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Do you think there are other Species in the universe?

8 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I know it!

    Quelle(n): The collective.
  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    I'd say yes. My reasoning is as follows:

    * There is life on Earth, which indicates that, under the right conditions, it is possible for life to exist on some planets orbiting suitable stars.

    * There exists a very large number of other star systems in the universe (trillions, in fact).

    * Given that we know it can occur under the right conditions, and there are plenty of of available opportunities, it is likely that at least some other solar systems posses life of some sort.

    I'd say that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that other life probably exists somewhere in the universe. However, at the same time, it is also likely that only a small minority of star systems have it, so there may not be any near enough to Earth for the possibility of communication.

  • Liz
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    My neighbor has a cat... for instance :)

    No, I know what you mean, and I think the answer is yes.

    I think there may even be other life in our very own solar system. Enceladus, and Europa, moons of Saturn and Jupiter respectively, have each shown signs of having liquid water under their surface. Where there is liquid water, there is life. It takes a bit more than just liquid water, but all the other stuff you need is every-danged-where out there.

    I imagine there is alien bacteria (or something equivalent) somewhere around nearly every star with planets, and there are stars with planets numbering in the holycrapillions.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    They would not just be other species, they would be completely unrelated in every way to earth life. All species of earth life share at least partial similarities in their DNA, even between humans and trees for example. That's because if you go back far enough, we all share a common ancestor. Not so with extraterrestrial life, if it even has DNA.

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Considering there are hundreds of thousands of species on Earth, OF COURSE!!!!!!

    "in the universe" does NOT mean outside Earth.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Yes, of course.

    There must be exactly similar Earth-like conditions somewhere in the universe. Universe is extremely vast. Only ire milky way galaxy may contain about 400 billion stars. 70% of them may support planetary systems orbiting around them. Even we considered just 1% of such planets are orbiting around their host stars in habitable zone, still there are millions of planets orbiting in habitable zone which may support life.

    We were just talking about milky way galaxy. Observable universe is about 93 billion light years across, within which there are about 600 billion average sized galaxies like milky way galaxy. And, observable universe can be considered as a tiniest quark part of actual universe.

    Thus there are very very good chances of existence of life outside of our little Earth.

    Quelle(n): Cosmic Study & Readings
  • vor 9 Jahren


  • vor 9 Jahren


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