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Lv 5
Becky fragte in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

When is a US Army Soldier exempt from taking an APFT and Physical Training?

Looking for the regulation or note in the FM. Is a Soldier exempt from taking an APFT and going to physical training 6 months before they ETS? I've always heard that a Soldier isn't allowed to take an APFT after they have their ETS physical. Any help or guidance would be great.


6 Antworten

  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    when pregnant or on medical profile. also when acclimating to a non typical climate.. like you have something like 6 months to acclimate to a higher altitude or severe weather like AK or even the extreme humidity of HI, or the extreme desert dryness of AR or NM.

    being close to ETS has no bearing.

  • AJ
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The only reason why someone would be exempt from a PT test is if they are on a profile so bad that there is no alternative PT test. Some reasons are pregnant, Broken bones. And those are just temporary. So the answer to your qestions is No. a soldier is not exempt from PT test 6 months prior to ETS nor after an ETS physical.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    you are exempt from participating in regular unit Army Physical Training and APFT testing for the duration of your pregnancy and 180 days past the termination of your pregnancy. as you get further along in your pregnancy , your profile can change to include more breaks and resting, shorter work days, and requirements that you are not working in an unsafe environment like in the motor pool and such. check out the online regulation. it will tell you everything. when you are active military, they have a special pt program just for pregnant soldiers, so the soldier is getting the exercise beneficial to her and the baby. i know first hand, i was active military for 5 1/2 years and i had 3 children during that time period. AR 40-501 Standards of Medical Fitness

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A soldier can be exempt from the apft or will be given the option of participating in a different event such as the bike or swimming, if the soldier has a profile, permanent or temporary, that excuses it from running, etc.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    AR 350-1 governs the Army APFT.

    Search there

    FM 21-20 was replaced by TC 3-22.20 check there but it sounds like a bunch of barracks lawyer bs

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yea if you have a deadman's prophile.

    But look soldier you are suppose to be physically fit until the day you get out, so your unit can perform a PT test on you anytime just to be jerks and make you come to any formation even when you are clearing just to be jerks.

    Once you do your terminal leave and sign out, you don;t have to do ****.

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