gone up.

    How was our freedom defended?

    Did we stop terrorism or have we aggravated the situation?

    Are we more or less respected in the world?

    Are there any tangible benefits from the war?

    Was it better that 2088 Americans died over there rather then "fighting them here"?

    I'm glad we eliminated an evil dictator that was abusing his people, but that's not why we invaded them. Otherwise, we'd be involved in any number of wars at this time.

    I ask mainly because of all the current talk about about invading Iran. Will that be worth it?

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Just asking: Fox News poll has Obama leading Romney 49-40. What do you make of that?

    Seriously, I'm just asking since Rush likes to quote polls everyday and spins them to support his views. Now, even Fox shows the President further ahead then last month. Some would say that looks like a trend. What do you say?

    (And the "The election is 3 months away" response has already been used by Rush)

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why are the wealthy "job creators" when we talk about tax increases....?

    but with the current tax cuts in place they aren't creating any jobs? I'm just trying to understand the "logic" being used by Conservatives. Bush lowered taxes, unemployment went from 4.2% to 7.8% during his term and edged up to over 9%, all with a major tax reduction. After 8 years of reduced taxes the job creators created nothing. But even with the tax breaks unemployment rises. So, just explain how the cuts helped. And, how come Conservatives now blame the President when the job creators have all the tools they need to create jobs but haven't? Why aren't they responsible for that?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Conservatives: I'm looking for a quote from an American Olympian...?

    where they say they accomplished their goal on their own, with no support from any one else. thank you in advance.

    3 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Over the last 3 1/2 years, what have Republicans done to improve the economy?

    They know what won't work, but what have they actually done to improve things? After all, shouldn't Mittens be running on the record of the party he represents?

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What reasons has Rush been giving to defend Mittens from showing his tax returns?

    I haven't listened to him lately (I can only take so much) but what flimsy reasoning is he using to keep the general public from learning as much as possible about a potential president?

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren