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Don M
Why do liberals tell so many lies about supply side economics?
They say they cause deficits when, in fact, they increase revenue to the government.
They say President Bush's tax cuts were "just for the rich" when, in fact, they were across the board and cut middle income taxes at a greater percentage than the wealthy got.
They say they cause recessions when, in fact, they get us out of recessions.
6 AntwortenEconomicsvor 7 JahrenAre liberals so desperate that they have to attribute opposition to Obama's policies to racism?
Do they really think that if Obama were white, conservatives would have no problem with his performance?
7 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenDo liberals celebrate diversity of opinion when the opinion differs from theirs?
This incisive question was just asked by someone else--and promptly deleted. I wonder why?
3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenHave you noticed that the hysterical, non-fact based attacks on Fox News have increased?
Fox has had the best coverage of the Obama scandals, which the mainstream media originally tried to ignore. But now the significance of these scandals is beginning to penetrate even the minds of low information voters, so the attacks on Fox increase. But no specific allegations of mis-reporting are offered, just blanket charges of "Fox lies!" and other empty charges which show real desperation.
The truth threatens the left-wing, doesn't it.
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenHave you noticed that the hysterical, non-fact based attacks on Fox News have increased?
Fox has had the best coverage of the Obama scandals, which the mainstream media originally tried to ignore. But now the significance of these scandals is beginning to penetrate even the minds of low information voters, so the attacks on Fox News increase. But no specific allegations of mis-reporting are offered, just blanket charges of "Fox lies!", which show real desperation.
The truth threatens the left-wing, doesn't it.
2 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenWhy is Obama so irrationally obsessed with raising taxes?
6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 JahrenWhat do you think about the electrical union thugs in New York...?
Good hearted professional electric workers from Alabama drove all the way to New York to help restore power after the disaster, and they were run off by union workers, calling them "scabs" and other obscene names just because they are if there was not enough work for everyone.
6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenIs this how the mainstream media is trying to railroad the reelection of Obama?
The latest conventional wisdom in the mainstream media is that Obama is running away from Governor Romney in all the (skewed) polls, and that the first debate is Romney's last chance. That's the setup.
So, no matter how well Governor Romney does Wednesday night, or how poorly Obama does, the media will jubilantly declare Obama the winner, and pronounce the election over.
They hope that will discourage Romney contributors and supporters, and be a self-fulling prophesy. Are you going to fall for it?
3 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 9 JahrenLiberals: Why don't you get on with your crusade for tolerance and condemn Mormophobia?
I am not a Mormon, and I do not accept many of their theological beliefs.
But lately I have seen vicious and unfounded attacks against Mormonism. For instance, people ignorantly suggest that money contributed to them is wasted. In reality, they take care of their own, and truly needy people in financial crisis do not have to run to the government. That is clearly a good thing.
Mormons have never bombed our cities, murdered our soldiers, or killed 3,000 innocent Americans. They do not practice "honor killings" of their children who stray from their faith. They do not behead "infidels." Radical muslims do these things, but in some quarters condemning them is labeled "islamophobia" by the same people who freely mock and disparage Mormons.
Maybe it's time to have mainline churches and civic groups hold seminars to promote an understanding and appreciation of Mormons. Perhaps schools should add to their curricula courses that teach about Mormonism in a very positive way.
Maybe we should coin a new term describing unacceptable thinking: Mormophobia.
6 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenIsn't it time for people of good will to condemn Mormaphobia?
I am not a Mormon, and I do not accept many of their theological beliefs.
But lately I have seen vicious and unfounded attacks against Mormonism. For instance, people ignorantly suggest that money contributed to them is wasted. In fact, they take care of their own, and truly needy people in financial crisis do not have to run to the government. That is clearly a good thing.
Mormons have never bombed our cities or killed 3,000 innocent Americans. They do not practice "honor killings" of their children who drift from their faith. They do not behead "infidels." Radical muslims do these things, but in some quarters condemning them for this is labeled "islamophobia" by the same people who freely mock and disparage Mormons.
Maybe it's time to have civic groups and mainline churches conduct seminars to promote appreciation of Mormonism. Maybe schools should add to their curricula courses that teach about Mormonism in a very positive way.
Maybe we should coin a new term describing unacceptable thinking: Mormaphobia!
4 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenConservatives: Considering the stakes in this election, can you give me a rational reason for voting 3rd party?
I said "rational" to rule out the notion that there is no difference between Gov. Romney and Obama.
4 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenCan anyone give me a rational reason why this question was deleted?
Liberals constantly ask "why do Republicans hate women?" or "why do conservatives want to kill old people", or "why do right-wingers hate...(fill in the blank)"
I asked "why do left-wingers hate successful people?", and it was immediately deleted. What gives?
7 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenNow be honest--do you really consider Obama "likeable"?
4 AntwortenSociologyvor 9 JahrenWhat are we becoming as a nation? Record numbers are on food stamps and other forms of welfare...?
and no longer is there incentive to get off welfare. Most of those receiving payments from the earnings of others have no feelings of gratitude, or shame...only a sense of "entitlement."
4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenDo conservatives who say they are voting for a third party realize how foolish they are?
I know. They say they are sticking to their principles. Don't they realize that their "principles" may result in Obama's reelection? Gov. Romney is the only alternative, and anyone who thinks he would be no different from Obama is living in a fantasy world.
7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenDoes Obama look totally foolish when he warns against the economic "mistakes of the past"?
He means things like tax cuts, easing oppressive regulations, and smaller government. These policies have proved to work. What Obama is doing--and continues to advocate--is not only not working, his policies are making things worse.
I guess he thinks we have no memory, and are really stupid.
3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenMy fellow conservatives: Will you join me in wholeheartedly supporting Governor Romney?
Governor Romney is now the official nominee of the GOP. He was not my first choice in the primaries, but it is distressing to hear some conservatives talk about writing in Ron Paul, or voting for a third party. Don't they realize that "sticking to their principles" will only make the reelection of Obama more likely?
Politics is Realville!
6 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenThe North Korean communists' rocket launch FAILED, and fell into the sea. Are you as delighted as I am?
They won't threatening their neighbors, or selling technology to Iran for a while.
3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren