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What does one US Solider cost?

Lets say you take Jeff from next door.

He joins the Army, has the basic training, one complete equipment and a transport to Iraq.

What do you think would that cost?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Well i will tell you that the cost to send any recruit to basic training is in the price range of 25k - 35k. Then you it depends on what there AIT school requirements. Some schools are 6wks and some school are 6months to a year long, so the price range will vary. Now to ship a Soldier to Combat cost vary as well. Anywhere from 1500 - 5k. Thats not including the flight back. Been there done that many times..

    Quelle(n): Retired 21yrs (Marines & Army)
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It depends on what MOS your talking about, Infantry training is 14 wks, EOD training is 50 wks, so the length of time you are in training would determine how much it would cost.

    For Infantry I was told that it costs about 75k to train each soldier, and they are carrying about 150k-200k worth of equipment.

    Then you have to factor in food and transport.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Alive or dead?

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